nanotechnology in herbal medicine pdf

nanotechnology in herbal medicine pdf
nanotechnology in herbal medicine pdf

[rome conference promotional video] the keshe foundationis proud to announce the 2nd universal counciland 2nd science conferences which will be held in romemarch 27th-31st, 2017. if you are interested in attendingboth or either conferences please go and click on new webshopat the top of the home page. you can attend the conferencesas an audience member or participate asa science conference presenter.

presenters will be allocated one hour to present products and innovationsin keshe plasma technology in any of the following categories space technology, health, materials,energy, agriculture, transportation, the environment, gans and nanotechand any other area that applies. foundation distributors and manufacturerswill be attending the conference affording you the opportunityto build relationships to promote and market your products. the full package price for bothconferences is 1,650 euros per person

which includes:daily attendance to the conferences six-night stay in rome as well as breakfast, teaand lunch on the days of the event. accommodations for this packageis based on double occupancy. check-in on the 26th of march,check-out on the 1st of april. the full package price for two personsfor both conferences is 3,300 euros, which includes daily attendancefor two persons, six-night stay in rome as well as breakfast, tea and lunchon the days of the conferences. accommodations for this packageinclude a twin room with a king-size bed.

you can stay additional nights if you wish at a cost of a 175 eurosper night, per person. a single ticket for those who wish to onlyattend the universal council conference which takes placeon the 27th and 28th is 750 euros, which includes the price of admissionplus two night stay in rome, in a two single-bed room, as well as breakfast, tea and lunchon the days of the event. accommodations is basedon double occupancy. check-in on the 26th of march,check-out on the 29th.

a two-person ticket for those who wish to only attendthe universal council conference is 1,500 euros, which includes,the price of admission, plus two nights stay in rome ina hotel room with a king-size bed, check-in on the 26th of march.check-out on the 29th. a single ticket for those who wish to onlyattend the universal science conference which takes place on march 29th,through march 31st, is 1,150 euros, which includesthe price of admission, plus 4 night stay in rome,in a two single-bed room,

accommodations is basedon double occupancy check-in on the 28th march,check-out on the 1st of april. a two person ticket,for those who wish to only attend the universal science conferenceis 2,300 euros, which includes;the price of admission, plus four nights stay in rome,in a hotel room with a king-size bed, as well as breakfast,tea and lunch on the days of the event. accommodations are basedon double occupancy. check-in on the 28th of march,check-out on the 1st of april.

if you would like to attend, and prefer to make your ownarrangements for accommodations, the price of admission to eitherconference is 200 euros per day. we look forward to meeting you at the 2nduniversal science and council conferences in rome, march 27th,through 31st, 2017. (keshe foundation's privateweekly medical teaching workshop) the keshe foundationis extending an invitation to medical doctors ofany practice and speciality, to apply to the foundation's privateweekly medical teaching workshop,

this includes medical doctors,dentists, and veterinarians. scientists at the keshe foundation developed different typesof plasma therapies, and cures, that utilize advancednon-invasive plasma technology. the weekly privatemedical teaching workshop educates doctors to theplasma science behind the therapies, along with the functionality and operationof revolutionary plasma medical devices. the goal of the private teachingsis to add plasma health knowledge to the profound knowledgeof medical doctors.

the weekly class is broadcast liveover the internet through a secure private channel, every wednesday from 2 to 5 pmcentral european time (cet). presently the classis only offered in english, however you are free to bringa translator to the class. if you can't participatein a live broadcast you can watch them laterat your convenience through a private internet portal. every patient's casethat is discussed in the workshop

will be kept anonymous and private. this includes cataloguedfindings and data, gained from the analysisof the patient's health issues. any medical doctor in the worldwho wants to participate can do so, by sending an email to : in your email, please state yourwillingness to participate in the medical teaching workshop.

if you're planning on bringinga translator to the workshop, please state this in your email as well. after we receive your email, we will contact you with the instructionson how to apply to the workshop. as a part of the application process, applicants who apply, including any translatorsbrought into the workshop, will be required to sign the :keshe foundation's world peace treaty, which can be foundat the following web address: all applicants will be required toprovide proof of their education, and ability to practice medicine, and will also be required to passan extensive security background check, before they are granted accessto the teaching workshop. helpful plasma technology is here now. the use of which is increasingexponentially on a day to day basis, on every continent. we encourage you to come and learnabout this revolutionary technology.

apply today! [private weekly agriculture teaching] the keshe foundation is extending aninvitation to experienced farmers, agricultural specialists, and researchers, to apply to the foundation's privateweekly agriculture teaching workshops. if you fall into one of these categories, and are interested in plasma technologyintegration into agriculture,

you're invited to apply. scientists and agricultural practitionersof the keshe foundation, continually develop and applynew methods of food and fiber production, soil fertility management, plant and livestock health management, and increased farm productivity,using the most advanced plasma technology that is taught at the keshefoundation spaceship institute. in the teaching workshop, you'll leatrn the scienceof plasma technology

and it's applications inthe fields of agriculture, for enhanced andequitable global food production, while minimizing costsand external input. practicing farmers andkeshe foundation scientists will demonstrate their applicationof plasma technology in agriculture, and the ensuing resultsof such applications, thus deepening and enriching learning for all participants inthe private teachings. participants are encouraged to demonstrate

their farming practicesin the teaching workshop. the private teachings are broadcastin english live over the internet through a secure private channel every wednesday at 10 am to 1 pmcentral european time (cet). if necessary, you may bringa translator to the workshop. all applicants are requiredto provide proof of their educational and professional qualifications, must pass a security background check and are required to sign thekeshe foundation's world peace treaty,

which can be foundat the following web address: ( translators that attendmust also pass a security check and sign the world peace treaty. for details on how to jointhe private teachings in agriculture, send an email to: stating that you wouldlike to participate. include in the email your educationaland agricultural experience, and reasons for your interestin plasma technology.

applicants will be contactedwith further instructions and details on the application process. [music new intro video "flint"][technical issue] [technical issue] [start new video intro flint] rick crammond (rc): well that'sour snazzy new introductory video. and... thank you very muchto flint for that. this is the 156th knowledge seekers workshop of the keshe foundationspaceship institute

for thursday, january 26, 2017 and once again we're gathered here to hear mr keshe andhis latest information and news. and teachings from the plasma worldand today is kind of a special workshop in that it is three years, i think pretty much exactly, since we started the knowledge seekers workshop ... series and it would be 52 x 3would end up into 156. so, in a way it's a third aniversary,i guess you might say. is that true mr keshe?are you there?

(mk) yes good morning good day to you as usual, wherever and wheneveryou listen to these teachings. that's exactly right this is the, is thethird year anniversary of the teachings non-stop, up to nowwe haven't missed a single week. and ... it's interesting how we gathered knowledge and on the way we gather knowledge. and, i was thinking, today we go overa lot of things we done, we achieved, over three yearsand what is being achieved after three years of hard work.

it is good to celebrate the gaining of the knowledge and the process of it, but in the time in this process we, we have learned a lot abouthuman behavior and the others. in the last teaching, last week we explained a lot aboutthe 'facts about dirk' and... it was done deliberately to bring out, out of the woodwork the criminalities whichis going around him and the way, things are done.

if you go on the "facts about dirk", this morning, you will see a lot of new revelation,been released this morning. and one of them is that, the gentlemanwho has admitted directly hacking the ... the website of mister, what is called, 'facts about dirk' by putting a logo, that this thinghas viruses and everything else to frighten peoples, this is whathe has done all the time, and we were lookingto make a connection between him and dirk, that they are collaborating. in an other part of this new revelation

we see that they clearly statethey are calling the police, they are calling... states,governments, everywhere, as they can under around about ten different names. it's one gentleman, he's aroundabout seventy years old. he lost his brother through circumstances... he asked for the keshe foundationto help his brother. we could not do, because the knowledge wasn't complete and he's gone on a rampage to take revenge on the foundation and then these peoples have collaborated with dl

and now we see all the attacks. all the calls you received, thatyour children were threatened is done by this gentlemenand another associate. we have managed and we arereleasing this information because, the information of his name, his address and his residenceand the type, what he's done, all his computer communicationall the telephone calls of threat he's made to people. he's the guy who made athreat to the child of alekz.

he's the guy who made threat toother peoples with the children, because it's the pattern of work ofthe pedophiles, they threaten children. ... strange enough, if yougo down this new release, what we see from whatthey have released on security's, is that ... they collaborateand they talk about each other "i am gonna call the goverment of ghana"and we call this and ever... wherever is going if...everybody's gonna call. when you see a strange name appears,which you thought, we "were wrong", sylvester appears, as a collaborator.

these are the hidden communications in thebackground, which we've been monitoring and all this information,has already been spoken and talked, to the police ofaustria, for his arrest. all his communications, telephone lines,everything has been downloaded, with the italian security's and the interpol, because he's a doctor in computersand he's been hacking. all the computers you lost all the damages you hadwith your computers in past 12 month, when he came on the ...different teaching is done by this man.

he calls him self 'dr computer',he's a doctorate in computer, retired man. very revengeful, but he has passed the lineof making threat against children's life. so, the police and the authoritiesin europe are taking it very seriously. all his computers are monitored. we released this nearly six month ago tothe police, and his name and his address. because, it's your right to call the policeand write to the police, that this guy has made claims against youand your children, and he's hacked your computer. the address of the police and thetelephone number of the police

in austria and in germanyis published, apparently, on the site. but furthermore you can write to himand talk to this man directly his telephone number an all his details are released, they are on internet. now, this has beendone deliberately by the security's to make peoples aware of the hacking,which is going on by these people. these are the supporters of dl. you see him, communicatingwith him directly, how they have to do and how they do.

we have terabytes of these ...what you call it, screenshots. that there is noallegation, we had them, now the security have decided to releasethem, because we are looking for the next step, of leakage and other thingswhich we are looking for ... from the keshe foundation point of view,it's not us, but is the securities are winding. which children now this doctorhas been involved in threatening ... in what extent we know. he's made some ten threats againstsupporters of keshe foundation children

and a withdrew because ofthe threat they received. but, now you know,who this old man is. his name appears undervery different names across the internet ... he used numerous names to make,but when they checked, a lot of things by security's, all end up ...(inaudible - technical challenges)... his name is robert,the rest you'll find out he uses, (?valeri kraviniki?) martin singer, sheri holmes, short visit, chris banijan, are some of names he uses.

we have and you will seehis home address, his telephone number, all will be published andis published on certain links across the internet,which we've been made aware of. all you do is to goand look for, very simply. his name, is called doctor and it has a url, been allocated to him,or his address, and it's his name, you all know who it is,or you can find out, it's on a free text, his name his telephonenumber, his home number, all has been released on the internet.

mr robert, we've been watching you,we've seen what you've done. and, the police isvery interested to talk to you and go through your computerson what you have hacked because, on this communicationwhich we see, now, (clears throat) is that you admit, fixing a hoax onthe pages on the 'facts about dirk'. it''re a hacker. we have all the detailsof your school, 1951-1961. and, ... previous addresses withnumber 34 at the end of it,

we see what's beenreleased in austria. the police near you has alreadygot the full details on you, they are working withthe interpol for your... very, very, kind works in threateningchildren, their life and hacking. if you cannot find it, there is a email at the end of the,'facts about dirk', fill up, and the security peoplewho set these thing up, would respond to you,to direct you to where to go.

in placing your complaint to,first of all interpol, european police securities, and thewhat do you call 'child abuse' sections, and austrian police station. on the web sites we see thenearest police stations, and their emails has been attached. if you lost your computer, yougot hacked, you had to change everything on your computerin past twelve months. you received threats againstyour life or your children, like they've done with the others,

this gentleman made a threat againstalekz’s wife, their child. ... so, now the policeis making a profile on the man. he can claim he's demented, but that's theproblem between him and the securities. all his communications since june has beenclearly watched, by the security services, ... now we release his name and histhings ... we see right to be done. he.. there are a series oftelephone numbers, ... private telephone numbers,which interpol has. and they have monitored all hiscommunications, all the telephone calls, past few months has been tracked.

we talk to the securities andthe information we receive. it's very clear, it's the samepattern, work, as sterling. you see clear communication between dl,and this gentleman, mr robert. and ... on the other hand, you see other peoplewhich, they appear on the same paces, at the same places, living in germany, and, ... working and.. what do you call it, withtheir sisters in italy creating mayhem, as ... creating riots and takingkeshe foundation, this is ... ... what we saw in their work,with the newspaper.

we now... it's the following thestructure that the police have found out that they areinvolved in all sorts of course of activities around the world,and it links up with all thepedophile activities. ... if you're a man, you talk to a man,you threaten the man, not his child. i'm honest, this is the behaviouryou have done, bullying children. so 'dr', you've been busted! we got your name, go on the internet,

i think ... what the securities tell us, forward slash, pc hyphen doctor? you'll find his detail. or forward stash amad20110? write to him his emails, everything,and the police is available. you made a.. theymade a threat against you? now! the 'doctor'has to answer to the police.

especially austrian police is well informedabout the situation. we are.., talked clearly with the italianpolice and national securities because it'scrossed boarder attempt, and now we see, what we told youfrom the beginning. gentleman called 'sylvester' was part of this scam, assassinationand the rest of it, and you see how, he.. they say in thecommunication, "we're calling the ghanaian government" ghanian securities are providing all theemails and whatever you're sending in.

because, it's very interesting we had adiscussion with them very recently. we are fully aware of what you are doing,and the governments have started looking into it, where the main things isthe threat you made to children, and the hacking of peoples computers, downloading their data and, in a way creating mayhem. you thought you can walk away,with an age of 67 or 70 years old, but now 'doctor', you need a medicine and that medicine,i think sits somewhere in a jail for you. threatening children is illegal inany language, anywhere in world,

but you confirmed that you hacked. we needed to get a confirmation thatyou're a hacker. you've done it out of.. last week teaching. how you put it on, the hoax, thatthe website of 'facts about dirk' has been. it's unsafe to do it andyou're very proud of it. and we are watching all you'recommunications which is going to martin delanoar too. we have taken pictures of it. i told you, we are"sitting in you're computer".

you thought you're watching, but we arewatching your operation. that is something which is in the hand ofthe european court of justice and we are respect to mr delanoarwe'll stay out of it because it is ajurisdictional criminal case. if you go furtheron the website, which is... explains a lotof things about the facts. in so many way you will seea lot of revelation, how the same d.l, after infiltrating the guy who was, one ofthe top politicians in belgium government. .. and he took steps against paedophiles,

... the same gentleman hasbroken into his circle, in his political party, and thenall the slanders is written about him. and very interesting, our securitiesare watching a lot of things and the samewording is used. because they have found these people, using of this wording is very, very, very very effective, people consider it and mr.. 'dl' uses these words, very strangely, inall the accusations against anybody else, and he accuses everybody of one thing.

and, strange is that,in these writings, he has, clearly indicated anythingwhich is not, you see it, it's called mr jean-pierre van rossem.. he calls him a 'pathological liar', calls mr keshe 'pathological liar'. he calls the other guy we've seen last week'pathological liar'. he uses this word, 'pathological liar', and he goes back on every sentence,everybody's a 'pathological liar', except, he shows his state of his mind van rossem is a 'pathological liar',

de forsts is a 'pathological liar',mr keshe is a 'pathological liar', and everybody else he infiltrated. so, these are his writings, august the 1st, 2013 about rossem, that he said the website as .... puttingabout keshe about 'facts about keshe'. so, we see the patternof the work and interesting enough, now, through thisconnection between the two, the old doctor and dl , the...what we call, the plot is getting thicker that they are collaborating togetherto damage people, and they can be connected to each other.

and, strange enough, when you read aboutthe story of this doctor it says, "coincidentally, somehow with his styleof writing, trolled linux message port, some years ago using virus used theirname. at that time, he fought, advocate against thelinux operating system. which he perceives, isendangering his work as a 'pc doctor' and specialist in windows." , is his own writing. they are watching his pathological way,if he's involved, in rape of children too. this is important in; why do you hack...intact children? so, very interesting the austrian policeand the italian securities

and the european national securities arelooking his connection with paedophiles, how he hacks into children'stelephones and everything else. because out of nowherehe calls children. he is in 73 years old, he is,he's in austria. he uses all the multiple names,you must have received it, and ... strange enough,what we see, he's a cybercriminal. and give this links, what is here,to the police. you see in another name,which has been mentioned,

the police links are mentionedin there as well. so, the police in the police stationsnear the both homes, you need to call them, and you need to send them emails. and connect them to this link, that the police can see. what it is, they make the port for you, and regarding the,what we call 'computer doctor', these police stations have already beencontacted, they are fully aware of his... they are waiting to (?p...s?) on him.

you threaten childrenit's illegal, maybe in the 'world ofpedophiles' it's good, but not, when you don’t get a childyou threaten them now that’s what you done withalekz's child and the others doctors improve, you threatens his,her daughter or her children, you threaten peoplein austria with their children now your line (inaudible) it'srecorded, downloaded. try to get all your hardware,destroy as much as you can. everything has been kept on thescreen-shot and on the internet,

you can not destroy it. all the telephone calls, out of the numbers we have been given, have been monitored. if you want, i can read the numbers out. five or six telephone numbers, allbeen kept and been monitored. this is not... new information we told youmonth ago we are going to release. security people told us,don't release till we do our job. you tried to destroy the keshe foundation by working on the nameof revenge of your brother.

i don't think his soul will everapprove what you have done, if there was a brother, or it's partof the pattern of the pedophile. so as we said, we are going torelease more names we're going to releasemore and more names and details as the security'stell us we read it, we read it, we read it to you, it's gotnothing to do with us. we advise you, to readand understand, it's exactly, how they communicatewith each other. you, how you... most ofthese info’s, just click on them,

there is more informationin the background. and read it, it's very interestinghow he infiltrates organizations an then he writes on them to discredit them,van rossem. release the name of the people who whereabusing children and killing children he was given a video of it. and thenhis bosses told dl to infiltrate and make surethe politic or group does not come up. and he did that, and then you seewhat he writes in van rossem. a lot of things he writes invan rossem, if you translate it,

is a copy of what is beenwritten about me, by him. it's the same thing he pastes andcopies and just changes names and a few thingshere and there. so, we see as he says,"a pathological liar", which is dl. he writes it, what you write is what youaccuse people of, it's what you are and in every sentence he goes. interesting enough, they have released a picture of the meeting ofme and the king of belgium. the king is a standing in the backgroundand you see the queen of belgium,

standing on the other side. this is where i was writing the book, thefourth which has not been published yet, and if you expand it you will see. that was in casual, writing the ladyon the left is the ex queen of belgium, the man on the right is the exking of belgium. after this meeting theyimmediately start threatening or everything which my killing startedand everything else. in more intensely to leave the country. this is not a casual occasion,because dl was, and my wife,

where the only two people,knew where i'm.. where i write my book. and strange, on a sunday afternoon,a king comes to see a man, a writer, unknown scientist,is very unusual, unless dl is not so highly connected,a king does not move. now you see the position. the man in the gray hair you see withthe gray clothing, jumper, he is and we bless his soul,he was one of the top herbologists in the world. his.. he was a pleasure, to know him.

he passed away,last year or the year before. and he had the whole essence ofknowledge of herbs, from africa into asia. so now you seethe whole thing how it's connected. just click on itand it takes you into.. into a lot of details in the background, the way the security peoplehave set it up. please! write to the both police stationsin germany and in austria. explain how your system was hacked if youreceived threat, or against your children, let them know, and they just needto tie up all the links together

because internal police investigationhas already started, regarding this gentleman in austria. he made a grave mistake andwe where counting on it last week, they told me whyyou are doing this. it was pre-arranged, we knewthey feel so safe that they start writing, this is how we have been with,what we call, the guy in the united states, sterling, did the same. when they feel safe nobody sees them,they start communicating, and in the hidden communicationyou see a screen shot.

they tell you howthey hacked the pages, they are hacking thetelephones and everything. what we say, "a single grain of rice is the sign of theheap of the rice.", what you gonna get. so, this is one of the indicationsthat he is a hacker, and it shows how he's hacked, because a lot of you went to look at the 'facts about dirk'and you get this pop up that it says "this site isdangerous", bla bla.

and he says he's put it there,its totally ineffective, but it frightens peoples sofrightening people, his is a job, and you see he gets a lot of indication,that is the pattern of the work. but 'doctor computer' you are busted. mister robert, you know your surname. we have all the details, your telephonenumbers, everything, has been monitored. and we shared it with the police in june. and we told people we'regoing to release it, but now the security peoples havedecided its time to release.

your personal telephone numbers,we have monitored and, i tell you one thing,"sir, you are, you are gravely sick." a man who makes threats against children, needs to be somewhere,that he cannot reach children. not even in telephone,not with computers and not the rest. all your hardware has been downloadedand copied by the intelligence services you cannot claim, " i didn't know" or "it's not mine." we've been watching youfor six months. now, let’s go to another point.

the other point isregarding the keshe foundation, in ghana, keshe foundation ghana as youknow, these guys we told you, are writing and mr. sylvester is very busywriting everywhere we are watching you as a,in a manner of a speaking we have informed and talking to the southkorean police and intelligence services. what you doing insouth korea. they are watching this, you cannot makethreats and make communication lining. according to the korean securitiesour nation is clean, it's these partners whocome and give us bad name.

so, you are monitored by thesecurity police in tokyo, sorry korea. in seoul and we needed the evidencethat you are working in that way and your inviting, threaten letters andfalse information two different covers, that you switchis criminal offense. going into the teaching and further extending keshe foundation ghanahas received it's ... what we call, location and the property,we are in the process over next couple of months bringingup to a standard as one of the centralresearch centers in africa.

i thank most of you, who aresupporting us in the background. we need to push with thisas one of the positions through fda and through a standard, whatyou call, boards of different nations. we are bringing thetechnology into the front. we are supporting a lot of researchwe thank especially the people in tokyo universityfor their support. and i have to thank a number of peoplewho've been with us in past three years. redundantly, unconditionally, i thinkthe first one goes to my wife caroline. she has been there, she burn a lot,she took a lot,

and we are still there, we're still there forthe expansion of technology and science. the other people around us,you don't need to mention all, one by one, the causeof the success is, by far the people like ricklike vince, like stanley, we see people like flint anddoctor klaus, doctor rodrigo. there are people who are relentlesslyworking in the background. and our one the... our peoplewho never stopped literally 24 hours a daythey work, to make sure the foundation staysat the front.

we see people like ella, we see peoplelike armen, who's relentlessly, is there to make sure the next steps. we see the arizona people like jon, who are there solid. in testing,they have achieved huge... the videos we've seen, is enormouswhat is achieved by them. some of you don't understand,the potential, the potential of whats happening inarizona, but very soon you will see. there are hundreds of people around workpeople in holland, people in belgium,

anke, people in germany whorelentlessly are teaching even though they'll do it their own way. we've seen doctors and scientists, who are working toprove different aspects of it. these are important,we work as a team. without it, is impossible, it's not aone man show, it's a whole world show. we are working asone team. it is important that we see anotherthree year after this and maybe more because the knowledge iscoming so vast, so much that,

because the knowledgeis coming so vast, so much, that hopefully we can take it,to steps of new dimensions. we areentering agriculture. we still need, if you have a cancerand you want to join the cancer trial please get in touch with the...the medicalside with doctor klaus. the clinical trials have literally,have started. as of this week the process of startingthe whole thing, has started. we have a number of people who are, and they understood, that you don't need to have a fda.

even, when i explain to the fda peoplein the past couple of days, in a couple of simple ways that, why do we have to sacrifice a lifeof an animal and the soul of it for a man. it has hit them, they understood,that we have to have respect and they understand these people who have the problems. so, we have to solve itthrough them, not through animals. then we are raisingthe level of understanding, of the what we call, "officials". that, why should be animals,we are sick, why should we harm them?

we get a sick birdwith a broken leg. we get a sick bird,which's fallen off a tree. we nourish it! we find a little animal whichis got lost it's mother. we nourish it, welook after it to grow it. then we inject it to make it sick, to testwhat sickness we have, can be cured. ethically it's wrong. animal test has to stop. the science of the plasma technologyis so high that we can now

further develop the technologies, that wecan see the performance of the plasma, interaction of the plasma ofthe medicine with the gans of the body. we don't work in a matter-state, wework on a plasma-state. then we see no side-effects or we see the side-effects through the plasma, then we can do something. we have to change the level of,what i call "abuse of animals" through understanding of thenew technology, in these teaching. it needs heavily, amount ofteaching to the top scientists, that, they canfilter this knowledge down.

it'll take a long time to changewhat is, been set up, because it makes a lot of money for pharmaceuticals, clinical trials, hundreds of millions,borrowing, shareholding. people lose their livelihood,buying the sharing this "chemic", what you call, "pharmaceutical fabrication", medicines and then it disappears. with the new plasma technology weshould be able to save the soul and life of the animals, becausenow we create the real life, we create the atmospheric life ofthe animal cell.

and then we can interactwe don't need to harm no one. this is the beauty ofthe new technology and this what we have started doing at the highestlevel with the world scientists. governmental scientific researchhas to understand it's a new step. it's a new technology it's a new understanding. it's a new, way of doing it. because, we used touse donkeys now we fly with jets. we used to have these,what are called, "obsolete animal test".

now, that was a donkey,we have achieved building the first jets. we don't need tosacrifice the lives or animals. i object to it, even what's going onin tokyo. for me it's not acceptable. but, at the moment,now that we can show the plasma environmentcan change the cell. and we can see a realistic condition, of the return of it's original condition. now! why do we need to sacrifice an animal,a pig, a cow, a mouse, a rat. these things will take time to go,because there're a lot of people

who're making a lot of money,out of these things, which they set up. they're not going to give up so easily. but, on the other hand,we don't fight. we introduce the new technology, that it just, naturally takes over. you will see in theghana keshe foundation management team the top, top scientistsof the nation. they want to be part of it,they have asked us to be part of it. they want to be in it, not us. (technical audio challenges)

they are.. they are and they see the solution. why we're so successful in africa andnow we go into nigeria? alekz one of the people, whichi have high.. a lot of respect for. he'll be with usin the next 2 or 3 hours. he's coming to ... what you call it, "accra", for further development and working with the new scientist. we have the researchers and the workers toextend this, what i call "understanding". we are making,ghana pan-african centre, world centre for researchand development of new technologies.

and this is what it has to be. this is how we have to change thecourse, by example but not by fighting. we show to the top scientists the work ofthe unit we show people their results by people who they careand have respect for, who have used the technology,and then the rest is okay. it works, how canwe accommodate it. we see the same thing withinthe energy. we see the same thing witheverything else. as you know, in ghanawe have a huge ... energy crisis.

here, the shortageof energy is sitting industry, hospitals, eventhe office of the government we have the solution to change and we'reworking around it with the government to do it, where it does notbring the government more debts. the biggest problem at the momentwith energy is compensation and buying systems and hundreds of millions ofdollars to put the nation in debt. with the new technology,you don't need to be in debt. the government guidespeople and in a way nation, together walks the country,out of debts through energy.

energy cost millions ofdollars for the country. few billions a year, fuel is boughtjust to burn. you don't need to do, the new technologies are available. in next couple of weeks, maybe next three, four weeks, we release a technology,which is... partially we understand. and it's not part of thekeshe foundation technology, but is given to us by the inventors and we can adopt it to... they have used,by the plasma technology. the system has been runningfor a couple of months plus

and producing 20 - 25 kilowatt,10 kilowatt power, freestanding unit. we're talking and working with them. and they have accepted their technologieswill be released under the name up the kf. then we adapt it, as we are doing with ourgenerators, solid-state generators. ... these are how collaboration with thepeople who really mean to change the science starts. 'kf' will not stand onlyas a plasma technology in what we do. we allow other scientists,who've been silenced, to have a word,

to have thing, to have to be able to showtheir knowledge and technology amongst us. this is how the future has to be, it's not that all thesolution sits with our people. the solution is with humanity and where we see the change can be and the technologies had beensilenced deliberately we give a platform. we have to, this isa new world condition. this is what we...change has come. so, expect from us, you will see,we will announce in the coming time in next 2-3 weeks.

i have ... seen the videos of the operationof the system, it's a beautiful system. it's a generator, on it's own. its built by group of scientists and kfhas given them a platform to bring in. so, in a country like ghana,this will help us immensely. because we don't borrowfrom nations to build a dam. nation builds it'sown system to support itself. no borrowing. adding to gdpto capital investment, and it's become part ofthe investment for rest of the countries.

our magrav system generatorsare in hopefully the third copy, will be tested this week,that we are correct, we don't make a mistake,everything is correctly done. i was discussing this iswith armen early this morning and i said, "armen jan, we need to test the internally also, so we don't run into mayhem,when we put out... this ours, we don't have a problem, we've seenthey created for us with everything else." so, in so many ways, thanksto a lot of people around the world, who've become part of, the companyof keshe foundation, we are progressing.

3 years report, progressis shining star of what we achieved many testimonials, many systemsmany people who've less pain. many people, who have savedtheir lives using the gans materials, to save their life with cancers. many people, who have seen the increasein the production of their materials, who are harvesting. keshe foundation as ofthis month, has entered into industrial commercializationof the technology for farming. if you are a farmer andyou're looking to increase harvest

or if you're in animal care,or you do what we call 'livestock' we have developed technologiesin the keshe foundation, where you caneradicate a lot of things. we were talking with thefarmers in the past couple of days, and it's very interesting, there's a hugeproblem, as i explained before, in europe. in europe they are limitation, in how much manure from the animals, can be put on the land. the rest of it cost,billions of dollars for the farmers and then for the governmentto be shipped into russia.

you see a lot of boats,anchoring in ports. you see tankers driving around high, what wecall, highways of europe. randomly stop one andask, "what you carry?" they tell you, they are carryinganimal manure into russian border. the reason for it, is thetoxicity, and the nitrogen level, within the manure,or the excrement. with this technology, what we aredoing, with the farmers in italy, we start measuring,when we give the process, the new systems we developed for them.

in them not using antibiotic, in them reducing the foodconsumption, what we call, because they are fedcontinuously dry food. in them, being able to give adifferent emotional feeling, to the cows or the birds we see the level of nitrogen drop,into the standard european level. so, if we can achieve this, with the next 6 month trials, which has started in italy then we see, that there is billions doesnot need to be shipped across europe. the manure can be used directly, onthe farming land, with less smell,

we can add additives,that the smell dies. if any of you has lived, inthe farming areas in europe, you see, when they, whenthey get a permission, or when the farmer is allowed tospread the manure, on the land, neighbours, for kilometers, cannot breathefor couple of days, the smell, the stench. so, by reducing, and adding materials,which we have, into the manure, you destroy the smell,you reduce the nitrogen level, everything comesback to the olden days. the antibiotic level reduces,

the comfort, the textureof the meat will change. we've seen this before, now we are doing it, withcollaboration of the farmers, with a thousand cows,two thousand cows, ten thousand cows, and we seethe farmer reducing his bill. a farmer, at the moment, with athousand cow in europe is a standard, roughly spends 40,000 euro per yearon antibiotic for his animals. that is 800 euro per week,it's roughly a 100 euros for a 1,000 animals, so every animalreceives 10 cents of antibiotic.

and these antibiotics thenwe eat, effects our genes, because, it stays inthe body of the animal, we're the consumersof the milk, we are the consumersof the meat. then, we see how the changein the environment, and the pressure on the digestive system,will change the behaviour of the animal. does the tasteof the meat change? does the tasteof the milk change? what we are lookingnow, in these trials,

to see the extent of theshelf life of the milk. at the moment, because ofthe bacteria's inside, which is created by antibiotics,and everything else, gives a limited lifespan. now changing it,will extend the lifespan. there, the trial with the farmers in,italy, it'll give us a huge opening, into how we changethe animal care. in ghana, we start the process, in nextcouple of weeks, looking after the trees. cocoa trees, cocoa is one of the biggestincome of this national, this nation.

and the national income has reducedfrom cocoa, because of the infestation. all we need to do, is to changethe environment. we test it, in the next few months,we release the data. mangoes are affected, in italy, the samekind of disease has affected the trees, olive trees are dying. we seeproblems with the wine, we see problems with orangetrees, across africa because of these infestation,because of the use, or not having the moneyto use to protect. the guys from... i was talking to a guy,who's been involved in cocoa farming,

he was telling me, we tried everythingin the centre, but we don't get the results now, we have offered, thetechnology from keshe foundation, that we don't come to change,we come to change the environment, we don't want to change the animal. and we see the changes, increase, increase in the production,increase in the income of the farmer, increase in the income of the nation. this is howwe're going to effect, this is how we're going to do, andwe are not using multi-billion,

we are using,simply, gans water, that's how cheap it isto change. in europe, you cannot doeverything, because the lobbyists, in africa, the farmer cannotlobbied, he see's his income, he see's his yield is increased,he can have more income. fda has no say in a farmer, butthe tube of ... co2 gans material, material or water,can change his life. he can't put his child to school, becausethe harvest has decreased by 60%. now, his harvestgoes back to 100%, maybe more.

child gets education,he can put a clothes on his back. this is where the change comes. in europe, the banks control, herethe truth, the reality and the change. we post these things on... as i said, "this is the beauty, if you understandthe work of the keshe foundation." and you have toreplicate it, in your countries. we brought inmaster degrees. we brought in highly educated people,to work, on the floor in the factory.

now, they have learned,they can see, they feel the energy, they understand whatthe system does. now, they are coming up with theirexpertise, "i want to try this." they are testing paints,they are testing bricks, they are testing ... cocoa,they are testing everything possible, to see how, simple way, theycan bring change for their own country, for their own animal care. this is where we're coming, we come toafrica, to get to the root of the man, not to fight, and get bombed,and shot at, and poisoned,

by people like dl, because theywant to make money out of it. this way, we make money out of it, we make huge amountof money out of it, but as one race, as a humanity. the money made by the farmer,in being able to feed his child, because he has the harvest, enoughto be able to earn money to feed, is an income for the keshefoundation worldwide. this is our profit! somehow, by will of god,we go from one point to another,

we'll survive, we'll be there. they tell me, "why do you shareso much, you can make billions?" we are already billionaires,as one nation. this is what we achievedin past three years. a lot of you arelooking for the flight system. when the humanity is ready, theflight system will be there, but we still work around it. jon, are you there? he wants to go to sleep, he said,"if you bring me early, i'll show."

jon, from arizona, areyou in the background? (v) i don't see him, mr keshe! (mk) he's gone to sleep! they have set up...(sc) he was! he's among viewers i think? (rc) yeah! i seejon bliven (jb) there. let's... (mk) okay!can you promote him? he'll show you somethingvery interesting. ... let me explain, till you bring him in.

they started, if you remember,measuring fields, about 14, 12 foot. last week they went outside, for about 60 foot, and the field hasexpanded to across the road, now to about 80 foot,and it's expanding. the electronic system, is thestrength and the electron level, but the dowser they use,is the field interaction, free with the man, which closes the circuit. this is something used, it's very interesting. would you like toshow this ... jon?

(jb) yeah! let me show two,two quick videos, they're both pretty short. (mk) first of all, jon!thank you very much for being there! and thanks forall your effort! (jb) i thank the foundation too, you know, what we're doing is a big deal, and ... it's what our heart iscalling us to do, all of us. (mk) thank you very muchindeed, for your work! (jb) so, whatwe've done here, is ... we've ... done somemodifications to our spaceship,

that i'm going to show you. one of the modifications,that we've done, we've added, david (dv) callsit (inaudible), ... it really areis ... "booster bars", we've added them intothe configuration to... (mk) excuse me, jon!before you go further, this has been a questionfrom me as well, "what are these booster bars,and explain the reason for it?" (jb) okay! so, the booster bars?

what we've done, is we'vetaken a.. a half inch copper pipe. we've nano-coated the insideof the copper pipe, and we've left the outside,... totally copper. so, it only has nano-coating onthe inside, much similar to the ... what you were referringto as the 'hollow core', where we take outthe copper wire, if you will. and then we sealed up.. ... we put gans materials, oxide materials on the inside, and then we wound on the outside,nano-coated copper wire.

and we've chose the ch3 to tryto pull out the fields, ... and bring those fields that wepull out into part of this next field that we're..this field-plasma that we're opening up. so let me show you andyou'll see 'em in the video. and then we can go back and .. if there'sany questions about them, bring it up. so, let's go ahead and... (d)hello! we arehere in arizona again, testing again, the new setup with the capacitors,with gans that we did, yes.

... put in this morning and we installedthe new transformer for our spacecraft. and.. we noticed that the dough-nut,generated faster this time. transformers, and we also findsomething very interesting. with the 'violet ray' we can speedthe motors. we can change the speed of the motors with the interaction of theviolet ray, that we have here. (jb) go ahead!(dv) ... about this information you can see thespeed of the motors changing.

(jb) okay! so, in this case wegotta kind of listen. (dv) these fields when iturn the violet ray with the ... (jb) go ahead andturn it on just a little bit. (dv) ..we'll see theinfluence of the fields if you can go and check the motors? ok? (jb) so, i don’t know ifyou can hear the motors? they're ... going way up in speed...

can you hear that ok? flint? (rc) the audio stream's just hard tohear in the background, it's... well i think you're sharingthe audio, but it's just that the motors are quiet inthe background. i think the motorsare just quiet, try it again. (jb) over here, you can see the,speed is changing quite a bit. it's changed quite a bit, they're going a lot faster. and the field size, is stillabout the same, about ... 14 feet out.

so, what was interesting withthat, is ... the ... violet ray wasabout 20 feet away, and we ... turned it on, way in the background,20 feet away, and all of a sudden when we did that,the motors increased dramatically. not just a little bit, but dramatically. now, if you recall? we have's on the other side of the facility. we have the setupwhere we have ... all the magnetical fields, the coils connectedtogether, the gravitational coils together

... and we have that also running. what.. what.. here with the ... the measurement aroundthe fields, they're about 14 feet out. but, in this next one,you'll see that they're really not 14 feet out,they’re much, much stronger. now i was shocked,at how strong they were. so, give me a second, let mepull that other one up. (mk) what is interesting in what you justheard, jon said, about the... the fields, or the motors runningwhen they put the plasma booster.

this is very interesting,why does it do that? because the field strength adds up,overcomes the matter-state of. so, it's the freedomof the plasma of the core which is creatingthe faster rotation. you hear the motors building up. there is something elseyou've just seen, a new structure, before the cores,(v) wait just a second mr keshe, sorry. jon can you just stopsharing your screen please? (jb) okay!

(mk) yeah. so, what you saw, if you can showthe pictures or the video, you'll see that,before, the platform was on the floor. the cores, all the magravswere on the floor. ... jon has raised the ...(inaudible) (mk) pardon? (jb) ... checking with thedousing rod, there's the perimeter.. (mk) you've got to share jon. (jb) ... met the ... 75 feet

alright! sorry, i don’t know howthat happened, it was in the background. (mk) okay! no problem,just hold it there. we have to explainyour new setup, you've done. (mk) yeah! so whathas happened? ... jon, has raised the platformof the controlling structure, with the magrav units. so, now the magrav units sit ona condition of the structure parameter. the three star-formationcoils are underneath, placed in a specific formation tocreate a field contraction.

the fourth reactor, the top reactor,is hanging on a tripod. so, what we see nowstructure has set up, that, is as far as possible from theplatform, of the floor. there are hidden things, done in thebackground, it's like, the floor underneath this configuration, has been painted witha gans material, with gans water. to create,as much as possible. isolation from the earth magnetic field,that we can create a first boundary level.

then the floor, the wood,has been, i think, done the same? so we're trying to createa shield separation between the structure whichis build't on the top. and the...what you call, the magrav units andthe gravitational units, and the cores. this brings us to the closest possibleway, to be able to create the spaceship. these test are just test, you haveto understand the reason why you cannot, and sometimes, youmight see shadows and shapes. the reason for this lack ofcreation of the full structure

is the drainage,which is on the system. the drainage on the system,is not so much environmental, it's through thewire connection to the grid. the lines which are connectedto run the motors, they are draining plasma on afeedback, more than what is put in. so, we are not richly replenishing,we are feeding into the meters, into the grid of thearizona energy. so, one of the reasons they can'tsee the solidification, they can increase a small increase in the fields, like witha plasma maker, make a change,

because, whatever now is created and isholding, and is building up, is at the moment, most of it is gettingdrained through the power supply lines. so, the next step for usis to equip the arizona with self-sufficient, lasting system whichthis'll be done in the next few weeks. which means, allthe generators will be internal, so, all the fieldswill build up inside. even the generators backup battery will befilled by the... energized by the field inside. this is the time when we expect to see,the first generation of the spaceships.

the feeding-line, theenergy feeding-lines are the causes, of drainageof the fields, not to build up. and the minute that’sachieved, we are getting there, the structure'sgetting completed. that you will start seeing, betterconfiguration of the structure. interesting thing is, we'll see different performances from thesystem, according to the fields it creates, and this have shown in othervideos by jon. carry on jon!

(jb) so, before i get into this video,let me just share with everybody, something that i shared, with theuniversal council support group and sandy, this morning. one of the things that we're doingand i've told all the people that work for us in arizona is we're attempting to ... build the ... i call it the consciousness of the spaceship, ... just like we're building

... the knowledge of a baby, if you will. we've actually named the spaceship, "hope" and, when i've told the people that when they go to bed at night or when they're in their quiet time, to send these loving energies to "hope", and the belief that ... that she's goingto materialize and help humanity ... to move us forward. and, i am asking maybe, that the rest of the collective, join with us and send your send... send your positive,loving energies to "hope". you can do it wherever you're at, simplyin your heart and your consciousness,

send those energies in the direction ofthe spaceship if you will, and.. know that you can do that ... so with that, let me show you how bigthe fields really are. means we're basically sitting in... our whole building issitting in a plasma field right now, ... this is pretty amazing. ... david's checking with the dowsing rod. there is the front of our building. the magr.. the ... spaceship is about is 75 feet back.

and david way out here almost.. there's a coca-cola plantand he still clickin.. so that, ... that was,over two hundred feet out ... and we went all the wayaround the building and everywhere we went, we still havethe fields, the field-strength. ... it went.. we stood, we went right behind it. eight inch concrete block, thatthe foundation of the side walls of the building are made of. and, even through the eight inch block the fields where still ... just as strong.

so, it goes right through the block, it basically, encompassesthat whole complex there, ... and if it wouldbe a little bit stronger, we'd actually be impacting,the coca-cola plant across the street. it's pretty amazing,how big the fields have grown ... with those little booster barsthey probably.. they've opened up another,i'ii say 75 feet. so, those booster barsseem to be helping quite a bit, ... but you can only see it with a dowsing... rod ... the total field strength.

we don't seem to be able to pick it upwith the little field detector, which is kind of set at about 14 feet outand about 14 feet high, so its kind of like a big bubble now. ... we haven't gotten the toroid in thecenter yet ... we have a big bubble. (mk) this is correct because,you are draining through your cables. .. your power supplywould not allow it to happen. you are feeding a lot of fields,plasma fields into the grid, which, somewhere down the line, convertsinto energy for somebody somewhere. the interesting thing is,i repeat again, you say,

"with a dowser you see the change". if you remember? we go back on a very early video. the dowser wasshowing flip, around about 14, 16. with changing, setting up,it increased to about ... beyond the walls, about 60 last week, or the week before and now with building up,it's around about 70, 75. but, this is the radius,so if you look, your spaceship has a total radius of around ...

150 feet down. (jb) yep! where we're standing over there,the coca-cola plant was 200 feet. and we're(mk) 200, radius or diameter? well, we only went in that one direction,because the other one, we're a wall... (mk) so, if it is 200 feet, that's 600 feet.sorry! 400 feet diameter system. this is huge! this is a 120 meter long spaceship, diameter. it's taking shape!

don`t forget, that now,the structure is inside a confinement. so, how you see the fields at that level, is because, the fieldsare above matter level. by the time they reduced tobecome matter level they're at 200. the building of the shapeof the craft in that room will be in that room; unless you create fields above thematter level, go through the ceiling and then manifest yourself, which is very easy to do. a lot of people might think,

"okay! we we build it here, we get aspaceship. how we're gonna get it out?" very simple!i'll show you the next step. this's been done in iran. you do never see a craft anywhere. you can put all the satellites you want to look, look at everywhere. you have a big industrial building. you build your craft. you change the boundary-levelin a matter-level of the roof, which you chose at,the point of the design of the craft.

you are through it, out of nowhere, spaceship appears, but you actually,confined it inside the room. i gave a hint a few years about this and now john puts it,so we can go back on it. go back on the teaching,you'll find out. the test flights for countries like iran, is done near the desert nobody monitors, we don't need to. but, in so many ways,we don't need the oceans,

because we have and retrieve. on the desert, we canalways retrieve if anything goes wrong. we choose the positionof the sansano and then barletta and we clearly explainedto the authorities in italy, we need to be near sea level,that we can do test flights. in arizona it's the same,you can lift up. you go through the ceiling, youcreate fields which is above matter-level which now you see, you confirm it. and then, through the same thing,you go through the ceiling.

ceiling, barriers, matter conditionbecomes irrelevant. and this demonstration what we'vejust seen with john and david is a clear, clear indicationof what is to come. you should have understood this, and those of you who have understood you understand, you can do more. this is the aura of the system. now you can change the aurato solid condition, or the aura at the strengthof the matter-state of the copper,

and what you chose as a ceiling. then the two have no interaction,you just go... go through it. it's beautiful what you are showing, but, it's good tounderstand the knowledge behind it, what the science is, because that`swhat we're here to do. anything else youhave to show us, john? (jb) no! i think that's it for me. (mk) that's it for you. you showed a video. i have seen a videowhere you have a hole in the fields.

... couple of days ago, you had a void, wherethere is no light on your detector. (jb) yes! that's true,that was kind of strange... (mk) can you show it to us?can you share it with us? (jb) okay, let me pull it.let me pull it up in the background. (mk) thank you very much. the.. the principle of the flight is theultimate goal of the keshe foundation. as i said ... strange enough withall the calls that mr sylvester and robert and others, are making to the authorities with ... false names and threats

we have been given with...thanks a lot of work from benjamin and the work for the... i... we thankthe head of the ghana atomic commission and the rest of team of ghana africa, working so closly with us. the keshe foundation has been givena gift of 50,000 square meters of land, to build the firstflight platform in africa, the first launchpad platform. we have been given the propertyby the authorities to build, it was given to us, we asked for itmonths, a couple of months ago, but as a surprise, last friday,

when they gave us the contract forthe building where we are moving into, as a gesture they gave us their land. they said, "we've seen you are working" and, it was very surprising we've beengiven the 50 000 square meters to build our own first flight systemplatform in africa in ghana. we thank authorities and the leadership ofthe ghanaian government for such a move. so, we build our own first space station. the land is part of atomic secure zone, and it's a pleasure to be trusted so much. ... we thank on other hand again theatomic commission leadership in giving us

a further 6,000, enclosed environment, forexpanding the factory for production. this again was given to us, this weekwe went for inspection the land we have taken over, 66,000roughly, square meter of ...what you call it...already covered areathat we can immediately, go into production for further materials, adding to our production facilities, whichwe are being given inside the secure zone. so keshe foundation ghana,the more we are here, the more the authorities, and the governors and the leaderships, see how we are adding and expandingand literally,

bringing the whole ghana scientificorganization to work as one team. they are supporting us at the same way. this 50 000 m2 of landto do the (?trans?) ... to build the first launch pad, spaceship ground for the keshe foundation is a huge breakthrough. we are the title holders of the propertiesand that, they've given it to us to work. they are transferring the deed of the landinto the name of the keshe foundation ghana which they are still shareholders. there is so much trust.

... the building which we are given... i think i have shared it with rick rick would you liketo share it with the world? (v) mr keshe can i...can i do a battery check first, please? (mk) yes! (inaudible) (rc) it's humming there, yes. i was gonna say that. (mk) so, it was running out, i was running out. (rc) now is the second question, is whether you want me to show that picture, so let's show it.(mk) yes please, we would like to see.

you will see this is the newheadquarters of the keshe foundation. (rc) it's humming, humming quite badlythere mr keshe. yeah! (mk) is it good now? (rc) yes! (mk) ok, it much betterotherwise i'll run out of battery. i try to charge when somebody else talks. (rc) ok. (mk) if you could share. yes. this is the nec,this is the official...

the building is official headquarters of kf ghana and we have taken contractual position, as of last friday. the ground floor is lecture theatre, the first floor will become totally the research centre for all the ghanaian governmental institutes in research and development, in every aspect. the beauty of this is that, this is huge span of ... what we call structure,built by the russians. and, it allows us to build,what we call, "one of the topresearch centres in africa".

we have invitedall the organization. anyone, who is involved in research and developments from universities, institutes. we are meeting all together!we have done 2-3 meeting up to now. that, whatever expertise, systemsthey need, will go into this building. we want to know about space, biochemistryphysics, cosmology...we have access, we build it in this building. and we have access to more buildings. and the top floor is the administrationcentre of keshe foundation (??) africa ... all the coordination for teachings, wehave a section as part of the university. we have our own accommodation rooms, been given to us to teach,

and this will expand into the whole part. so, what you see now, is the headquarters of the keshe foundation for a lifetime,of the foundation in africa. it's a gift from the ghanaian officialsto the keshe foundation for what we are doing,and they understood the change. it says, "reach yournext level in your career." and this, strange enough,we are inside the university, so, whatever we do is ... closelyworks with the nuclear research centre, with the biological sidewith everything else.

so this is the new homeof the keshe foundation for the years to come in africa. this is how much, what i call the writingsof mr silvester has helped us. thank you very much for the lies,they see through, the truth. i hope you can get,your visa in korea very soon. it is strange how governmentshave become wise to these... what i call, "new developmentof new technologies". when you come youcannot reach this building easily, as it's part of the secure zones, militaryzone and it won't be like barletta

unless you're, you can, you are not clear,through military zone officers, you cannot walk through. so, we are part of the advance researchlevel for the nation. we are protected by the government. this is very interesting for us because this building is on one of themain roads of accra, it's one of the crown jewel building of the atomic commission and they see us insuch a level of development that, they thinkit's best you..

just for the technology, to be so,in front of the, what you call it "public" that, they understand ghana has entered a space program. we are not takingany scientists from outside, we are encouragingthe scientists inside to move, to change and bringthe knowledge back in. so what you see is, and i thank again the new ghanaian government, we thank the head of the atomic commissionfor such a gift to the foundation. we thank for the land whichare given to enter to space technology which is right across this building, just about few hundred meters lower.

so, all the developmentof keshe foundation's, the factory, the research centre,the university, the space platform they're all, within walkingdistance from each other. we have called this part of ghana research atomic centre as "the gans valley". where we produce gans materials andthrough it we achieving medical and space and everything else. so what we call "gans valley"has taken and take shapes gradually in this part of ghana, in this part of accra

and the next step for us is literally,building the flight platform. it'll be built very muchin the 21st century spaceship program. we are not buildingplatform with launch pad, we don't need. you will see very much structures with what you seen with ... jon. entry platform we test, when i explained to the management of the atomic they said. "we are in the centre of the city". i said, "it doesn't matter, it doesn't make noise, it lands and it takes off." we have a huge area,we've been given, that we can expand into in the future as the space centre,is scheduled, increases.

so, if you look at it,the land which you will see very soon, we'll releasethe pictures of it. and the building, structures,starts in the next few months. ... it will become very mucha launching pad into space program. as we said in our conference, "a leaping jump for africainto the spaceship program", and we have full support of the governmentwe've been given million of ?us? what you call it, opportunities, to bringthe technology in every aspects. ....the health, the water...

this is what is gonna change. this is what you have to understandas keshe foundation. in the west they don't let you because everything is monetized. in africa they don't haveanything to lose, others to gain. they cannot help their people withchemotherapy, it costs a fortune. now with gans,it cost a few cents. diabetic, they havenot found a solution. and i showed you the pictureof the foot last week. i'll show you more picturesof the people with the diabetes

which have hole andeverything in their foot and months later theyare marching on the military. we know the conditionof diabetic and when fda officerswere with us they interviewedthese people and they know most of this people because it's ainterconnection between the atomic and fda and most of the scientist have beento school together, they are from the same university,so, when their friend tells, them, "this is what happened to me and i've improved", they trust,

they know the change has come! this thing is not coincidental. i chose benjamin a year and a half agowhen he came to barletta. i said, "benjamin, go to africa,open ghana" and he's done. and, what you see, this building we call it"benjamin's building" because it's his. he created it as a centre,he is relentlessly living in a hotelin atomic accommodation, has helped, one by one, everyone has walked in leaving containers of bottles of water,outside his door at night,

he's built it for them, so theyhave it that they can see the change. we are not talking, we're just promising. most of the atomic, some hundredsof workers have been touched security, management, in energy,in the health, in agriculture... they've seen all the facts,we've become a part of the family. we're not 'outsiders', andwhen these people send these emails, "they are terrorists, bla bla bla"they laugh, they say, "okay! it's for national securities to handle these people." making false threatsis a criminal offence.

so, now you seewhere it comes. this is what the scientists.. now these groups of scientists you see here some of them have become part of the keshe foundation working force and research team. this is what we achievedin the past 3 years. and we've seen arizona, we've seendevelopment in the philippines. we've seen the research centers across china. there, you've seen the presentationof the chinese new laboratories

and the work they do. ... it is and it hasto change in a way, that in the next 3 yearswe achieve most of our goals. we are... part of it we become part of the space. this what you see, water treatment resultsphysio-chemical, microbiology results. this was submitted as a paper in a conference. and is, as you see it's"gaec" keshe foundation, delivery of the technology.

we are doing the same thingin tokyo. we are doing the same thingacross the world. this is an achievement for us,as a family, as one foundation. everyone of us has contributed something into it. without us knowing or being part of it. (coughing) the whole structure is.. now, ghana has become officially, not only a nuclear country ghana has officially withthis land, which we start building

becomes partof the space technology. with the difference that we learn from nasa, we learn from russianspace agency. we learn from theiranian space agency the two ministries and their space ship program of iran. we learn from the chinese space technology. but instead of building propulsion,we use ... gans technology much cheaper, more effectiveand this is what we have achieved.

this is the first of manyspace launch pads. space ship launch pads,across the world. this is where we aregoing, this is how we sit. and, this is thanks to all of you. you got to understand,how you help. i explain to you becausetoday is, what we call... delivery of the annual report of what we have achieved. you did a test with a skin infection,you posted on the testimonials. you've done a test with cancer, you posted it.

you've done something with the fruit,you have posted it. these are important! the support we have given to "golden age of gans". this, all the testimonials, have to be connected to the keshe foundation. all the ones, the sites which you arecollecting testimonials: please get in touch with the webmaster. we connectyou to the testimonial section. these are all helping, becausescientists is talk, but when they see one, two, ten testimonials,a hundred testimonial, they seethe potential.

this is what has happened in ghana!this is what's happened in china! what's happening in ...other countries. the scientists are looking into the testimonials! and now they are tryingto find the structure to make it data presentable,that it can be used. this building which you seein front of you, is the first step. it's the first step into setting up of ajoint collaboration with governments, but being part of the government. the reason we are in this building,is because keshe foundation ghana

is 25% owned bythe ghanaian nation, it's their asset. and, as i had made the samedeclaration to italy, that when the disaster came, we opened the assets of the factory and everything we had to the nation. we have done the same thingwith ghanaian government. we have 75% shareholding but our assets, the income, will go to the nation. we take what we need to livebut the income from this establishment from the factory, will be available as long as the nation needs to pay the huge debts they have incurred in the last 8 years...

at least we pay for the scientists, we pay for the technology development, it's paying for a lot of research... and, as i said to the, ...what you call, the leaders of this country our share belongs to the nation. we are not siphoning it off. we're not taking itto hide it somewhere. and we have asked, very soonyou will understand. the keshe foundationbank account will move into the central bank national reserve.

because they see the income and wehave become part of the national asset. now you understand why we have beengiven so much opportunities. because this is the way it has to work. we control the management,because we see the direction we have to go till the nation understands. but the assets of the nation,belongs to the nation. the keshe foundation bank account,in coming days, will move into the central bank. we asked for it, and they have always responded.

because then, it can be used foreverything else which the nation needs. but we have a cannot be used for bribery, it cannot be used toover, what you call it, "invoice". we see it! we encourage research. we encourage scientists to come backfrom different parts of the world, back to ghana,to add to our knowledge. and this building and the factories and the space center will add to it. in ghana we have a couple of nasa topscientists who are ghanaians.

they are home! one has just been appointed to a very senior position in research & development. we'll bring those collaboration, in with us. they will join us andit'll take to the next step. ... this is how it should work. we have barletta as a center in europe. but underused... under... they arejust waiting for somebody to do something. a few people are running the centre. there're actually,two or three people ever use it.

it's left there for people,where, whatever? here we change the position. most of the people you seein these pictures... they have become partially working forghana atomic and partially supporting the keshe foundation ghana,because it is the same company. they are, most of them, top scientistsof the nuclear industry. have to explain to a lot of people,they have a fear of plasma. do what i have done and i have repeated it before... explain to them,that we had a matter.

we came to understand the atomic. then we understood nuclear,and we saw more power. now we've gone tothe essence, we see the center, and it is more friendlierand easier to use. they understand. keshe foundation belongs to the nations. and we are one nationwith the knowledge spread. now, as i said before,it's our annual report. cancer research is going in full.

if you have cancer, we know we ask for a donation for it... because it has to supportthe heavy research. it's not cheap, because when go in this level, we have to pay scientists, we have to pay for a lot of things. and, we need, we have materialat the moment for 50. and, this process, while it is done by thekeshe foundation supporters around the world, is monitored by fda. all the data is passed on to fda; the dosage, the behaviour, what happened. so, we have explained tofda officers that, as i said before,

"why do we haveto harm the animals? there are people who are dyingand there is the same chance. we do not know if it works on the animal,it is going to work on you. then they say, "it doesn't work." they are doing it themselves. and, compared to,what you call, 'chemotherapy' it's 1/10th of the costof chemotherapy. even less! but, we have tounderstand new ways. we have to learn new waysand as "one nation" it's our job.

at the keshe foundation team, at topmanagement is taking a lot of pressure, because we are directing new inventions,or, what you call it, for "innovation". because we need to, to bring the technology to a level of... and, you have seen theinvestment it's paying off. building the trust, governments giving us the properties to be... when we open,the first groundwork, for building of the first space launch lab in africa. the presidents will be there. the ministers will be there.

it'll be in the next few weeks... because, the nation is proud to move, using their own scientists,into space technology. (rc) there's a question: people are wondering whether other peoplefrom other countries can attend? like: "what are the prerequisitesof attending the plasma degree, or joining theresearch & development team?" (mk) there is none.(rc) and also what language is spoken in ghana?

(mk) ghana is english speaking,it's an english colony. (rc) hmm ... english is a common language, at all levels. so, ... all the ministries,all the official, what do you call it, language ... is english. we don't have a problem here. it's not like italy that we have to learnitalian, which is common, more spoken. we open it up if we see... that they're.. we are trying to bring...there is a... what are called prerequisite doing what we are doing,at the moment in ghana

is to give their trust backto the ghanaians. this is one of my first jobs andthis is taking time, gradually they are understanding. gradually they are understandingin the past two, three months. if you are bring people from outside, thenit becomes, "them bringing it to us." i need to build the trustin africa, for the africans. i've been here for 25, 30 yearsin this part of the world. i worked in this arealong enough, i understand the culture. (rc) maybe, maybe they will becomethe teachers for the rest of the world,

and it'll be up to the rest of the worldto invite them to teach, to come and, you know,teach others at some point. we are doing that. we are, we have beengiven two slots of half an hour per week, on one of the main television, radio channels. and, we're not doing it. ... benjamin and me,or maybe guests from across the world when they are here, it'll will be occasional. ... most of the teaching will be doneby the scientists we are teaching. they know it. they have to come, explain

in their language to the people,that people understand, this is the reason,we brought scientists in. this is the reason,every week, half an hour, they teach. we, we bring ghana nations into ahighest level of understanding of the plasma technologyin the next three months. everything has done, because we interact with government. we don't go to somebody, go somewhere. ... we are part of, one of the most prestigious institutes in this country,which is the atomic nuclear center.

and it carries a lot of power, ininteracting with the different ministries. we are not keshe foundation fromsomewhere, somebody's here. we are here, keshe foundation, ghana atomic. we are, we are part of, we're ... our factory in less than five meters,ten meters from the nuclear reactor. we are highly prestigious position. and this position gives us access andopportunity to explain the technology at highest level. and most of these peopleat the highest level

are highly educated peopleto understand it. they see it! strange enough, benjamincan tell you, if you can get him on-line. when we go to the high-level meetingsand we explain, benjamin is good at explaining,what they've done, who's used what. their first reaction is, "can i have some water? my son or me, have this problem." we walk out with the bottles left behind,then we're going to introduce. we already have the peopleconverted, because they do it themselves. they bring their secretaries in.

in one of the top, top ...boards, organizations in this country, we went last week with benjamin. the next time we went there,a couple of days later, because we had todo some other work with them, ... the head of the organization, which is a national, one of the top national organizationsin this country, and the head of the section says,"can you help my secretary? i've already spoken to the secretary,this technology is here." she says,"i gave birth and i have this problem."

it took me five seconds. i said, "this is what needs to be done." in these ministries, in these offices, they already start using the material, and they see, they say to the boss, "it works, i can sleep", "i can", "i feel good", "this is changed". we are not converting,we are educating! and this is what hasgot to be done. you see the man,talking to me in the front. he is one of the top scientistsin radiation control in africa. they are twin brothers.

and we are setting up new standards, with the help of these people in the coming weeks, forradiation detection and cleaning up. doctors who are gettingcontaminated in x-ray rooms, in their "contamination rooms". this is the beauty,of when we came here three months ago. we are here exactly 3 months. in three months, we achieved10 years, 20 years of work in europe. in europe, becauseof dl, we got nothing, but to shot at, poisoned and..blown up, and... everything else.

here, they open the arms,you see the facilities. we offered, the same technology to belgium. we offered the same thing toitalians. but... shutting down, listening to the lies ofthese people, who run all the time. a 70 year-old man, computer hacker, paedophile most probably. revenging on the loss of his brother, damaging so many people's lives. he will spend the restof his time in a 4 x 2 cell. (jb) mr keshe?

(mk) yes. (jb) i got that video, if you want to... (mk) go ahead!please share it with us. (jb) somebody else, has to stop sharing first. (mk) there's rick. (rc) yes, go ahead!should be able to there, now. okay! this is a very short video. ... it was, earlier in the testing. ... we have... we had one ofour transformers was down,

but, we still generatedsignificant fields. ... let me show you what..what we found in this particular test. it was kind ofunusual understanding. let's see, what we see. okay! so, we're here in arizona anddavid's measuring an anomaly in the field, from all the reactors, thathave been going, for a couple of days now. they're all spinning. we have the booster cable,or the booster unit on there and what david is finding, is thatthere is a void... about... he's...

he's on a eight-foot ladder. he's all way, up the top, so he's probably.. 15 feet high. no, maybe ...maybe 12 feet high. and right there, there is a void,but show him now in the middle, how that void...see it's on now, and it's off.. so now.. but in the middle,it goes all the way up to the top. go in the middle now david, and see how it goes all theway up and is still.. it's still beeping

this, it goes way high. as high as it can go,in the middle. but then, it has this point here,where it's shut off. but if it goes back.. now, pull it backwards david. backwards. and it goes off again. so, there's like a void,right above the magnetic ring, at about 12 feet high,but then it goes back out again.

so, it's very interesting. so, that was that. so, i don't know,exactly know how to explain it ... but that void is gone away since we've... gone back to the other configuration. (mk) .. yeah! this could bebecause of the condition you create, because of the fields in... the field in there, that you don't see, because of the turbulenceof the magnetic field flow. there are a lotof things which i have to ...

it's important, thatwe understand these things... how ... what i've seen,partially missing in the... or not understood in the... in the teachings. inunderstanding the part of the teaching. and... and this is, if i can share... screen, please. i'll explain to you what i mean. in most of the teaching, we'vedone up to now, we always looked at ...

some... aspect of the flow of the flux. but in fact, we haven't understoodsome of it. when we have two magnets, or two plasmas, in our teachings, we always refer to ... the flow of the magnetic fields, from north to south. and the same, vice versa, here. but i thinkpart of what you haven't realized, what we show here, in reality this..

this operation, here, is very much, it's, this here, operation we show, this is thegravitational magnetical conversion, which is the separation. but in fact,if you go back to the teaching, and understanding it from the beginning,there is a field repulsion, between the north,and the north, and the south,and the south, too. it's this field force,which keeps the separation go back to the teaching.

go back to understanding,of the field of the plasma. where we speak about, when you put northand north together, they separate. when you putsouth and south together, they separate. it's no difference in the plasma when it'sin this shape and this context. these fields, not all go to the other,some spread, and the interaction of what comes here,and what comes here, creates the separationfrom the north pole. and what comes from here... and what comes here,creates the separation on the south pole.

not all the fields are... the field confirmationand the pattern is like this. it's these fields which createthe separation of the positioning. and these fields create the attraction. and when these forces come to balancewith each other, this is the position,where the two entities take their place. this is what...i explained in some of the teachings and i carry on explaining,just we make more understanding of it. the four field forces we talk about,the two gravitational,

are these two which are here, and these two here are the two magnetical,the separation. and we have to understand this,this is the backbone of the science. if one of these positions is slightlywrong, the distance will change. the one plasma will tilt,towards the other this is the position of the earth, becausewe are in a way, giving more, or taking more on the gravitational,and this gravitational in respect to our environment,has tilted the earth into an angle.

the four field-forcesare the gravitational, the two of each, which they pull in, and the two magnetical. so, if we go back on the wholeunderstanding, so it becomes very easy. you have two plasmas, and you have the four field-forceswhich you have created. the repulsion, and the two of the attraction. these two create the separation,

and these two create the attraction. now you see, this is what we need to understand. that’s how plasmas stay separatefrom each other. that’s how the positioning is created. and, if we change something in here, deliberately, we tilt onein respect to the other. your spaceship. angular lift.

how much we let gravitational to becomethe stronger than the magnetical, this decides the angleof takeoff, or the angle of landing. these are pieces of the knowledge whichhas to be understood, complete. and that’s why you see gaps in positions you have vortices of interactions ofdifferent coils, and, in some places you see gaps. these gaps, these are what you call,like a 'black hole'. you can fly through, you can use it.

you look for them,in certain specific conditions, because they have a strengthbeyond your detection strength. so, it means they are tunedto somewhere else that they exist, and in the existence they are connected tosomething somewhere else, where you want to be, if you need be. so, when you look at thismaybe you understand more, where the repulsion comes from,where the attraction comes from. this goes back, and then into a lot ofinteraction and attractions and a lot of things has to be explained.

one of the things that was ... i was.. i've been trying to bring upin the teachings, maybe you can keep this picture, because it's very important. it's part of the teachings,which you have not understood and what i keep on referringas to, the four field-forces. this is number one, this is number two, this is number three and this is number four.

something which is important!now, that we are entering into the different dimensionsof understanding of the technology. it is important for us to ... take to the next step, in understandingdeeper, the science of the creation. i have spoken of thisin couple of teachings and i think it will beimportant for us, to be able to understand more after three yearsin what were and where we come. we speak about the soul of the man, we we have found or wethink we have access to it

because nowwe can place it. roughly the position. the inertia, the soul of the physicality,which is somewhere near the heart. and we have the... emotional soul, which is somewherein the center of the brain of the man. and when the two interact, is the interaction of the physicality. very much like what we see,just turn it upside down. turn it by 90 degrees,

and what you will see,it's very, very interesting. let's go and see, how we can seeand how we can understand, something which we never understood. the body of the man has chosen the position of hissoul, because of it's construction. it's very much is a two level entity,it's like earth. it has gravitational,and then it has a inertia. the physical part, which is the inertia part of the man,

which is interactionwith the physical part of it, which is to the ground,to the earth where it came from, with the matter side of it. because, somethingwhich you have to understand, and i was.. i explained thisin some teachings. when you look at the body of the man, you have the emotional side,which is the brain, and the soul in it. you have the physical part,which is from the neck down. each one has it's own soul, each one hasit's own central operation of the mass.

this is like the inertia part. and this is like the... what we call, the gravitational part,magrav part. the two work in conjunctionand in interaction with each other, that’s why your heart falls withyour emotion when you fall in love. when you have a fear,when you understand something. so, in fact the two part, have chosen, andthey have the inertia part of the soul. and the, what we call the"emotional" part of the soul. the question comes, which'sbeen a mystery in the world of science,

this is the history of, horizontal people. the question to ask; where is the position of the soulof the verticals? we know they have emotion, we know they feel pain, we know they response to lover talks, but, the question for humanity isto understand because,

the first enigma, is the plantwhich man has been all the time with, and he never understood. finding the structure, then the positionand the working of the soul of the plant, a tree, then becomes the riddlefor the man to find, the soul of the entities in theuniverse which helped us understand. you see a structure walking on the ground, is the soul at the bottom of it's feetor it's in top, of the position of what we think is the head?

where can you target your emotiontowards the soul? where can you target your soultowards the soul of the entity that you can get a response? it's no use looking into the sky,when it's on the floor. just because you seea physical manifestation, going up. this becomes important, because nowthat we go into the agriculture. we understand we touchthe environment of the plant, that, it creates a condition that the pestsand the parasites and whatever

being a beingor a tree, vertical moving or horizontal moving, the parasites don't want to be there,because you change the environment. but have you changed theenvironment of the tree? or have you touched with what you've done,the soul of the tree, that it has changed it's manifestation? have you given theguarantee of the success, that it will survive,you made it much easier? that, that has givenit a chance to change.

we see in the man, we givepeople with psychological problem, zinc oxide with co2,maybe a little bit of ch3. they change, the posture change,they stand up. they don'tstand abuse the pains go. so does the tree. so does the plant. do we understand this? that we can implement it, across the universe wherever we travel. the question, i put to our agriculturists,to all of you.

where is the soul of the plant, where is the soul of a tree? we have videos, we have cases,where the physical brain, i have shown this in one of the teachingsprivate teachings, where the personhas gone through operation, and most of the physical partof the brain to do with arms and legs are takenout because of a tumor. so, when you look at the personindividual you see, it's totally flat, it's just likethey put a slice through the brain.

but, the person's still alive, the personstill talks but he can not move. he's been in bed for 5 years. the soul is still there, that’s why whenthe doctors cut, at that time, they didn’t understood the positionof the soul, somehow, they bypassed it they've taken thephysicality part of the brain out. in understanding that he can literally bring all the workingof the physical part of the brain into one point even into aspinal cord. we encouraged and we broughtthe position of the wish of the the will,

and the emotion of the soul,into one part of the body of the person, and the person after 5 yearsliterally, walks off the bed. walking. being able to move their leg, being ableto hold things, being able to write again. these have all been videoed,it's not a dream. we can bring theemotional part, to the soul. but where is the soul of the plant? why when we cut a tree, thebranches of it, nothing happen? but if we cut a tree at a certain pointin a certain place, the tree never grows.

does the soul of the plant sit, along thestrength of the length of it's body? does the soul of the plantconnected to, with the root of it? does the plant go through thesame emotional condition as we do? and it gets cancer, he allowsfungus on the skin, we call it parasites. pesticides, we use to overcome them. what about, now that we use thegans material, and we rub it on the skin and we see the changes on the skin. we cannot do the same with the plantswith the trees.

that, we give them thepoint of comfort, we move the cancer, in a position that the bodyfinds a new position. this is what we need to understand. this is the endeavourwhich we have to take part in, to understand moreabout our own planet. this is part of thetechnology we have to understand. the agricultural team in the teaching,private teachings, have understood, the emotion and the soul,roughly where it is. what strength it is,but now you have to position it.

why when we cut certain trees,in certain way, we get certain responses? why when we cut a tree at a point,we take no life? it's like separating the physical soulfrom the emotional part. if the tree feels when you talk to it,when a plant understands and response to your, emotion,so it must have a soul too. but, where is the position ofthe soul of this plant? we have to learn this, if we becomethe passengers of the universe. because, we always thought we arethe only soul carriers. now we understand, the hypocrisy of theearth being the centre of the universe.

has gone, the hypocrisy that earth is flat is gone, so ?zoroastro? and some peopleare trying to say it's not. the hypocrisy witha lot of things have gone. now, we have to get rid of this hypocrisy. and understand the reality. where is the soul of the plant, where is the soul of the tree? can we avoid it? can we strengthen it?can we change it?

that it changes it's position and it'sposture and it's environment that does not have parasites and givesthe fruit, the love. when you eat the fruit of a tree,it's the love of that tree to mankind, to humanity,to the... to his world. because, it's givingfrom itself. it doesn't have thetalk to say, "i love you" but it gives it's fruit,"this is me, have some, take from me." so, if the plant have such a feeling, if a tree have such a feeling, where is it's soul?

you are looking for the top of the tree, or do we separateit's physical soul from his, emotional soul, and that’s the timewhen the tree will not grow anymore. can we find this point? and then, the question is,where does it sit? is it upside down? is the soul of the plant in it's roots? because, it's protectedthe same as the man with a skull? and the body is sticking up?

the physical part. these are the questions whichhumanity has to find answer for. to be ready to understandwhatever see you in space, does not mean the soul,still all target on the top. you target the wrong end,you pay heavily for it. we have to understandabout the environment of ourselves first, before we go further. we have to understand aboutthe entities around ourselves, before we endeavor into space.

and this is why man is not ready yet, to be on it's own,part of universal community, because, you're not educatedwell enough yet. you're getting there! the problem is, the total understanding. if you look now, it's very simple. is the soul, of the plant somewhere here? of it's emotional part? and the soul of it's physical partsit somewhere here?

where the interaction of the two, very simply, creates the aura of the tree. where when we interact and change,and give to the emotional side, changes the physical, the aura changes,and this new dimension of aura, they can not exist,that type of parasites. we do that with the humans, why not with the plants?

as i always say, "we are here to enlightenit's for you to re-educate yourself." you got to understand the totality. you got to understand the interactionof the totality within the structure of the plasma of the entity. the biggest problem for manin space, will be and is, like any other travellers of the universe. control of the emotion in respect to thesoul and manifestation of the physicality. when you understand this, andyou fall in love with the...

another entity from another planet. in the emotion of the love,in being wanting to "be" with, you effect your soul, that creates andmanifests you in the shape of the lover. at the point of manifestation. in farsi we say: ø§ú¯ø± ù†ù…ûœ ø®ùˆø§ù‡ûœø¯ ø¨ù‡ ø§ûœø³øªø§ø¯ú¯ûœøœ ø´ù…ø§ ø¨ù‡øªø± ø¨ø®ø´ûœ ø§ø² ø¢ù† øªø¨ø¯ûœù„ ø´ø¯ù‡ ø§ø³øª. means, "if don't want to standout, you better become part of it." do we use our emotion to getthe energy we need from the soul, to change our manifestation, not to bein the shape of the human

with the 4 arms, and legs and have 20 legs and 4 arms because in that area where we are it suits the existence and it brings usto the lover, we want to be with. the soul is the same, theemotion is the same. it's the physicality, of the position,which we decide to change through our own emotion. it is important for us to go inmore understanding of these points, it is vital, we have no choice, otherwise in spacewe'll misread, we talk to the foot

when the head is on the floor. as i said we are too physicaland we always looked up that the more the head stays up it could be on the left side, in the middle, on the right side, you have to see the behavior of theperformance of the physicality. these are important. these are part of theeducation we need to have. and i said: "till we are not ready, the spaceship shall not be there",

and you cannot be tomorrow there, becauseyou haven't understood the progress. this part of the... what we see with jon, what we see with the health section,what we see with the agriculture, what we see with people who makematerials like gold and everything else, is the same process. there is something i wantedto explain to you, this is important, it goes out of line, but is something came to me to tell you peter from austria, he received a threat. it came from's registered.

you can sue him for the attackshe's done on you, and the threats he's made. you are austrian, contact thepolice, in that section. i just received the notefrom security services. please advise, peter you know,you are from austria, you receivedthreats against you. they're monitoring what's happening in the background and getting me informed. please contact the austrian policewhich you have, and make sure, you register your claimagainst the threat

robert has made you as austrian,he will sentence immediately. they're after him, they startthe procedure now. sorry about this. you have to understand. the whole process. the whole structure. i am getting information... peter he's hacked into your computer that's how he gotthe information, and the police,are watching him.

he's with the german guy,they hacked your system and that's how theymade the threats against you. he was laughing at that time,now he is crying. now you understand, the process. now understand how,the interaction of duality is confirmation of existence, of one with another. we have the strengthof the proton. and the energy which is given, by protondictates the position of the electron. the electron is the physicality.

so if you use the emotion of ... what you call, the "soul of the emotion". the strength of it, you canchange the position of the heart. or the strengthof the manifestation. this is how it'll work.this is how you will understand. so, if you understood this,you can change an apple tree, instantaneously,to create oranges. because, the process ofthe physical manifestation is the same, you just need tochange partially the emotion. then you will understand, the effect on the physicality.

these are, what isimportant to us. this is what is part of thestructure which is important to us. this is what will come to be understoodand to be acted upon. this is importantto understand, that the life in any dimension in the universe, is the same. it depends, how much of theemotion side you want to give, for the presentation and theposition of the physical side. give you an example.

we are not aware of theexistence of an atom ... except the coulomb's barrier, or the atmospherewhich is created by the proton, and enhanced by themotion of the electron. this is howany plasma is created. the centre gives, and in what is converted to the strengthof the matter in a given environment dictates, the physical particles,which gives the boundary of the plasma. if you understand this, and you understandthe picture which is on the screen. then you understand how...

you change your manifestationaccording to the strength, according to the environment which yougive, because the soul part here, very much in strength dictates, the position... of the physicality soul. now you have become a treein the space of new dimension. i was explaining to thescientists from senior, what you call it, teams of scientists here, which we are training,

and when i explain to them, in how, now we understand the creationof amino acid from gaseous part. and we understand, the creationof matter when the gaseous part interacts with the physical part. the scientist was bending back and forthand he was saying, "how come we missed this?" "how come we never understood this?" i walked him into the tanks, where the scientist are with us, and i show them howamino acid is made.

and how the interactioncreates blood. he says, "the life, the knowledge of science has changed". now we understand whatwe could not understand. now for them,is a physical interaction. now, you try to explain that the co2 container, has a salt too. now the mayhem starts! the ganses you make at the bottomare more powerful than the gans of the amino acid. the amino acid on the topbecomes the physical manifestation

of the existence of the co2 at the bottom. your animal is up side down. yesterday in the teachings, in the... with our people, i showed them, i ask for a leaf froma mango tree we have in the garden. and i said look. i put the leaf sideway, oneside is nano-coated material, they could see thedifference in the color, of the leaf back and the front,

and one side is a copper, in betweenthese layer you are producing co2 same as your copper here. and you see on the top you created fat, so now it's the leaf of the plant has got fat. we always assumed the water andnitrogen given to the plant gives life. no, the water and nitrogen creates the new environment, how much amino acid is absorbed from the environment, that's why you havethat greasy leaf. that's where theenergy comes from.

that's why the what we call, green housesare useless with the new technology, because they stop, they create a barrier for the fields to reach the plant. so, now we understand more but.. we have to understand theoperation of the physicality and the soul in respect to the space. that, in the space wedon't talk to the toes, but actually, the brain and the desicion maker is atour foot level, standing upside down. do we stand on our head and speakto it, or we respect it the way it is, but we appreciate the beauty of what isin front of us, physicality.

any questions? (rc) well, thank you mr keshe! yeah we're here! i'll just remind people that, if you area viewer, i can promote you to a panelist and then you can ask your question. and, if someone isa panelist you can ... offer to speak if youhave a question. if they don't have any questionswe can, ask ... or share what you wanted to share withus from the united states, you received. let me ... i'm just.. i'm receivingmore information,

the security peoplewant you to anything you received from threat from these guys, please register with the policein austria urgently. ... there will be process for his arrest,most probably next few weeks because they'll pile it up,the way we did with allen sterling. now, we know the threat made to peter came from robert, with different names,he calls himself. it's on the websitewhich is done by the security's. ... fill in a form for the threatyou received against him,

and the security services are downloading,his computer, has already been doneand he will be committed. you don't go and make terrorist out of cybers, because people are somewhere. you did us a great deal,in writing to the security's in ghana. because we watched all the channelswhich you introduce yourself. you open yourself very, what we call,in the english language, "belly up!" especially mr sylvester. ... very strange situation which iscoming up regarding, this gentleman: is that he was present when the black man was there to shoot me,

we thought he wasactually carrying the gun, when his colleague got arrested, he had tobe there pretending he's the camera man. so, your handis very much opened. and the security forcesare watching you, sir. as far as we know korean governmentis not happy to have a terrorist amongst them,in internet or in physicality. carry on please. (rc) okay! (clears throat) ... there are a couple ofother questions on other topics but ...

... maybe, we would like to show whatheather bryant has on regarding the standing rock... protests? (mk) go ahead please.(rc ) oay! let's go for that, let me get.. maybe i'll bringjustin smith (js) in as well, ... maybe, he can make a comment. and, heather (hb) are you there? (hb) yes i am! i brought up the photosand some videos on my desktop, and ... i may ... let's check with justinand see if he's got enough of a ... a connection, where he can talk.

if not, i have severalsmall clips, that he sent in earlier, and one that he recorded,just ... just before this started, so. (rc) yeah i don't see hisname up here now, so i think he might have dropped out. (hb) alrighty? (rc) okay? so are you able to showwhat you'd like to show then? (hb) yes! once i canshare the screen there. (rc) okay! you don't have a button that justsays automatically to share the screen? we were talking about this earlieramongst ourselves and whether you'll..

whether you'll be able tojust merge? ah, it worked! or something'sgoing on, anyway. (chuckles) (hb) okay, let me... (mk) no, i stoppedsharing that's why. (rc) oh, okay! well we were trying to decidewhether we had to actually stop sharing. (mk) can you please cover your screen? we see too much. just try to share first, put whatyou want to show first, please. we are seeingtoo much of your screen,

and these mr robert's,are very good hackers! (rc) yeah! you should'nt showyour desktop heather, just show the picture orthe folder you want to show there. (mk) yeah! (rc) you should actually havethe pictures already up and then (mk) thank you very much.(rc ) share them (hb) okay! i'll try to toggle back and forth,bear with it... between the two. ... i just wanted to put this upthere first ... bur you know's.. our, i guess, efforts in gettingjustin up there

and giving him some plasma type supplies and... it's just kind of funny how it's all kindof finally come together in these... these, last couple of days really,i suppose, and it was... (rc) an overview; ... what's going on, where... where thisis, and who justin is, what he's he's had quite a journey just to get thereand so on, i understand. (hb) exactly! so i'll..(rc) there we're talking about the ... in dakota which is... they're having a protest over the pipelinethat's going through and what not.

(hb) there we go! (rc) okay, good, thank you. (hb) yeah! so... (rc) go ahead! yes, describe what's happening. (hb) ... yeah!... so ... you know, there's.. there's a pipeline thatis being built through our country from canada, all the way down, and i guess they... they have plans ontaking it underneath the missouri river? and, that's also going through ... quitea few different indian reservation lands,

and of course, you know, theindian people are very ... conscious of their connectionto the land and ... and the waterand the value of that and that, usually when they putbig pipes of oil under big bodies of water things don't go welland you know there's... there's often spillageand things like that. so, ... that's my understanding of thissituation, that the... many, many tribes have actually,come together to go up there, and ... be part of this and they'vebeen doing this on and off for

months, months and months. it justhappens to have gone through winter now, which has made ita little more challenging, for people thatare visiting there. ... but people have just,actually camped out there, to ... to come togetheras tribes, to do ... the different typesof ceremonies that they do, and kind of,keep an eye on the process, as it goes through thedifferent legislative processes. which.. there was a big oneyesterday, where trump was...

(sigh) brought up the differentexecutive orders... ... there's some video on it,but this just kind of summarizes it. that he was given theexecutive orders about going ahead, continuing with thatpipeline and did sign those. and... one thing that i heard. when he was signing them is,he would hold it up, he'd sign it and say, "yes i'm signing it but..." and it's subject to ... "renegotiation and terms by us."

and he kept sayingthat very poignantly, with each of them thathe was signing, so ... i don't know, my glass isperpetually, kind of half full, so i kind of saw that as apossible opening, with something. so, i'm looking to see. so, this is kind of funny, you know,... that justin had been traveling and, and he got up there and some point he figured out, that he was on the wrong side of ... the river or something. and, he had to, kinda re-routeand go back up, and around, and...

there we go, there's some... i'll try to go throughsome of the pictures, kind of... on the way there. he was sending us back.. oh! this is kind of funny. i guess,that's in one of the potties there. cause it's ...can be rather chilly up there i don't remember what temperaturehe said it was, pretty, pretty low. not as... not as bad, as it had been though! and all along we'vebeen doing this, kind of a chat.

you know, on facebook,the way people do and he's just kind of keeping us posted,as to what he's doing. he took his dog up there. encountering some of the crewsthat are there to do some clean up. i guess, a lot of the ... with, like the ex military peoplehad been up there and and ... there were thousands of them,i suppose, and a lot of food donated. ... and this is just an areawhere he noticed there were a lot of thingsthat weren't used, i suppose ...

and, just noting that... there's a lot of resources up there,just kind of left around and ... before he left... several of us were trying to gettogether some things to send him. there's his hand on the ground saying that it's not totally frozen. and.. i'm looking for some ofthe things that we sent ... i put this up briefly,but i'll put it back up because i think...he just just... he took off with ...

a lot of ... just..just faith i suppose, you know ... and he didn't havemuch on this "go fund me". it was, i think when i looked at it,it was like 75 $, or whatever and he just got in his car andwent, which is... which is amazing! ... he did find the medic area,which was where the box that ... our local community service groupput together, a box for the medic tent. we had tried several times,several ways and addresses to try to get it up there, to the medic tent and it just kind of... didn't seem like the right one, or the right way, or the right people.

and, so i just kind ofput it in a closet and in ... a week or so ago, got justinkinda hooked up with all of this. and, he got us a mailing addressand said he was on his way. so, we just mailed it there. there is also a beautiful person infrance that had put together a rather large ... box of variousplasma things and sent it that way. trying to find her pictures on here...there we go... so those are being sent up there. i don't knowthat they've arrived yet.

but a lot of things were puttogether with love from france. we both put in a lot of,you know, laminated instruction sheets of how to use thedifferent plasma waters. i put together something more forthe medic tent, you know, with the different types of things that we use. we call them "cheese sandwiches", and "lettuce sandwiches", and ... "ace wraps", any supports...i showed this before so i won't do much detail on that

and ... the point is, they got there, which is really fortunate i'm going to stop share, while i switchto some of these little video things. justin said he was able to get... into one of the meetings where... the eld..i'm not sure of all the terminology, and...justin was able to... the elders were ... meeting every day,you know,

to just kind of, touch basewith what was going on there and also have... almost liketestimonials of people ... saying, you know,that they were, "there for peace" and also bringing up what typesof things were being... they were being confrontedwith, from the other side, i'll just leave it at that. okay i'm gonna try to...share again and do some of these little video clips that he didand then, i'll do the one that he put. this is, when he was getting there.

itâ´s rather chilly still! this was just yesterday... (js) we have a lot of cleaning up to do. okay, we'll take that one off... just try to be real careful about thescreen thing... so bear with me there i got to make that bigger. ...there we go... there's this one.. and then i will do his... (js) i want you all toremember that i learned to build everything i could outof garbage in my garage.

and there are piles and pilesof garbage everywhere. and thank you for the posts...i'll try to keep you guys updated. i gotta try to find a batterycharger or use my car. (hb) (chuckling) he had said one time that, "i guess... in this technology ... keshe has taught us well to scavenge ... for things and be able to find all the parts andthings that he would need to make gans, nano-material and what not's", so, we've been just kind of,manning that chat, and...

just giving him...ideas of things to do, and, of course, he's veryknowledgeable in these things as well ... let's see (mk) are these flags,flag of each tribe? (hb) ... i believe so! i'll pause it and see, that's likethe area where they drive into the camp. (js) rusty ??? (js) there's your flags honey,(hb) (chuckling) there's ... been severalyoung ladies that have been there

and they've, kinda helped us with the... getting some of these videos up and posted and available... (mk) how does.. how is the useof technology, affecting these tribes? or the people? (hb) ah well we haven't got... (hb) right that's...the anticipationwould be that there's a lot of opportunities to use it. like i said he,just got there yesterday ... he's just barely getting the boxesof what we have sent him,

so, it hasn't started yet.he hadn't been able to to get in andstart using it yet. we're giving him all kinds of ideasand we wanted to ask you as well as, you know,what kind of things you could see that would be useful inthis environment ... where they are basically, running off generators and this is the ... (mk) there is a situation the... there is a situation where...

(cdr): can i ask a question? (hb) yes! (cdr) ... heather it's caroline (cdr) are you aware that marilee has arrivedin the camp as well, a few days ago? (hb) oh! i didn't know that. okay! (cdr) yeah! i've been postingthe information out. she has brought a lot of stuff with her and ... she is asking to connectto other people, which are in the camp. so, maybe you can find her throughfacebook, to connect with her?

(hb) get the two of them together,i think they're talking on the chat? ... this is, one of the...i don't know if the correct term is a 'chief'? ... justin did post that there's ... you know, quitea few of the elders there. they have.. there's a lot going on, like... there's a cough thateverybody seems to have. there's some of them kinda, back inhotel rooms, because they're not healthy enough really,to be out there.

and ... it just seems like these technology could be of a big help to someof these folks too. so this is the last one that i'll... let me take this.this was the... (rc) excuse me! i see thatjustin is back in as a viewer. i just promoted himto a panelist, so maybe, he'll have something to say as well. (hb) okay! do you want me to play this three-minute thing from earlier? or let him talk himself... or?

(rc) ... well sure you can play that. i think, would be a good idea,if it's appropriate. (hb) yeah! yeah, this is what he sent in to play. (js) hello to everyonewho does not know me. my name is justin smithfrom michigan, united states. i'm a student with thekeshe foundation space institute. i'm here right now in standing rock with the indigenous people,who have gathered together after a 150 years of separation,to come as a common collective.

to protect the water from dapl and the oil pipeline that is infringing on their property. what they are doing hereis beyond parallel! reuniting... besides the differences,coming together... for a common purpose. life! they are leaving behind. they know how important it is.everything: their water, their land and specially this unity that they are rekindling.

not all of us can helpin every way. and, i'm reminded now bya saying of mother theresa. "not all of us can do great things but, wecan all do small things with great love" i have donated my time.i am here. i just got here. there's a lot left to do. a lot of clean up. a lot of people that are sick. a lot of people that are cold. a lot of people going a little bit delirious with all the confusion,spraying's, toxic gases.

rubber bullets being shot at themstraight in their faces, mace, everything. the violence has stoppedhere for the moment. basically the calmbefore the storm. we know more is coming. anyway, we have set up a teamthat has put together as many resources as possible, in the background,for the last month and a half. and, it's taken quite a bit of workto get to where we are right now. at this point we are here, we are ready to help. we already are already underway.

not really looking for a whole bigpat on the back or anything mr. keshe... you taught us all to love ourselves and then, if we really wantto change the world, we've got tostart with somebody else... i'm travelling the united states to try toreach the people i can before i got here. so now, i would like to putmy message out there. a little prayer

if you have the ability to help in any way, even your conscience,put it up, put it out there- peace, wishful thinking love and unity together we are one. thank you! (mk) it's very nice to hear what has been said. ... maybe we cangive you a few tips, maybe it works. what we are testing in ghana is a temperature control

it's important for usbecause here we have a condition of 35 - 37 degrees, 40 degreesday and night, mostly during the summer it's all, even now we arein 35 - 36 degrees, dry. what the... people are testingactually, started yesterday and we know it from the other places,from other research, is that the ganses havethe ability to control temperature. we have to find the right mixture. it'll be interesting to know if you can wash the body with co2,

or the extremities, like the foot. would it hold the body temperatureat 24 - 27 degrees? or would ... hold the temperaturethat you do not feel cold? maybe in your time there,you can ask people to test it: a mixture of like co2 and copper oxide and see if that brings a change, to take a way you create a new environment around the bodythat it doesn't feel the cold, it does not matter where you are,

you can walk in the snow. you can sit next to the fire. we've seen this effectin other places. in your position maybeyou can test it yourself, or others who are around you. washing the socks with a co2,copper oxide and just wearing it. don't forget, we were just teaching,that we create a new environment. this is what we are testing here. maybe all the ganses you carried.

... in a mixture of zinc oxide,copper oxide, gives you the feeling of the warmth and equality, and between stays at the temperature that you don't even need to wearso much clothing. we have to test. now you are in the opportunity and thesepeople are in need, to be there in that position. hanging up these patches,which you give them to go on their body would it be ... better to hangthese patches in the tent and see if you can change the environment?

i do that ... in the lab. put boxes or bottles of the ganses indifferent positions in the room, in the interaction, they create a motion of the fields and that motion creates warmth. put, on one side of the room, 1/2 litre of bottle of gans of co2 and on the other side of the room, 1/4. it works by mass, in transferring energyfrom one to another, you create flow. of the fields and the interactionwith the body of the man, it creates warmth and heat.

tents cannot be cold. (rc) mr keshe, i think that some of theclothes that are shown in this picture have been sprayed with gans water. is that true heather? (hb) i am muted. yes! that's when we did our community service project. we had everybody bring hats and glovesand thingsand we.. we made the peace gans which was a mixture of all thethree hemoglobin gans, zinc oxide and co2 and we sprayed it all over, all of those things. ... and dried them thoroughly and then we, you know, attached

... a patch to each of them, so that they would have both of those. (mk) caroline has a very good guideline. she says, "if you want to know if yourgans patch works?" co2 gans patch,"touch it. it is always cool." so, co2 creates coolness. you need to use copper oxide, zinc oxide, or would you need to use ch3? ... she has a very good rulewith these things. and she says, "whenever you touch the co2, you know it still got energy,

it always feels cooler" so, you don't use co2. you use copper oxide,zinc oxide or you add sugar, which is ch3, to create a variation in it. we don't have the frost here inafrica to test it you in the snows, within a matter of minutes, you know. and then one bottle of the gans mixture,right mixture, can serve a lot of people. don't forget when the gans touchesthe skin, the plasma, gans stays with the body for a long time.

(rc) ... mr keshe, what abouta gans of say, cayenne pepper? or some sort of hot pepper?(mk) why you want it that hot? (rc) well, if you're standing instanding rock in -30 below weather (mk) try it! this is the beautyof this technology! try it! why not? there is always a reaction. (rc) but on the other hand, the cayennepepper is used for... in the mexican culture to... for cooling. so, it's interesting!(mk) try it! (rc) maybe the, the ... co2 gansin spite of being cooling properties,

maybe in extreme cold, it actually startswarming properties? (chuckles) (mk) we see many effects. we have... the people who are in the position, have to test it and tell us. (rc) like we are told the ganses don'tfreeze very easily compared to regular water, for example. so maybe, it is a kind ofan anti-freeze for feet in a way? (mk) we see in italy and inother researchers, that there's athreshold of the amount. if you add 25%, you might still feel it doesn't work...

but if you make it 50/50 it might work... it's of a threshold! (rc) well that's the way with anti-freezeas well, in a vehicle, for example. you put in anti-freeze but it actuallyprevents the over-boiling of the water as well. so it's in both directions. (mk) you see..(rc) keeps it from freezing, yeah.. (mk) let me tell you. sometimes, part ofthe work which heather was explaining and part of what we've seen. the gentleman wasjust explaining in his talks. we keep on talking about the contamination which the pipeline is

bringing to the land, to the ground. my ethos always, has been; don't fight!fight takes too much energy. let them do, and when they are's like a boxer, let them use all their punches, and when they run out of the punch, you just open it upand they will fall. so, what this comes to is ... here in ghana, because as i explained,i think in a couple of teachings before, we have started to look intothe structure of the oil,

and the oil products. in past couple of... past week or two,in the level we are working, now we have asked and most probably next week or two, we come to an arrangement withthe ghanaian national oil company. where, our researchers in thefoundation, the factory, because one of them is an oil specialist.we have two of them with us. ... that we start looking on what co-existence means? okay! the oil industry wantsto pipe this oil to make man rich.

but, the oil is damaging the... the ground which, thenative americans don't want to have it. maybe, in the next few days? we are seeing things, we are doing test. tests are going on for a weekor two now, in the research center here. is that, we have added certainganses to the oil and we see it is becominglike a milkshake. so... with this technology canwe create an environment where the nativeshave their clean environment

and the ones who are after the oil,receive the oil they want? i think that's a good compromise! if the americans wantto get access to all the oil, to become richer, becausethey paid somebody somewhere off, irrelevance of whatever it is. let them do! but we try to find a solution that... we can change the oil in what,is the fear of it damaging the water. we see oil in a different way, in the keshe foundation, now research here.

let me explain to,you understand much easier oil is not fossil fuel, oil isa protein-based product. a protein-based product, whichis connected and linked up with more hydrogen and carbon tokeep its condition in interaction with the minerals of the water. so, what it is if we can. this is the way thatwe are approaching and week. we think about 99%,that we are right. in the very near futurewe explain.

we can change the.. what is themenace of the oil, into a food for land. the protein chain, to become the the protein, as we use it for whatever and the ch-bond, becomessugar-bond or like the fertilizer. this can be done! we see this, so thereis no use for fighting each other. and spending so much energy. in the new sciencewe look for new opening, new structures,new ways to connect. as i've said many times,

"we don't destroy anything. in the don't destroy, we accommodate." the fear of contaminating the water,at the point very... where it could be, you just add this new material or you put a machine near it that it creates,different condition, environment. the oil man has his oil, the native has his land, sweet water and the food. those of you who have tasted the co2, it tastes sweet, if it got some zno in it. the water which is nothing,not gives you

the pleasure ofthe emotion of satisfaction. we can do the same with the oil. i used to be in theoil business for a long time. when i was explaining thisto the oil people, they understood. it has an extra asset. the only thing whichwe're concerned with in... this oil, if youare with the red indians, ask them has the oil been analyzed? send it to me!

then, i can tell you how... we can set up experiment. how to, maybe, change it? one of the reasons... i was explaining, to the oil industry people here, they understood. in europe if you buy landwhich is to be a petrol station of fuel station orwhere they used to use fuel. as i explained in the teaching before,couple of years ago, you have to dig out the land and remove six meters of the soil

and for whateverthe reason, and then they say, "the reason we doing this in europeand america is because, the oil you tank in your car carriesuranium and certain amount of plutonium" its natural process, dependshow the oil washes the sand and then if is there, he takes with it. in the refining business, we are notlooking for nuclear contamination, but every oil inevitably, has set amount of nuclear materials. you have to understandthe principle, the totality of it. oil is created on the sea level,

the amino acid washes it, goes through the sea. the water's salt water,it lands in the bottom of the sea. it already has,become living structure. but with the pressure which is on it,pushes through the filter of the earth. it's like any filter, you put charcoal,you put calcium, you put anything else. earth is a mixtureof the filter of the whole entity ofthe existence of this planet, plutonium, uranium, radioactive materials is part of it. so, when we get to the oil at the bottom, where you stops,

it has washed everything,with itself to the bottom. the pressure of the water on the top has pushed it through. when we take oil out, the first thing is we send it to the company called 'ses'. you cannot deal with anyone, evenat the time of you putting in a tanker. you get ses report when it arrives you take ses reportat the port of entry, up to the refinery they have to give you ses report. and in this ses report,we see the minerals, we see all the contam.. what.. what is contained in it

if it fits a refinery, becauseoil can be changed on the high seas. so, the certificateof the port of arrival before this discharging is important. and then we look at it. we look, always, we look for uranium and radioactive material inside it, and we discard it, it means wedon't clean it, we let it goes through. because, then you'll haveto fill in radioactive certification when you carrying nuclear material. and the refinery's always,sent decades of work,

have literally, put a blind eye to it. but, in marina oil, and in some of the fuel which are not filtered properly, they like to call it a '4-star' if you look a 4-star, like in africa it's reddish, different color, because it's not cleaned up properly. so, the radioactive materialwhich we discarded, we ignored, lands up on the land, in the plot. when you buy land, or you trying tochange a petrol station, like in italy, in belgium, whatever,you have to take a soil sample

that, they tell you, it's certified they can use it,they can build on it. and in that certification, we look for uranium, then it's always there high level of uranium, plutonium in some cases. so, we have to understand when you deal with this oil, get an analyst of it, let's have a look at it. and a ways to make it safe,that they both can co-exist. i don't support the president elect,or president now in position, trump, in respect yes, we go ahead, but i offeran alternative to the president.

let's look! there is an alternative. support the research,we are doing it here in africa, support the research and then offer an alternative to the red indians. go to the natives or anywhere. we, in nigeria we havebigger problem with these things. we can change the oil into food. that's what it'sgoing to become anyway. it's the ch bond, plus the amino acid.

in the oil industrywe rely on 43-47% of the fuel of the petrol, whenit comes, that you use in your cart. the rest is the minerals,which gives value to the product. so, people in the oil business,we understand the position. people in the... natives, we understandposition, let's handle it scientifically. let's bring the wishes of the president and the wishes of the nation together but find thescientific solution for it, don't fight. there is an opportunity, we can do,and we have the right to do it. here in ghana atomic centre, we havethe facilities to work.

send us the oil. these patches, we have the fixed address you send it to. get in touch with the webmaster,they will forward it, where it's got to come. we analyse it, wehave all the facilities here. it is a very advanced nation scientifically,with some of the world's top scientists, and we'll become part of it. let's analyze it, maybe we can offer a solution, that both sides find peace. there's a pipeline, the fear,its contamination even the burst pipe somewhere.

we can get there, we mix it, i can show you. i can get you a video made, you see it, how we make it into a paste, very easily, it costs nothing, but, when it becomeslike that, it's a food. it is actually mineralswhich we can use. there is a compromisewith a new technology. and it's our jobas keshe foundation supporters, not to push with one, butto see the balance between the two. i know this can be done, i usedto be in oil business for years.

so, let's look! let's find acompromise that both fit, but these compromise is delivering a practical scientific solution and we're researching here now. we are using differentcombination of gans'es. and we see the effect,we're using different things. and, we see there is a solution,just give us time. but let's bring the government and the red indians together. send us the sample of this oil,we have to see the content of it.

maybe, the red indiansask the pipeliners the same as guy, what you call,in south america where they built all the casinos, thatthe native indians are benefiting from it, from all the casinosbuilt cause the got payment for it. maybe, not only they don't fight, the native indians will support the pipe, because now they have to get paidfor it, that they get benefit by it. (rc) well there's... (mk) ... for the solution. (rc) that was in news actually, a few days ago that

the native band actually voted last saturday to disband the protesters. they're asking everyone to leave, so that they canopen the roads for their casino because they'regoing to lose business and that's their main source of business in the area. and the road is closed now and they need to get the road open, but to do that theprotesters have to leave. (mk) the pipeline... (rc) they're in a bit of a ...a bit of a snag there, in a way ...

(mk) the.. there is somethinga lot of people don't know. pipelines pay for their transition,transmission. the countries which allow pipelinesto go through them they get paid very heavily. ... when you use the gases in germany,going across the eastern block, nations what used to be eastern block, east european, these countries are getting paid heavilyfor the use of the passage. it's a huge income because,if you can pass 1 million barrel a day, sold at 30 dollar, that's 30 million.

even if they pay two, three hundred thousand dollar a day to ... the owners of the landacross the pipeline, gradually over a year, it's quite a lotit makes a lot of money for them. it feeds back into the local industry. pipelines are just not pooled, pipeline pays for the rental ofthe passage, only this is a national passagewhich is free. so, this is one man who is tryingto get his pipe line through. let him do,but you pipe, you pay.

we develop the technology, we are prepared to look. we are not prepared,we are doing, looking into it. i started looking in this a few weeks ago and now we got, as i told youwe've got petroleum people and now we ask for the collaborationwith ghana natural petroleum and the keshe foundation team,that we bring a practical solution. it'll be experts from ghanakeshe ghana inside african technology. we send it to the rest of the world and we'll see the benefit of it. it's possible because i've seen it, the guys have come up with brilliant ideas

and we see it and it's very easy,costs nothing. and even if you use it inthe high season, it sinks to the bottom. then it becomes food for the sea becausenow it changed the composition. and we have to see what happenswhen the animals eat it. that's the next step. we've got to look at this gel,which is not a gel, its like a, it's like an ice-cream. and it takes instantaneously, within seconds, it becomes ice cream. it's bound, itsmolecular structure we can see

and if it changes that way withaddition of what we've done, then its food, it has to become food, the analysis is getting done. so lets find a solution,i thank you for what you're doing, i think the whole energy thanks you,but lets look at it out of the position where the man gets what he wants,the president gets what he wants, and we deliver what the local need. and the consumers can make money,most probably, less than their pipeline. anything else?

(rc) i'm wondering if heather was done, or if justin would like to say somethingabout that situation, or... i know we should try to wrap things up fairly soon here, i think. it's ... through mr keshe,or do you wanna go for a while longer? (mk) go ahead, we done already...go ahead with something else. he's here let him speak. if he's just joined us, tell uswhat he sees, where he is now. justin, you want to open yourmicrophone there? let's see if... yeah! you're there, i can openyour mic or unmute you,

and see if you're available.hello? (js) hi, hello everyone good morning! hi! yeah, we can hear you. (js) good morning. i love you all,thank you for all your help. ... right now we're having an issue even trying to get the materials that have been sent from france andevery other place that we collected. it's just an organization issue, really. at this point, i'm not sure where they're going,what their plan is?

they are removing people from the camps they are planning on moving possibly, those that do belonghere to higher ground, ... because during the spring season there's a flooding thatcomes through this area. as far as what the eldersand the headsmen allow to go on, we have to ask permission, can't just go running aroundtrying to throw the technology out there. i've already tried that and then had a lot of resistance on this.

not, i mean not necessarily goingand pushing it on anybody but, basically at thispoint i can't even give it away. ... i don't have awarm place to make gans. the warmest place i can find right now,is the bathroom next to a heater ... stove, a wood stove,burner in the "port-a-john" area. so, to even make a gans collection kit,is not going to be very easy. at this point, i havetalked to the medic tents, i talked to the it department,constructions department and they're alljust kind of trying to keep

on going with what...what's going on. people are throwing things awayso fast, while they move out of here. they're leavinghuge piles of garbage behind. they're throwing food out like crazy, because, they justdon't know what to do with it, and there are other camps, in other areas,there's more than just one camp. so, to find out wherethe other keshe student is, ... we're gonna need to talk, maybemore in the background but ... it, it's a lot of turmoil,at this point right now,

because, there are those that came to dosomething and make it a difference here. and then those that are actually here toto protect their land and water. where the two,at one point were on a common line but now there's a vast differencein what their initial intentions were. whereas the spectators are possibly,"trolls" if i may use the term. that have tried to turn,public media into something that, ... makes it look like what'sgoing on here, is of the wrong intention. so, the elders and the headsmen of the tribes are doing their best toremove, what i'm gonna call "rif raf",

those that have caused violence on themselves by provoking the guards on the hills,over by the pipeline. it's not everything that we see. there was a news crew here,couple of news crews here yesterday i did my best to just andtry and stay away from them actually i did go take pictures,of their vehicles and everything but not really trying to get awhole bunch of publicity or anything. i just wanted to come and heal peopleand then go home. if we can it would bereally nice to give them some heat to...

as their going through an awfullot of resources, just to warm their feet. (rc) ... in that sense therewas a comment in the chat here, i'll just bring it up if i can? alex ?? mentions, "i have used cuo gans,to keep my feet warm." "just dabbed my feet with a towel,dipped in the center of the plasma jar. had to repeat every day to build up." so thats a big clue there ...alex is pretty sharp, he's a very technical person andquite bright, and i suspect that last statement is very significant.

"had to repeat every day to build up" so its something to keshe's just mentioned cuo gans, rather than the co2 gans. (js) i did hear thatabout the coldness with caroline, always was pointing out that she... she is very much into the touchand feelings, so that's good to know. great, thank you. at this point i just want to refer that its... its gonna be hard to even find a place,to even set up a collections kit,

that isn't going to be disturbed,that isn't going to be taken down, moved and bumpedand ran over by somebody. (rc) okay! well number one thing,will be to get in touch with the other "keshe person" there... 'marilee', i think was the name ? (js) is it marli? (rc) .. isn't that..wasn't that the name? someone help me with that, heather? (hb) i assume its ... marley, last name rosen.

i suppose i`m just trying sending hermessages on facebook right now because i guess...i didn't realize they were both there. (rc) so that they can connect? she's already got ganses and what not, doesn't she? (js) i believe a lot of those, have alreadybeen sent here and they are... they have beensent to the headsman, which i have not been able tophysically be in contact with. we have had communication overthe phone and facebook but at this point ...i haven't seen the boxes.

i haven`t physically been in the presence of the boxes, so... it`s been three days i'm sure it'llhappen here real soon. (rc) alright ... is there anything else we should look or talk about that, about that? (mk) we wish youall the success and ... we'll try to make headway somewhere,that we can help as we said, both sides, and most probably we'llsee more we can offer more. the problem isthat the world leaders as presidents or prime minister's, theylook at a long-term plan for their nation,

and ... in keeping the industry going. they're partially in,paying the debts of the nation and partially in acommercial point of view. people in the commerce, telling whatever they can do, whatever. on the other hand we tryto protect our environment, and maybe, with this technologywe find a point of compromise. maybe, it's time to find a point of compromise, it's not everything is wrong but without commercethe nation cannot run without the... without the clean landthe nation cannot feed itself.

maybe, we canoffer that alternative. in so many ways ... we'll explain more about the, even the energy production in the coming in time. how the government's are... we are showing them how thegovernments can change their position in respect to the new technology. there's a lot that cannot be disclosed because, even, the people don't understand it. its our job to to deliver a technology which works, they can see it

they can feel it, they can touch itand then they can make a difference. but when there's many of us,to get this is what, it matters. so thank you very much we try to support,that's why we keep this pipeline this presentations is from the partof the world online because because long-term,we'll find a solution for both sides. do you have anything else, rick, to show? or, we're nearly 3 hoursinto the teaching. mr keshe hello! it's jacky (jbz). (mk) hi jacky, good morning.

(jbz) i just received a wonderful video from a french guy if i can share with the people? (mk) please go ahead. there is no music on it? (jbz) no no, absolutely nothing. (mk) what is it about,can you enlighten us please? (jbz) yes sure!let me just share the sound. it's a guy, it's a french guy andhe's really concerned by the water. and he makes beautifulexperimentation with the swimming pool,

cleaning of the swimming poolwithout any chemicals, only with the co2 and copper oxide. and this is thebeauty with this technology, because when we were makingthe transcription and translation of the kids workshop i think to this guy and i said to this guy: "look at the kids workshop,mr keshe explains how to create water." "and i know you like water and,you are on these fields from so long time." and he just watchedthe video with no explanation.

he makes different combination, exactly like you describedin the 18th kids workshop. and, he fail one time, two times,three times, four times, six time, but after one week and a half,he just show, to us in this video, how he can produce water,only with the field interaction. and, it's a seven-minute video. i just want to play 20 seconds. this is the momentwhen he shows the water. so, it's in frenchbut it's not so complicated.

[video in french language] and, this is thebeauty with this technology and this is only with recuperation,recycling materials. and he explained this, how to collectthese materials how to create this. it costs absolutely nothing, because, it's all recycling materials. and ... it's so beautiful,because it's a beautiful soul of friends. and ... he's absolutely,not doing that for his own he's not absolutely, doing thatfor the the business, so i don't know why. he's doing thatbecause he have understand

with this simple technology no man, woman or childon this planet can suffer from hunger, because when you start producing water and you are able to do thatand then you can clean it with a... how he.. everybody know,nobody will die because they have nothing to eat or nothing to drink. yeah! it's a really great pleasure to show this to everybody and.. thanks ... mr keshe from yourtechnology and all you bring to us, because it's so simple, you know.

the people just need to understand, this is why, it'sso important to translate it. because, before that, it was not open tothe people who are talking in french. and this cannot happen, if thepeople cannot understand the technology. so, it's really beautiful! thank you very much! (mk) is it possible to translate this intoenglish or transcribe it that, people can translateit to other languages? (jbz) sure!

(rc) yeah! and somebody askedif there's a link, or is that video,available on youtube? (jbz) for the moment it'sonly available on the keshe foundation french. on the facebook, he postedthis morning there, the video. (mk) if he can bring it into one part,that it can be shown as part of the group, in our testimonial, or whatever,it can be done, it'll be fantastic. the water... creationof water is very simple. what we are doing now in ghana, we are taking the water from the sea. and ... they start processing it.

that, after interactionwith different ganses we have, what you call,"clean water" to drink. we know certain ganses, kill allthe bacterias and parasites, and the rest. that's not a problem. we know how the biggest problem with us,is desalination, which means taking the salt out. that process is..doesn't take long to do and this is important for the countries like this... this country,

like ... even,saudi arabia, emirates. they spend a fortune for desalination and cleaning up the water. where with this technology we can add a few drops of water, into the water we change the water. this is important because ... what we see if you create a condition of interaction of the waters to clean the water,there are no waste and there's a lotof gain in every aspect, to collect theminerals and the rest of it,

and, this process teaches us a lot. but we can use water,in respect to another water to create a plasma conditionof water, to create water. this is the secret about this. it's no different than when you put a copper plate, nano-coated,and a zinc plate and you create co2. if you find a right combinationof mixture of the water, with what you have created asa nano, gans of the water, because you've done, a lot of you have done this.

and put them, in front ofeach other, in a given condition, even in the salt wateror even natural water, you should see the tank floating up. the principal never changes, its uswhich loses the sight of the ball. this is a secret. you want to create water,high quality water look what you've donewith a copper plate and a zink plate. you create the environment of carbon which in interaction brought you co2.

look at the gravitational field, thestrength of the water and the gans water. what you should see, the rise of the sea level. the rise of the water in your container. last time... last time you locked into thecarbon fields in the water. now if you've done it cleverlyyou lock into h2o and look at thestructure of the amino acid. cuho, cohnc or conhsc it's got different combination.

so, now that you createa magnetic field of the water, because there are two waters,look what you do with the zinc. you put a nano coated zincand a normal zinc. what do you get,you get a gans of zinc. in combination with the oxygenin the water, you get zno2, zno. why don't you repeat the same with a gans of water? you go and get the sea watermake a gans of water and a water and put it in the water. you should seethe level of the water rising.

that's how you produce it. this is howthe sea produces, extracts. this is what...what we see here. somewhere, in this box he has managed, between the containers, to create a gravitational-magnetic field. he shows us,the box is emptying the water. i wonder if it touches theside of the box what else he collectsthat he hasn't noticed. because, now you have takenthe hydrogen out of the bond,

because the oxygen was in the water. you have taken the iron...oxygen out of the bond, now you have one c and n floating somewhere. is the box, if you rub it and test it, contains out of nitrogen? or do you find monoatomic carbonon the side of the wall? what do you find if you`re cleaning it with a tissue? a black dark material on itand its always dirty. it's not dirty its the carbon! and in combination in how you change thecondition of the centralization of nitrogen

you add the energy from thenitrogen carbon bond with the hydrogen, in a specific way to creation of the water. you released the oxygen and hydrogenand every 2 molecule you allowed the energy of the nitrogento be added to a second hydrogen, then you have in your h2o. then your nitrogen releases,it becomes a carbon and you have 2 moleculesof hydrogen, extra use. so you create a hydrogen bondwith your nitrogen and the oxygen. so, you should see the level of water rising in your container.

but if you nano-coat the containeryou work in the atomic condition in a magnetic field plasma condition. so if you clean it and you see blackness,its the carbon you have produced. this.. this is to understandthe science behind it than just by accidentally creating it. somewhere in his position he has a ch3 or what you call it,a nano-coated gans of water and water somewhere, which is not there, and that createsa condition of h2o.

and its an extraction from the above,it's not condensation. you've done it! try to use water with it and don't be afraid,it doesn't have to be in the empty box you can do the same test in a water box. seal it and see. mark the container andsee if they rise'd in the level. you get a more produce more water that way. gans of water and a water zinc plate and a zincgave you zinc oxide. zinc plate and ... copper and a copper, nano-copper gave you copper oxide.

water and a nano-water will give you oxide of a hydrogen which is water. very simple if you understand it. you can create tons of water without actually ever having a rain. any other input? (rc) yes mr keshe we have a questionwanqing (wq) from china. he's been persisting in wanting to ask a question here, so? ... it's concerning nano,gans and fields apparently. wanqing you wanna go ahead there? we don't have a lot of timefor long answer perhaps.

but, maybe we can seewhat the question is? hello wanqing? yeah! i un-mute you there, go ahead. can you talk?we can't hear you. (wq) hi! (rc) hi! (wq) hi rick, thank you rick.can you hear me? (rc) yes! that's good. thank you. (mk) we should say to you "nä­ häƒo" .

(wq) okay! thank you for the question. and a happy new year,your new year is coming up. (wq) yes i can hear you, thank you mr. keshe this is wanqing from china and thank youvery much for your past 3 years teaching. and, all of us get lots of knowledge and increase all of our intelligence. (mk) hello? (wq) today i would like to ask some questions about nano coating method. you are talkingabout three types of... (wq) yes! can you hear me?

(mk) yes! we can't hear what you said,"three types". of what, the three types? (rc) i think she might be translating thequestion from the background, there? so, we have a.. a break (wq) okay, i closed some windows. okay! and the question is about thecaustic method of the nano-coating, and heating methodfor the nano-coating. also the plasma methodfor the nano-coating. and you are talking aboutthe electrons ... distance.

the biggest ...the best one is the plasma plasmatic nano-coated because it canbe foremost better. and the nano layer is totally free. so the question is if it is the keypoint for the magrav system - could be for run well, the stable efficient for nano-coating coating usingplasma method, or because lots of people are using thecaustic method or heating method. (mk) yeah! you... if you can can create a plasma coating,you'll find totally different ... work.

creating a plasma coating is not easy it takes a long time, but its very, very effective. and, if you create a plasma coating you can create a current much easier. i was showing plasma coating yesterday,in the factory to the people. its extremely powerful. (wq) okay, thank you. so, using this method can we, for example,can we use the nano-coated copper plate, or copper coiled, stickedinto the battery's wall? the whole wallis sticked ... nano-coated plates.

repeat ... plasmatic method for this? (mk) yes why not? there is a way we, we... i went through,teaching a couple of years ago and... and it wasn't taken,people didn't see it. one of the ways if you are wanting tocreate, for example, gans of the amino acids,of lets say neural-system. or if you want to create a gans which carries emotional strength in lineof communication of the.. i'm gonna share.if i can share the screen?

this i ... this i tried, i explained before andi usually don't talk about things, i just pass on because, it meanspeople haven't understood at that time. this goes back to partof the teaching long time ago. if you have a box where,you put your nano-coated material, let's say, you choose copper nano-coated and a copper non nano-coated on this side. what about if you go a step further and do zinc nano-coated anda zinc non nano-coated. (wq) okay!

(mk) you understand? the environment of here,now creates two conditions, both of the creation of co2, both condition of zinc oxide, both conditionof creation of carbon, sorry copper. and this field here,gives you a new material, which is very near, very close, depending if you, even choose like the sodium chloride or you putmagnesium salt in the mixture.

you create, more and morerealistic environment that, the material you produce,you can use for the human body. we went with this initially when we start producing the first co2 boxes. the first co2 boxes that we wentinto making of it to be like this if you remember those of you who were around enough to be able to put a plate inside andoutside different plates. and you have to go back. those of you who are trying to make gans of materials which are the body comparison, comparable,you'll have to follow this pattern.

you... use a zinc oxide here, a plate of zinc there so the field strength between these twogives you zinc oxide as a gans. you put a copper hereand a nano copper here on this side, you do, you create that, but in factthese two have to interact too, and then you have other plates. then you can can change the mixtureand then what you get as a gans. is something which is near enoughnormal the condition of the body, especially the amino acid on top,of the body of the man. because now you are more realistic.

we can replicate, i have done this, and ... we done this with marko, still a unit runs in italy, where we put salt of magnesium, salt of potassium, natural salt, or what you call it? sodium salt. and we put only zinc in thecontainer and nano-coated zinc and we are building astructure of the brain of a man. i have shown you thisbefore in teachings. if you are looking for ...what do you call it ... structure together, it needs to be done

this is somethingwhich people forgot, and most probably in this conditionyou will find you create a lot of water. this is how we absorb, we changethe energy of the water into our body. so, for example if you're lookingto make things, take it a step further you have a square boxdon't use two walls, use three walls, in the factory now we don't sitand just do one copper plate here and one nano-copper plate here. we put another copper-plate here and we put two coppers. now i am producing, increasing the production.

we produce huge amount of zinc oxide,and copper oxide and co2. you can do this very continuously, get a box and put one zinc oxide, one copper oxide, one ... nano-coated zinc, one nano-coated brass and then whatyou collect at the bottom, because of the field interactionof the totality counts: is something near enoughyour body structure. because you bring the nickel in, you bring everything else in. (wq) okay! so, people in the laboratory can

insert different kind of materials in one box without division, right?(mk) of course, of course this is what we understand. (w) so this is still be the co2 gans? or other material? (mk) anything!you connect the material, like the copper in the level of the co2which are balanced with each other. it's the beginning of producingmeat if you want to talk about it. if you understand the deep insight, thescience of what i have just explained,

you can produce anything. (wq) okay! so, the question is ... if we want to use the gans in thereactors, for the flying or the rotation do we need to, is it necessaryto use the plasmatic method for the gans, mist or gas? (mk) you can use both, youcan use both. but.. (wq) okay!(mk) let me explain. let me explainto you something, this. those of you who work inthe flight system, this is another point.

thank you very much for bringing this up,i'm going to explain to you something. a lot of you ... [just stay there, stay on online] we created the ball and we have placed different ganses or liquid ganses in it of differentmaterials, we achieved the free plasma. but there's a problem which has beenoverlooked that i'm trying in different researches especiallywith armen, he's doing this. because now we can explain it. we are putting another gans outside, in ratio, that we start

compressing this,layers together. the ratio transfer of the gans can create a condition of the flow where now by compressingthese ganses together you create andrelease energy back up. and you can create ...what you call it, the field to expand out. this is why some people with thethree-ball system, they lost their ball. so ..(wq) compressed from the outside pressure ? (mk) yeah, yeah !magnetic field pressure, yes.

yes. (w) so the principle for them is...(mk) in a way, just, let me explain, let meexplain please. this energy links up to the center, not to the gans. (wq) okay ! (mk) and it's the centric masswhich gets pressurized and in that position, it changesit's energy transfer. in changing the energy transferit opens up the ganses and increases, sets morepressure on itself,

and then you get a flight. you can change the condition armen at the moment,has built such a system and have.. we've seen it ... and, we see how the outside pressuregoes on the inside pressure. people in phillipines have done the same, something but they couldn't see, they couldn't understand it. this is one of the reasons why these people lose their ... central ball and they can't find it.

because the outside magnetic field pressure on the inside does not touch the gansbut it pressurizes the central core. what we call the 'principle energy delivery' and it cannot hold it, it just escapes. (w) okay! let me repeat again. is outside isthe material ... meta state? when the..(mk).. no no no.. ganses, it's still ganses. all ganses!(wq) still ganses?

(mk) everything is a gans ratio. (wq) okay! cause then you're.. (mk) let me explain something again to you because you have to understand the full physics of it (wq) okay. (mk) the diameter of here if you go to the volume of the,what you call it, 'section 1'. yeah? even though, it might look very big,let's say 1, 2 centimeter. yeah? and this one is another half centimeter and this one is another 1 centimeter.yeah?

your 2nd and the 3rd core the mass of the material in here is by volume, maybe, much,much bigger than the mass of volume. because don't look at the thickness of it because now it's three-dimensionalthe whole lot but in 1 centimetre the 2 centimeter bymass ratio, is much smaller. so the transfer of the energyis from outside in. it exerts higher pressure fromoutside inside and then the inside

gets squeezed tight up and it takes it's new dimension and disappears. passes the matter-state. (wq) okay! so the question is: how, if the fields enteroutside of the gans ball? because in this stage ...(mk) it doesn't the expansion.. (wq) ... okay!(mk) expansion is not towards the outside, the interaction iswith the core which is matching inside. if you choose your material for example: here that says: cuoplus ... zno or whatever,

and put the same thing,but use here a ratio of 2 to 1 or 1 to 2. you decide if you're going inor you are putting pressure out but your outer core, don'tlook at it, it's only half a centimeter, but, it's a half centimeter ofbigger dimension. just do a small calculation about the volume of this sphereyou'll find out the ratio and then in that ratio you have to load upthe outside core and the inside core. the center core has to be atransition which is non-interactive but, being there with a verysmall amount, that it creates the flow.

and, then you'll find that,the center core will move and it starts rotating,in it's given direction. and if the speed goes up,it might not move, but the field interactionis so high that the ball, just creates a fieldbeyond the matter-state, and it movesout of the core. we've seen that with arizona they were just showing the video: ... 200 feet away,you see the fields.

(wq) okay! maybe, we need more understanding after the teaching. (mk) yeah. analyse it. this has been explained in early teachings,but people don't understand it. so, that's why i said, "after three years maybe,it's time to clean up a lot of things?" which should be explained soon. (wq) so, does they require the energy, maybe the field "club",of different interaction? (w) i mean, one field and another field, club with each other,

so that they ... can interactor take the revised ... (mk) yes! it can, that is possible,that they can even, create rotationin one way or the other you are squeezing thecenter ball principle ... you are ... delivering huge amountbut don't forget there's a very hidden thing in this system ... which you don't see it have to look let me explain to you in a very nice way.

here, in the centre,of the inner core, this is the principalarea of the first core. this is the first core. yeah? but,interesting enough, interesting enough, in the centre here,is the centre core, of the outer core too. now you understand? you transfer energy, directly intothe centre of the both in the interaction. that's how it works, that'swhy the volume is, and then you, you don't need rotation.

you don't need tocreate any rotation. if you get the ratio right, so much energy is delivered from hereto here, that in the interaction, should start rotating,the core rotates. that's how planets rotate. that's how stars rotate. the interaction, does not comeonly from the central core field created, the outside one, it has the same power. if the, the galaxy influence.(wq) so,

okay! can i ask question now? (mk) yep! yeah! okay. so, do you mean that the central core and the second core,the same green color should be the samegans or same mixture of gans? and the..(mk) the third core, not the second core. (mk) the third core.(wq) okay! the third core. yeah! (mk) yes! it has to be,by the mass ratio difference yeah, you can, why not?

or, at least find a commondenominator and something extra. you're not workingin the matter level. you're working with gans material,so everything is a plasmatic condition. (wq) okay! here i get lots of questions, i don't know if you got moretime for, for my questions. or maybe leave to next week. (mk) ask another question, we havei think about 15 - 10 minutes, enough. let's go the time... (inaudible)(wq) really? okay. okay, i ask the question,is the rotation of the flying

or maybe we need more understandingon more discussion of the teaching? and ... another question is aboutthe cu and the plasma which you are talking abouta difference, in the teaching, and the plasma is just by the radio systemand i am confusing about the field. because, when we are talking aboutthe field sometimes we are talking about nano,nano materials, field gans, gans field and (mk) a field, a field to us, is the magnetic field emotion. and its thickness, and its strength, inrespect to the others of its environment a plasma is the totalityof all the fields

within the, with the same,within same entity. if you look, if i can explain itin a very, what do you call it, in a very open way ... maybe, i can show itto you this way? (wq) okay! thank you. (mk) if you look at the.. a plasma. i am gonna clean this out. if you look at the plasma? yeah? the strength, isvery much like this.

the field strength,goes like this it's like tubes,on tubes, on tubes. when you look at the,the planetary system. the fields which come in. they go according to the fields strengthof their channel. they just, all don'tgo through the centre. they get spread, according to the layers of the fields which are built. the interaction of theselayers and the central, creates the field forces of whatis interacted, and what is gone.

not, every position has uranium. not every position has gold. so, when the strength of the gold comes it follows the patternof the gold. and whatever is increased inside,add to it, and that's why it becomes, higherstrength on the north and the south. this, ... if you understand it's, if you look at it, it's like, in the other way, it's field path. it's like tubes, like neural system.

any other questions? i think we have to stop,because otherwise our facebook channelwill be locked. we have the time so that.. are we safe there, rick? (wq) okay! so, today's questionsis over right? maybe next week... i...i need to (mk) yes come in and ask(wq) make, my, another question thank you very much mr keshe.

thank you for the chinese communityand your work in the background. thank you indeed... (wq) thank you. (mk) shall we call it a day?rick, we are getting..? (rc) well, there's one more. maybe, a quickquestion you could answer mr keshe. >from the japanese sector this time. >from katja, who... "mr. keshe, i am worried about a messageabout fukushima that, still 300 tons of contaminated water,is flowing daily in the ocean." ...want they to keep us in fear,or do you know more about this? i have faith in you and your work,

please if you can, clarify it.thank you so much." (mk) the moment withthe technology used by tepco, as far as, you know we ran intoa problem with tepco... let me explain to you veryquickly what has happened, ...tepco with what they've done and theway they treated the keshe foundation, and when we, start opening a channel of talk the ... in our writing to them we informthem, we know they are on the breach of the international embargo on iranand iranian scientists.

so its a criminal offencehas taken place. so, tepco has taken a positionof silence to see, if we pursue the case,through international courts. this is not our job, whichis explained to them. that's what we see,that's what it is. they, they understand this, it's aa very rocky ground at the moment with which there working on,and they worked on ... for that reason,we get some information from inside tepco for those who have still

some sort of connection with us. as far as we understand, not all thewater discharged, is contaminated because the new filter system allows themto do what they used to do in the tank. now they use our technology they are filtering a lot of theradioactive material out, conversion. very little radiation. it goes out, but still some extent, amountof radiation are feed into the ... into the sea. but... there is a understanding

maybe we we understand more that...understanding the technology of nuclear physics and the reactorswhich they have and they operate, they are filtering a lot ofrare earth materials in this process. they have learned what to do with the helpof the american company which, they gave our rights to them to do the jobinstead of going back to keshe foundation. the process is they are extracting hugeamounts of radioactive material be it, in a very simple way. ... one of the concernswhich we have and we see,

are they sending thematerial to the tanks? they filtrate and it's the tank's waterswhich are fed back after the extracting, what you call, the goldand everything else. probably the way we taught them,taking the stratanium out, sorting outthe other radiation ... they are..what we think is happening ... in fukushima, yes, huge amounts ofwater is leaked back out but, it's not thefirst circulation

they are using the existing tank to fill up, to extract, todecontaminate most of it and then they are feeding back what i call ... very low level, if there is anyradiation, back into the sea. because, they understood and they worked, and they've shown it. that, ... tritium in these tanks,is a gold resource. it's a mono-atomic gold which they areextracting, and they have shown it. so, ... we don't think it's firsthand waterdirectly, from the reactors. if they are doing such a thing,they have built the filters to enrich,

which they are doing,which makes it much easier. but there is a possibilitythat they are the secondaries. they're already sent to the tanks, then they empty the same tanks all the time, on a, what you call, "sequential" base, as they decontaminate most of it. there is no reason forputting contaminated water ... into the ocean, at the moment, because they have enough technology. we delivered it and they confirmed itthemselves in the email. i can publish the email... you can call them

and then you can,literally, create havoc in tepco. but, .. this is not our job. but i don't think ishigh level contamination unless somebody can go at a spot and measure at... around of the source. these are cleaned up waters or passed through a new filter which is creating alot of assets for your nation. ... i think we have?(rc) okay! thank you mr keshe i think we are running rightat the edge here, so i'll... (mk) ...thank you rick

happy birthday, to all of you, for the third year and, i ask you please ... keep in touch withthe police of austria and germany, the emails are on the website whichis released by the securities. and ..., we haveto stop this man ... making more fool of himself. at least we can give himin the lesson, prison sentence. now, those people whoreceived a threat the address hasbeen given to contact ...

... the austrian, and italian,and german police this is the nearest policestation to these people. and, they are already debriefedof the situation which is happening. and, they need to create a file and in a few month's time, we will see the outcome. because we speak then, to the governmenthow to handle these guys and threatening children is a pedophileoffense, because you don't do. but you see, the manwho threatens the children is still with the man who alreadyabused children for 7 years, with him. so, they.. that's why they work together.

they understand each others immoral,morality of this ... thank you very much indeed! have a nice day, and ithank you for being here, and hopefully we serve you another three years. (rc) thank youvery much mr keshe. it's been an honor tohave been there with you for three years, and iknow you haven't missed a single workshopduring that time and, i think we've had one on virtually,

every single holiday,of every single country. including christmas, new yearsand, what you call, easter, and halloween. (mk) we've done it in dewaliand we've done it on god knows chinese new year, yeah, we've been there. we celebrated a lot ofknowledge with a lot of people! (rc) yes, indeed.and will continue to do so. (mk) thank you indeed rick,thank you for your support. (rc) okay! and that's ... thank you.

and that will end the 156thknowledge seekers workshop for thursday, january 26, 2017. and, once again, thank youeverybody for attending and, those who have any questions left,bring them for next week's ... meeting. and, okay, we'll endthe livestream for now. and we'll wait for just a minute on zoomfor that to close down on the youtube. subtitles by the community

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