who herbal medicine guidelines

who herbal medicine guidelines
who herbal medicine guidelines

i feel that innately humans have always used plants for healing purposes and we've gotten so far away from this kind of direct connection to the earth i feel like my job as an herbalist is to reconnect people to the healing properties of plants and to do that is beyond even the medicinal properties of

the plants just that reconnection is fundamentally healing i think herbalism is important because in our broken health care system many people are struggling to get proper care and to remember how to take care of yourselves and loved ones with plants is something that is an ancient knowledge i'm john goicovich. i'm elaine sheff. we're the

co-founders of green path herb school. our passion has always been teaching, medicine making and empowering other people and that just naturally led into opening an herb school. john and elaine have been community herbalists for years and the opportunity to learn with them was what made me decide to attend the green path. this is like my dream job, you know to be

able to educate other people and help them gain knowledge about their own health and well-being through connecting to plants and the earth and then help them to help other people. i feel like it's this domino effect and i feel just honored and privileged to be in that position. attending green path has given me confidence to pursue some

of my dreams and passions as an herbalist i now work as a professional our list in one of the local stores here missoula. when i see the excitement in a student's face i remember that feeling and it's always here and it's very rewarding to pass this information on. i've seen some of our students go and do incredible things.

green path herb school gave me the confidence and knowledge to start my own herb business here in missoula. i think herbalism is good for just about everybody from the total beginner to someone that wants to make a career out of being an herbalist. there's so many options and you don't have to take a class that green path with the intention

of becoming an herbalist there's applications in every day life. our school is right across the river from downtown. the location is amazing. you can look out any window and have this panoramic view of the mountains around missoula. and we're right by the river so there's all kinds of opportunities for hiking and

bike riding and camping and seeing herbs. one of the benefits of having an in-house program is the feeling of community and the friendships that are forged. you go in with a bunch of strangers and you come out your own tribe. i had been looking for this community for many years and i most definitely made lifelong friends and

mentors. it just was a bonding experience being in the class. we have several different programs that we do here at green path. we have worked really hard to make this school a place where students can really blossom and really grow. i always felt really comfortable asking for clarification asking questions about

something that i didn't understand. i always felt like it was a really nurturing environment. i am so passionate about passing this knowledge and information on to other people. but i think the the passion that they have for the subject matter is one of the most remarkable things i've ever experienced. green path herb school is located in

a beautiful place. we have a great faculty and we have fantastic programs. we would love for you to be a part of it. to learn more give us a call or visit our website at greenpathherbschool.com

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