register of chinese herbal medicine journal

register of chinese herbal medicine journal
register of chinese herbal medicine journal

cdc�s �nightmare bacteria� reveals needfor natural medicine by edward morgan globally, great fear has been generated bythe cdc director�s recent description of a �nightmare bacteria� resistant to allmedications, capable of killing 1 in every 2 people whose blood becomes infected withit. but isn�t the primary problem that the drugsaren�t working, and that natural medical solutions are needed now more than ever? according to a recent cdc report titled, lethal,drug-resistant bacteria spreading in u.s. healthcare facilities, drug-resistant germscalled carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriacea,

or cre, are on the rise and resistant to all,or nearly all of the antibiotics within the conventional drug armamentarium. the cdc describe cre bacteria as a �triplethreat�: resistance: cre are resistant to all, or nearlyall, the antibiotics we have � even our most powerful drugs of last-resort. death: cre have high mortality rates � cregerms kill 1 in 2 patients who get bloodstream infections from them. spread of disease: cre easily transfer theirantibiotic resistance to other bacteria. for example, carbapenem-resistant klebsiellacan spread its drug-destroying weapons to

a normal e. coli bacteria, which makes thee.coli resistant to antibiotics also. that could create a nightmare scenario sincee. coli is the most common cause of urinary tract infections in healthy people. tom fieden, md, mph, director of the centersfor disease control and prevention, generated quite a bit of alarm by referring to cre as�nightmare bacteria�: cre are nightmare bacteria. our strongest antibiotics don�t work andpatients are left with potentially untreatable infections. doctors, nurses, hospital leaders, and publichealth, must work together now to implement

cdc�s �detect and protect� strategyand stop these infections from spreading. [emphasis added]�nightmare bacteria� or rude intellectual awakening? truly this is a lesson in humility for theconventional medical system, and if the situation really is a �nightmare� as the cdc�sdirector describes, it will probably result in waking quite a few folks up, who despiteappearing to have been awake were actually slumbering � at least in the intellectualsense. drug resistance � an increasingly prevalentphenomena, whether we are talking about infection or cancer � is proving to the world that,except for emergency medicine and other rare

exceptions, the drugs really don�t workas advertised � at least not if the goal is to save lives. suppressing or �treating� symptoms oftenresults in turning acute health conditions into chronic ones, compounded by the subsequentpoisoning by a battery xenobiotic (foreign to our biology) medications. the fact that the majority of the drugs usedas part of the conventional medical standard of care are xenobiotic petrochemical derivativesrarely gets acknowledged. folks are being massively, collaterally poisonedin the war against germs and symptoms, and it is the �pathogens� and �diseases�that are being blamed and not our misguided

effort to use poisons to fight conditions,most of which, if not being caused by poisoning or nutrient deficiencies and incompatibilities,are at least major contributing factors to them. declaring chemical war against bacteria blowsback the �last resort� antibiotics known ascarbapenems are in a class of �-lactam antibiotics, the most widely used group of antibiotics,which target bacterial organisms by inhibiting cell wall biosynthesis. this drug class was originally developed fromthienamycin, a naturally derived product of steptomyces cattleya.

so, the inspiration behind it, like for mostother classes of pharmaceuticals in existence today, was nature. but, nature equips her creations equally withdefenses in the ongoing struggle for balance among species. bacteria are increasingly resistant to carbapenems,producing an enzyme called beta-lactamase (more specifically, mettalo-beta-lactamase-1(ndm-1)), which attacks the �-lactam ring within �-lactam antibiotics, reducing theirantibacterial effect. the antibiotic resistant gene for ndm-1 iscapable of being transferring horizontally between different bacteria, so it is spreadingwidely.

since ndm-1�s first discovery in a swedishpatient of indian origin in 2008, it has been detected throughout the world in countriessuch as pakistan, india, japan, brazil, and the uk, us and canada. the cdc, and the conventional drug-based medicalestablishment it represents, is learning that chemical warfare against �germs� not onlyhas severe limitations. in fact, it is actually creatingeven stronger,more resistant bacteria. mrsa, for instance, that terrible bogeymanof an infection, is an acronym for methicillin-resistant staphyloccous aeurus. it actually emerged within the context ofthe overuse of methicillin and other penicillin-type

antibiotics; meaning, it exists not despiteof antibiotics, but because of them. bacteria are far more resilient than multicellularorganisms such as us. we consider ourselves much �higher� onthe evolutionary ladder, but many strains have actually evolved capabilities that wedo not have, such as degrading pesticides and chemicals like bpa for us. in fact, some unicellular organisms have evendeveloped ways to use deadly radioactive waste (uranium-238) as an energy source! when we expose ourselves to chemotherapy (yes,antibiotics are chemical therapies), the subpopulation within that bacterial colony that are resistantto these chemicals actually thrive, as competing

organisms have been destroyed, and our ownbacterial-mediated (probiotic) immune defenses decimated. even when you kill 99.99% of an infection,the .001% that develops resistance becomes several orders of magnitude more resistantto the original chemical that it survived. with time it will come back with a vengeance,assuming the predisposing factors associated with infectious disease susceptibility, e.g.nutrition, chemical exposures, stress, have not been rectified. also, the chemicals themselves produce selectivepressure upon the bacterial colonies, generating new strains of bacteria capable of overcomingchemical annihilation by expressing multidrug

resistance genes. the end result? massive collateral damage: destruction ofour largely probiotic-mediated innate and adaptive immune response to infection, chemicalpoisoning of the host, and the production of �super germs� within the bioreactorof the human alimentary canal. this is very similar to what happens withchemotherapy/radiotherapy cancer resistance, cancer expressing genes and behaviors thatare pre-metazoan in quality, not unlike bacteria and bacterial colonies [see paul davies, charleslineweaver�s metazoa 1.0: taping the genes of ancient ancestors].

drug-based medicine humbly bows to the earth widespread drug resistance marks the end ofa certain type of cavalier, medical hubris, and the start of authentic humility withinthe medical culture. not only is the conventional medical establishmentthrowing up their hands in surrender against the �simplest� of organisms � germs� but they are being forced to return to nature for instruction. the word humility comes from the word humus,or �earth,� and indeed, it is the earth which teaches us how to maintain our health. take a recent study published in the koreanjournal of physiology and pharmacology titled,

anti-inflammatory and anti-superbacterialactivity of polyphenols isolated from black raspberry, which found that the root of theblack raspberry plant contains polyphenols which are lethal to methicillin-resistantstaphylococcus aureus (mrsa), carbapenem-resistant acinetobacter baumannii (crab), and bacillusanthracis (anthrax). the black raspberry fruit did not exhibitthese properties. why the root and not the fruit? the reason is that plants have actually designedtheir fruits to be eaten by specific species, and therefore are not as well armed againstthe same microbial threat that we humans also face interacting with the wild environment.

roots, on the other hand, are designed toenter directly into the soil, and derive nutrients directly through rhizomal interaction, whichrequires both a certain degree of permeability, and therefore extra chemical defenses. we discovered a similar process at play inthe production of the defensive lectin compound in wheat known as wheat germ agglutinin (wga)within the root tip and leaf tip of the sprouting wheat berry. wga also has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-mammal,and yes, anti-animal/human properties as well. so, if the humble raspberry plant can produceantibacterial compounds capable of killing carbapenem-resistant acinetobacter, couldit also kill the cdc�s nightmare pathogen,

carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae? since both bacteria are members of the classgammaproteobacteria in the phylum proteobacteria, it is definitely possible. basic foods and spices found to kill �supergerms� how many other natural, plant compounds arecapable of this seemingly impossible feat of killing drug- and multi-drug resistantinfections? the research on mrsa is encouraging. at we have indexed 49 naturalcompounds thus far with experimentally confirmed anti-mrsa properties, listed in alphabeticalorder below:

� allicin (garlic compound) � baicalein (chinese skullcap compound) � banana (peel extract) � bay leaf � bee propolis � bifidobacterium breve (a probiotic) � catechin (antioxidant found in acaciacatechu and tea) � catnip � cinnamaldehyde (cinnamon oil compound)

� clove � cumin � curcumin (primary polyphenol in turmeric) � egcg (polyphenol in tea) � elecampane � epicatechin (polyphenol in tea) � eucalyptus � geranium � grapeseed extract

� grapefruit seed extract � honey (ulmo) � kaempferol � lactobacillus paracasei (bacteriocin) � lavender � lemongrass � mango seed � mangosteen � manuka honey

� nigella sativa (black seed) � norway spruce � olive leaf extract � tabebuia � peppermint � prickly ash � resins � sage � sandalwood

� silver (nanoparticles) � tea tree � thyme you can view all of these study abstractswithout registering at�s mrsa research page. other examples of so-called �nightmare�bacteria, which natural compounds have been found to kill, include: � multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (billedby the media as �the white plague�): a 2011 study found that garlic has is able tokill this particularly resilient mycobacteria.[i]

� drug-resistant urinary tract infections:a 2005 study found that grapefruit seeds were capable of reversing multi-drug resistantpseudomonas aerginosa urinary infection after two weeks of treatment in a male patient.[ii]cranberry also appears to reduce the risk of urinary tract infections by inhibitingthe biofilm formation typical of antibiotic resistant uropathogenic bacteria colonies.[iii] � drug-resistant infected nipple (lactation):a 2010 study found that probiotics strains from breast milk are superior to antibioticsin the treatment of infectious mastitis.[iv] � drug-resistant helicobacter pylori: a2002 study found that the organosulfor compound in cruciferous vegetables inhibits extracellular,intracellular and antibiotic-resistant strains

of h. pylori, as well as preventing petrochemically-inducedstomach tumors.[v] � multi-drug resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa:a 2009 study found that pomegranate rind extract has antimicrobial activity against multi-drugresistant pseudomonas aeruginosa.[vi] water soluble green tea has also been found to havesignificant inhibitory activity against multi-drug resistant pseudomonas aeruginosa.[vii] � multi-drug resistant acinetobacter baumannii:a 2009 study found that fennel essential oil extracts had antimicrobial activity againstmulti-drug resistant acinetobacter baumannii.[viii] � multi-drug resistant streptococcus mutans(oral pathogen): a 2007 study found that garlic inhibits multi-drug resistant streptococcusmutans, a bacteria known to be a major contributor

to dental caries.[ix] � multi-drug resistant vibro cholera (cholera):a 2007 study found that guava leaf extract and bark had activity against multi-drug resistantvibrio cholera, the organism responsible for cholera outbreaks.[x] � multi-drug e.coli, klebsiella and candidaalbicans: a 2009 study found that arabic tree, cinnamon and clove extract has antimicrobialactivity against multi-drug resistant strains of e. coli, klebsiella and candida albicans(yeast). [xi] � drug-resistant mycobacterium avium: a2003 study found that the exceptionally difficult

to treat mycobacterium avium was inhibitedwith juniper extracts.[xii] there are a wide range of chemistries (oftenover 1,000) working in concert within plants that were evolved in order to provide elaboratedefense systems against the same pathogens that afflict humans. when used intelligently, with correct medicalsupervision, these natural compounds can literally be life-saving. i believe that we are on the precipice ofa natural medical renaissance, and that this transformation is occurring by sheer necessityas one drug after another fails to produce the expected outcome.

drug and multi-drug resistant diseases area sign of this, a healing crisis if you will, which if properly understood and respondedto, will result in us arriving at a much better place. as you can see by the studies cited above,nature provides solutions that are often superior to results obtained by drugs � and theseare increasingly being confirmed by �evidence-based� medicine. truly, the fact that we are alive here todayis a direct result of pre-modern cultures, the world over, using used plant medicinesto stay healthy. if we are to remain here, especially in faceof an increasingly impotent and incompetent

medical system, we may have to rediscoverthem once again.

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