medicine herbs for lung cancer

medicine herbs for lung cancer
medicine herbs for lung cancer

scientists have approved this tropical fruit is more powerful than any medicine against cancer natural medicine has a new discovery that becomes growingly popular due to its cancer-fighting properties which have been found to be extremely beneficial in the case of breast prostate colon and lung cancer this fruit has powerful anti-cancer

properties and according to scientists it selectively destroys cancer cells nor over it has been reported to be 10,000 times more powerful than any type of chemotherapy drug in action is performed on a few levels while it kills cancer cells but does not cause any side effects it also prevents other deadly infections

and strengthens the immune system at the same time as it has been found in some tests conducted by us pharmaceuticals this beneficial fruit can inhibit 12 cancer types such as pancreas prostate breast colon and lung cancer meanwhile it destroys affected cells only and does not harm the healthy cells the soursop fruit provides numerous

heath benefits such as the consumption of the soursop juice or the fresh fruits will significantly improve your digestion make a concoction of the leaves and apply them to the scalp in order to kill license strengthen the hair roots in order to alleviate eczema mash it leaves in order to prepare healing poultice the

consumption of the soursop juice will also treat all your problems with the liver the soursop seeds have a powerful magnetic activity so they are effective in the treatment of vomiting and nausea the crushed fresh leaves of soursop are excellent in the treatment of one's in cuts sour stockman cancer cyrus often is amazingly powerful cancer-fighting

properties according to numerous studies it successfully decelerates the development of cancer cells even more effectively than chemotherapy drugs however new research is needed in order to completely specify its properties and components which help in the fight against this deadly disease a healthy lifestyle in order to keep your body in

the best state and avoid any potential threats but treat the existing ones at the same time you need to lead a healthy lifestyle this includes the avoidance of junk food alcohol caffeine and the consumption of raw organic fruits and vegetables you will benefit a lot from the consumption of fresh fruits like grab allah or the

brazilian top cop berries apples as well as nuts and green vegetables furthermore the regular exercise will provide fantastic effects for your body and it will keep it healthy fit and strong you should also consider regularly consuming this miraculous fruit either as a tea from its leaves or in some

other way soursop is a fruit native to central and south america and is now cultivated in peru venezuela mexico colombia and the caribbean as well you are watching against cancer my life please keep watching until the end of this video for more health care tips like and share this video to friends and

family to help people live healthy and prevent diseases and subscribe our channel for more daily videos share with us your knowledge and what you think about this video thank you for watching how to lose weight without exercise or dieting fast my life please like subscribe and share this video to friends and family

thank you sticking to a conventional diet and exercise plan can be difficult however there are several proven tips that can help you mindlessly eat fewer calories these are effective ways to reduce your weight as well as to prevent weight gain in the future here are 11 ways to lose weight without diet or exercise all of

them are based on science once you thoroughly and slow down your brain needs time to process that you had enough to eat chewing your food better makes you eat more slowly which is associated with decreased food intake increased fullness and smaller portions how quickly you finish your meals may also affect your

weight a recent review of 23 observational studies reported that faster eaters are more likely to gain weight compared to slower eaters fast eaters are also much more likely to be obese to get into the habit of eating more slowly it may help to count how many times you to each bite bottom line eating your

food slowly can help you feel more full with fewer calories it is an easy way to lose weight and prevent weight gain to use smaller plates for unhealthy foods the typical food plate is larger today than it was a few decades ago this is unfortunate since using a smaller plate may help you eat less by making portions look larger at the same time a bigger

plate can make a serving look smaller causing you to add more food you can use this to your advantage by serving healthy food on bigger plates and less healthy food on smaller plates bottom line smaller plates can trick your brain into thinking you're eating more than you actually are therefore it's smart to consume unhealthy foods from smaller

plates causing util s3 plenty of protein protein has powerful effects on appetite it can increase the feeling of fullness reduce hunger and help you eat fewer this may be because protein affect several hormones that play a role in hunger and fullness including grillin and glp-1 one study found that increasing protein intake from fifteen

percent to thirty percent of calories help participants eat 441 fewer calories per day and lose 11 pounds in 12 weeks without intentionally restricting anything if you currently eat a grain-based breakfast then you may want to consider switching to a protein-rich option such as eggs in one study overweight or obese women who had eggs

for breakfast ate fewer calories at lunch compared to those who ate a grain-based breakfast what's more they ended up eating fewer calories for the rest of the day and during the next 36 hours some examples of protein rich foods include chicken breasts fish greek yogurt lentils quinoa and almonds bottom line adding protein

to your diet has been shown to cause automatic weight loss without exercise or conscious calorie restriction forced or unhealthy foods out of sight storing unhealthy foods where you can see the man increased hunger and cravings causing you to eat more this is also linked to wait game one recent study found that if high-calorie

foods are more visible in the house the residents are more likely to way more compared to people who keep only a bowl of fruit visible store unhealthy foods out of sight such as in closets or cupboards so that they are less likely to catch your eye when you're hungry on the other hand keep healthy foods visible on your countertops and place

them front and center in your fridge bottom line if you keep on healthy foods on your counter you are more likely to have an unplanned snack this is also linked to increased weight and obesity it's better to keep healthy foods like fruits visible five eat fiber rich foods eating fiber rich foods may increase

satiety helping you feel fuller for longer studies also indicate that a special kind of fiber called viscous fiber is particularly helpful for weight loss it increases fullness and reduces food intake disqus fiber forms a jail when it comes in contact with water this gel increases the time it takes to absorb nutrients and slows down the

emptying of the stomach disqus fiber is only found in plant foods examples include beans own cereals brussels sprouts asparagus oranges and flax seeds a weight-loss supplement called glow command is also very high-end viscous fiber bottom line viscous fiber is particularly helpful in

reducing appetite and food intake this fiber forms gel that slows down six drink water regularly drinking water can help you eat less and lose weight especially if you drink it before a meal one study in adults found that drinking half a liter 17 ounces of water about half an hour before meals reduced hunger and help them eat fewer calories

participants who drank water before me lost forty four percent more weight over a 12-week period compared to those who did not if you replace calorie loaded drinks such as soda or juice with water you may experience an even greater effect bottom line drinking water before meals may help you eat fewer calories replacing a sugary drink with water is

particularly beneficial seven serve yourself smaller portions portion sizes have increased during the last few decades especially at restaurants larger portions encourage people to eat more and have been linked to an increase in weight gain and obesity one study in adults found that doubling the size of a dinner starter increased calorie intake

by thirty percent serving yourself just a little less might help you eat significantly less food and you probably won't even notice the difference bottom line larger portion sizes have been linked to the obesity epidemic and may encourage both children and adults to eat more food 18 without electronic distractions paying attention to what

you eat may help you eat fewer calories people who eat while they're watching tv or playing computer games may lose track of how much they have eaten and this in turn can cause overheating 1 review article looked at the results of 24 studies finding that people who were distracted and amelia about ten percent more in that sitting

however not paying attention during the meal actually has an even greater influence on your intake later in the day people who were distracted at amelie twenty-five percent more calories that later meals than people who were not distracted if you regularly consume meals watching tv or using your computer or smartphone these extra calories can

add up and have a massive impact on your weight in the long-term bottom line people who eat while distracted are more likely to every paying attention to your meals may help you eat less and lose weight nine sleep well and avoid stress when it comes to health sleep and stress are often neglected but in fact both can have powerful effects on your appetite

and weight a lack of sleep may disrupt the appetite regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin another hormone called cortisol becomes elevated when you're stressed having these hormones disrupted can increase your hunger and cravings for unhealthy food leading to higher calorie intake what's more chronic sleep deprivation

and stress may increase your risk of several diseases including type 2 diabetes and obesity bottom line for sleep and excess stress may disrupt the levels of several important appetite regulating hormones causing you to eat more and eliminate sugary drinks added sugar may very well be the single worst ingredient in the diet today sugary

beverages like soda have been associated with an increased risk of many western diseases it's very easy to take in massive amounts of excess calories from sugary drinks because liquid calories don't affect fullness like solid food does staying away from these beverages entirely can provide enormous long-term

health benefits however note that you should not replace soda with fruit juice as it can be just as high in sugar healthy beverages to drink instead include water coffee and green tea bottom line sugary drinks have been linked to an increased risk of weight gain and many diseases the brain doesn't register liquid

calories like solid foods making you eat more 11 serve unhealthy food on red plates one weird trick is to use red plates to help you eat less at least this seems to work with unhealthy snack one study reported that volunteers ate fewer pretzels from red plates compared to white or blue plates the explanation maybe that we associate the color red

with stop signals and other man-made warnings bottom line red plates may help you eat less unhealthy snack foods this may be because the color red triggers a stop reaction there are many simple lifestyle habits that can help you lose weight some of which have nothing to do with conventional diet or exercise plans you

can use smaller plates eat more slowly drink water and avoid eating in front of the tv or computer prioritizing foods rich in protein and viscous fiber may also help however i wouldn't try all these things at once start to experiment with one tip for a while and if that works well and is sustainable for you then try another one a few simple

changes can have a massive impact over the long term you are watching how to lose weight without exercise or dieting fast my life please like and share this video to friends and family to help people live healthy and prevent diseases and subscribe our channel for more daily videos share with us your knowledge in

what you think about this video thank you for watching

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