modern herbal medicine pdf

modern herbal medicine pdf
modern herbal medicine pdf

the medicinal ingredients needed to make this medicine used to be available easily in the past, but must be difficult now. how are you managing this crisis? now a days, the non availability of medicinal herbs is the biggest challenge i am facingnow. because of this, we have been developing our own medicinal herb garden in the same wayas in the forest. we are not able to grow theseherbs

like in a farm because its been told thatonly natuarally occuring plants and herbs (successful by natural selection and evolution) have the potency. so we have tried and create sucha forest environment for letting these herbsgrow. you mentioned that you got this knowledgeof this medicine from your mother. is she still practising and helping patients? yes, definitely. my mother has been treatingpatients

for the last 40 years. my mother and myselftogether treat the patients these days. either of us willbe available in the clinic at any point in time to treatpatients. there is never an instance of either of us not beingavailable for seeing the patients. lots of couples might have come here and hadchildren after the treatment. they might all consider yourmother as their mother. so that way, how many children does your motherhave? (meaning how many successful results have you seen?)

several thousands i would say. during events,several hundred people call us and tell us about their goodnews. even though we might not have all the exact details, wevalue their words. they always have good things to say aboutus. its not about couples who dont have kids for two years,but about people who for 10, 15 years have tried and failedall other treatments and then come here and found success multipletimes. i have seen many such cases. their prayersare always with us and is one of the reasons why our resultsare so good. even

doctors say good things about it from thebottom of their heart even if they dont say so in a public forumbecause it might hurt their business. but from their interationswith us, and their opinion of us, its clear to us that they accept ourtreatment, its efficacy and its success. while it costslakhs of rupees for other forms of infertility treatement, our4 month course medicine for both husband and wife costs only rs 5500.after 4 months, if its still uncessful, then per month, their expenseis just rs. 500. i dont think there is any medicine anywhereelse in this world that is

so cost effective and successful in the treatmentof infertility. for us, the main aim is to sustain and transferthis knowledge of this medicine to as many generations as possible.we do not think about excessive monetary benefit from this. thisis a great gift that i have recieved from my fore fathers being born inthe 9th generation and being able to continue this tradition. i dontsee anything else beyond that. i would like to continue to take thissystem into the future in this way. has this form of hereditary treatment beenrecognised by the government?

even though the government has not recognisedthis treatment, people have recognised this form of treatment call hereditarytreatment (where the knowledge is transferred from one generationto another generation by word of mouth, traning and practise). in thisform, usually the treatment is towards only one form of illness. ex. ourfamily treats only infertility problems, and we dont mind sayin we dont treatother problems. from the governments side, there is been nosupport what so ever to encourage and support this form of treatment.even though these paramparya doctors have helped support ayurveda all theseyears, the support from the

government is very poor. my only request tothe goverment is that while there are 25 ayurveda colleges in kerala, atleast2% or 3% of those should be allocated to to the study of paramparya (hereditary) treatmentand its methods. have you started passing on this knowledgeto your children? yes, certainly. both my sons (8 years and5 years) accompany me on my trips into the forest in search of medicinalherbs. they have begun asking me why arent you takingthis herb or that because they know that both are they grow, they will know the name of the herbe,

they will learn how to clean and process theseherbs, how to prepare medicine etc.., so by the ageof 15, they will be well versed with the treatment. but we'll induct theminto the treatment completely once they get married because thisis a treatment for infertility. in order to avail your service, how and whenshould infertile couples reach you? can you providemore details? i dont say we are open 24 hours because weneed to sleep as well but for people who come from far off places,we are open till 10 pm

in the night and give them medicines. ourpatients come from different places, other states and countries. so itsnot possible to schedule a time and ask them to come. what we do promise isthat even if they come at any time there will be someone (either me or my mother)to provide the medicine and and consult regarding the treatment. earlier you were called nishikanth padoor,but now you are being called vaidyarathna nishikanth padoor. what is this'vaidyarathna' award? can you detail it for us? i was recently awarded the 'vaidyarathna'award. i recieved the award from

union law minister mr. salman kurshid. itwas giving at a big function held at padmanabapura's gandhi bhavan. i have gotother awards like the gandhi peace foundation's ganchi award, chitrathirunalaward, mother teresa award, nattuvaidya rathna awardand most recently from the excise minister k babu, recievedthe nava kerala award. beyond all this, even though these awardsare encouraging, its the success stories of couples who come to use for treatment. in all these years of treatment, can you tellme any specific instances about any thing that you cannot forget?

i can recall a mustafa & khadeeja couple.both brother in the family did not have any children. one for 15 years and the otherfor 12 years. doctors who treated them mentioned that its a hereditary disease.both were suffering from azoospermia and their count was zero. but mustafa triedour medicine and within 4 months khadeeja became pregnant. they the youngerbrother also tried and found success. during one of their visits from the gulf,both the families came here and spent considerable time with us. in our current fast paced life, is it possibleto follow the dietary and lifestyle restrictions?

the dietary and lifestyle restrictions areduring the time of taking medicine. for the woman, its during the 14 days in thebeginning and then during 4 days (during mensus) and one extraday. the rest of the time, normal food can be had. what about travel restrictions for men? for men, there is no issues with travel. butavoiding non veg is a must. the couples of come to us are people who are willingto make that kind of sacrifices. what about your family? me, my father and mother, my wife, two sons.wife is a ayurcedic student.

elder son is agnivesh and second son is mother is complete incharge of medicine creation all the time. dad hasstayed away from ayurveda and is active in politics. amongst our viewers, there are people whoare suffering from infertility. they might be in different stages of theirtreatment. what is your message for them? for people who are suffering from infertility,my advice to them is to make them understand that icsi and ivf is not theultimate solution. the allopathy message is that beyond icsi and ivf thereis no treatment available for

infertility which is not true. even if youare suffering from azoospermia, there is treatment for this condition in paramparya(hereditary) treatment in kerala. you should consult such centersto find a solution. you should not lose heart and delay it. as an experimentalbases you should try this form of treatment. all married couples would like to have childrenand become parents. i would like to thank nishikanth padoor for spendingtime with us and hoping that god he will be able help him wipe more tears fromchildless couples faces. i would like to thank darshana tv and itsstaff and the people watching this

program for their support.

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