what is herbal medicine pdf

what is herbal medicine pdf
what is herbal medicine pdf

how to get rid of toenail fungus fast andnaturally toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a problemmany people have. some signs of it are inflammation, swelling,yellowing, and thickening or crumbling of the nail. certain things help the fungus grow, likehigh acid levels in the skin, a weak immune system, feet that are always in wet areaslike sweaty shoes or socks, bad washing habits, and diabetes. if not treated, toenail fungus can cause cracking,splitting, and even total loss of the toenail. but don’t worry, toenail fungus can be treatedwithout even spending a lot of money.

there are different home cures that can getrid of the infection in one or two months. here are some ways to get rid of toenail fungus. apple cider vinegarbecause apple cider vinegar has acid, it can help block toenail fungus from spreading. at the same time, it kills bacteria and fungi. mix the same amounts of apple cider vinegarand water. soak your toenail in the mixture for 30 minutesa day. when you’re done, dry your toenail verywell. if you do this every day for a few weeks,it will help very quickly.

tea tree oiltea tree oil fights germs and fungi, which helps treat toenail fungus. it is also used to treat other kinds of skininfections. mix a few drops of tea tree oil in one teaspoonof olive oil or coconut oil. use a cotton ball to put the mixture on yourtoe. leave it on for ten minutes, and then usea toothbrush to lightly scrub the nail. do this two or three times a day until thenail is healed. baking sodabaking soda can be found in most kitchens, and can also treat toenail fungus.

it can help block feet from smelling too. toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a problemmany people have. some signs of it are inflammation, swelling, yellowing, and thickening or crumblingof the nail. and diabetes.if not treated, toenail fungus can cause cracking, splitting, and even total loss of the toenail.but don’t worry, toenail fungus can be treated without even spending a lot of money. thereare different home cures that can get rid of the infection in one or two months.here are some ways to get rid of toenail fungus. help block toenail fungus from spreading.at the same time, it kills bacteria and fungi. mix the same amounts of apple cider vinegarand water. soak your toenail in the mixture

for 30 minutes a day. when you’re done,dry your toenail very well. if you do this every day for a few weeks, it will help veryquickly. helps treat toenail fungus. it is also usedto treat other kinds of skin infections. and can also treat toenail fungus. it canhelp block feet from smelling too. add a ⽠cup of baking soda, a ⼠cup of 3%hydrogen peroxide, and a ⽠cup of epsom salt to four cups of hot water. mix the ingredientsvery well and then add a ⼠cup of white vinegar to it.soak the toenail in this mixture for about ten minutes.wash your foot with clean water and dry it very well.do this twice a day for a few weeks.

white vinegarwhite vinegar is a great way to cure toenail fungus because it fights the infection andhelps fix the skin’s acid level. mix one part of white vinegar with two partsof warm water. soak the toenail in the mixture for 10- 15minutes. rinse your foot off and dry it well.do this two times a day until the fungus is gone.note: if this hurts your skin, add more water to the mixture, and soak your foot in it everyother day, instead of every day. oil of oreganooil of oregano kills germs, bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi, and eases pain. for thesereasons it’s a great thing to use to treat

toenail fungus.mix two drops of oil of oregano in one teaspoon of olive oil.put this mixture on your hurt toe. leave it on for at least 30 minutes.wash it off and dry your toe very well. do this one to two times a day for three weeksfor it to work. listerine mouthwashbecause mouthwash has alcohol, it can kill germs, to guard from bad bacteria and fungi.it’s used in the mouth to kill the bacteria and germs there, and it can also be used toclear up toenail fungus. fill a small tub with listerine mouthwash,or with a mixture with even amounts of listerine and white vinegar.soak the toe in the mixture for about 30 minutes.

then, scrub the toenail lightly.wash it off, and dry your toe very well. do this one or two times a day, until it heals. garlicgarlic has allicin and ajoene which can kill fungi and treat toenail fungus.mix garlic oil with an even amount of white vinegar.put the mixture on and around your toenail and cover it with a bandage.leave it on for a few hours, and then take the bandage off.do this every day until it heals. note: if you don’t have garlic oil, youcan make your own. fry two crushed garlic cloves in two tablespoons of olive oil, andthen strain the oil.

these cures can only really work if you usethem the right way. try the cures for at least one or two months for them to work. if youkeep trying them, you can cure your toenail infection and stop it from happening again.

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