quality control of herbal medicine ppt

quality control of herbal medicine ppt
quality control of herbal medicine ppt

behind closed doors i asked them, "will youtalk about vaccinations?" and they say no. vaccines, there's no liability, there's lowersafety testing. in 2012 there was a law passed that gave permissionto school administrators and nurses to administer this hpv vaccine without a parent's permission. they do not measure anything. they are sloppy in production. what ingredients in the mmr vaccine triggersautism? they stopped all those studies. i just want to point that out.

the science is borne out exactly what we publishedin the last… in 1998. i can't believe this information. i don't even want to know it. nowhere in the history of the planet has therebeen a product that a manufacturer has created that requires the entire population to useit in order for it to work. this always comes back to money. unvaccinated populations historically andglobally do not have autism. that is the greatest medical fraud in thehistory of the world. kelly: we need to give a huge round of applauseto dawna shuman for producing this panel.

she has done a remarkable job of bringingsome of the leaders, the revolutionaries, the scientists, the doctors, the people whoare making a difference to the panel. and i know that everybody, there's so manypeople in this cause that could be on the panel and have a lot to say. and we reached out now for questions. if you have questions give them to anita orto dana gorman and we'll try to get them answered throughout the evening. formally, all live streamers, we have livestreamers today too, so we want to include them.

welcome to the vaccine panel. we have this controversial paradigm shiftingpanel. they are definitely not slackers. they are experts in this arena. so we would like to -- i guess the questioni want to ask all of them is what got them involved in this issue. but we'll be exploring the pros, the consand the state of vaccines today. the vaccine issue, as you all know, has becomea convoluted war fueled by propaganda, big pharma and an ever-increasing police statewhere vaccinations are mandatory and public

safety is secondary and contraindicationsdon't matter, so the mass demand for inoculations is coming towards us. our panel of insiders and experts are goingto share what's really happening inside the cdc and how public health, the pharmaceuticalprofit machine and propaganda are colliding when it comes to vaccines and patient safety. so if you're confused about vaccines or themandatory passing of sb277 in california and you're worried about your health freedom,you are in the right place tonight. stay tuned for this provocative informativediscussion. it's bound to get heated.

so first of all, let me introduce who is onour fabulous panel, and i'm going to read what they've written because i know i won'tremember all of their… okay. well, you know who i am. i'm kelly gallagher. i'm a five-time cancer survivor powered bymy sixth pacemaker and a new heart valve. i think that i have a… [applause]thank you. every second is a test, but we're all hereon vacation.

you just have to be happy. that's my motto. so i actually think that i had a vaccine damage. when i was born i had a polio vaccine, andi think that that might have had something to do with me having a hodgkin's lymphomafive times. but we're not here to talk about me tonight. so without further ado, i'd like to introducelarry cook who has stopped mandatory vaccination in response to california's sb277. this activist went out and he continuallyraises public awareness about the dangers

of vaccines and why national immunity is superiorto vaccination through his tv commercials, his parent interviews, his photographic memes,website and ongoing facebook posts. his website is www.stopmandatoryvaccination.com. he is a man on a mission and making campaignsthat need to get out there for public awareness. [0:05:00]allison jones. allison educates audiences on how vaccinesare made and the causal relationship to autism, sids, allergies, and the varying natures ofviruses and bacterias through trackingvaccinations.com which is her website. her mission is to translate complicated vaccinescience into simple understanding.

i spoke to allison on the phone, she has nonstopresearch and has a lot of interesting information that we all need to know. karen kain, my dear friend. karen used to come to my talks with her daughterlorrin, which she's going to tell us the story about tonight. you all need to hear this. she's a highly respected parent advocate forautistic families and author of a unique fully life lived, an empowering memoir about raisinglorrin, her vaccine-injured daughter for 15 years was rendered blind, nonverbal, and quadriplegican hour after receiving her first and only

mmr vaccine. karen speaks at conferences around the country,encouraging families how to joyfully raise their special needs children. visit karencain.com. we have brandy vaughan, brandy. brandy is a former merck pharmaceutical salesrep. brandy found that the council for vaccinesafety in response to the industry's unprecedented push to eliminate medical choice with regardsto vaccine. she recently launched the learn the risk campaignusing billboards and other media to raise

public awareness of vaccine risk. she's a mother of a healthy vaccine-free four-year-old. her website is www.learntherisk.org and sheis also a chick on a mission, getting the word out there, much needed. dr. toni bark is a co-producer of bought,a family physician, advocating safe vaccines. it says here there's more to be added, buti know that you are always on traveling and educating and taking care of children andfamilies that are affected by vaccines. you said to me earlier it's not just aboutautism; it's about everything that comes with it.

so we really look forward to hearing fromyou tonight too. dr. andrew wakefield, highly acclaimed gastroenterologistphysician who publicly connected the possible link between the mmr vaccine and autism in1998. as co-founder of the autism media channel,dr. wakefield continues to publicly campaign for the rights of the skyrocketing numberof families with vaccine-injured children, and he advocates safe vaccines. he's the director of the autism media channel. this man is a man on a mission and we're goingto hear about all that he's up to too and the film that is in production later thisevening.

wendy silvers. not only is she a rock star with million mamasmovement but also a practitioner of agape and bringing light and love and a lot of otherthings that we need to bring this panel into this issue. she's a thought leader, a transformationallife coach, author, parenting educator, and founder and ceo of the million mamas movement. wendy traveled five times to the sb277 hearingsat sacramento in 2015. she met with legislators and speaks widelyon education and advocacy for safe vaccines. her father contracted bell's palsy after receivingthe flu shot and then she co-organized and

emceed sb277 health freedom rally in santamonica in 2015 that was heavily covered by the media. she is also on a mission and we are gratefulto have her. i have one more. we had a beautiful addition tonight that wasn'tin the program, dr. nick delgado. he's a phd, an abaahp, american board of anti-aginghealth practitioners. he directed the pritikin lifestyle medicineplan and served as mastery health expert for anthony robbins. a ufc graduate, studies at loma linda universityand a major contributing author and former

leader for american academy of anti-aging. he's authored ten scientifically reviewedbooks on human health including stay young and simply healthy vegan cookbook. nick delgado is the expert host for popularshows simply healthy tv and wellness academy. [0:10:04]he has used microscopy and trained several physicians during his 40-year career on oxidativestress and free radical damage in the blood and the body. he has worked to help thousands to restoretheir immune system. he writes blogs and appears on several radioshows that are posted on fightvaccines.com.

the fda finally banned thimerosal in 2001from the rhogam shot but too late for his son, lance, given the shot in 1986, leadingto serious brain damage and autism. rhogam was used for the rh-negative mothersand rh-positive babies. when nick was told his fifth child was onthe autistic spectrum, he worked with dr. jerry kartzinel of mendingautism.com to ensurehis son was protected from the risk of vaccines. nick has created the site fightvaccines.comto help families make informed decisions about vaccines. also visit nickdphd.com for web classes onhealth and your immune system. thank you, nick, for joining us tonight.

all right, so we've got quite a panel up hereand they've got so many things to share with you. i wanted to first find out we're just curiousto know who's here and why you're here. are there any people from the health professionhere, or doctors, nurses, dentists? i see one i like. veterinarians? how many parents, mothers, fathers? of course! nonvaccinated pets, of course.

absolutely. how many people have autistic children thatare here tonight? how many are concerned about having mandatoryvaccine? well! so let's get started. well, i think, first of all, i want everybodyto introduce themselves and then tell you what they do and why they do it and how theygot involved. so i'm going to start with wendy on this sideand i think we've got seven minutes. is that the rule?

who is my time keeper? so you got seven minutes, timekeeper. wendy: will you do a one-minute so i can wrapup? so hi, everybody. thank you so much for being here. thank you, dawna, for putting this together,and thank you, kelly for your tireless work. i really acknowledge each and every one ofyou that are here to learn more and to be open to bringing it back into the communitybecause this is really a movement of unity. we've come together really to create and sustaina new paradigm, and it takes all of us being

open, open-hearted, open ears, open mind,and really stepping forward fearlessly and not so fearlessly but knowing that we aresupported. i am wendy silvers and i came to this becausei have an organization called million mamas movement and it's dedicated to empoweringwomen especially mothers to stand in their sovereign power as changemakers. i'm also a life coach and a parenting educator. i'm trained in the principles of nonviolence,compassion, connection and empathy. i had a client come to me last february andasked me, "do you know what's going on?" and i said, "with what?"

and they said well there's a proposed pieceof legislation that wants to mandate vaccinations for children, and that's all i had to hearwas the word mandate because for me this isn't about -- i mean enforcing is not part of ourgovernment. that's militarism and having enforcement byour government officials is really engendering militarism. so i began hosting meetings in my home andi met one of my running buddies, dana gorman, and we started traveling to sacramento toall the hearings. i learned so much more than i really wantedto, to be perfectly honest, because what happened was even though i thought i was awake, i thinki was still somewhat asleep.

and then i began to learn exactly what wasgoing on -- the corruption, the deception, the disregard for children's lives, the disregardfor mothers. i met thousands of mothers and dads, but primarilymothers that were just up in arms about their rights being taken away from them, and i wasjust so -- i was stunned, i was shocked, i was horrified, and i was angry. i didn't understand how people could summarilysign up to allow their children to receive the amount of vaccinations and that therewould not to be some sort of interception, intervention. [0:15:15]so i came to this because of the work that

i do. i came to it because i'm a mom. i have a teenage daughter and i want her tocontinue to be healthy, i want her to have children, i want all of her friends to beable to have children, and i want the children to be healthy in the world. i became an older mother. i had my daughter when i was much older. but for me, i'm going to die, god willing,before my daughter, but the children inherit the world that we leave for them.

so what are we going to leave for them? a world where it's dictated by governmentwhere we don't have a say, where mothers are being assaulted, their rights are being removed? uh-uh, not in my world, not on my watch. so i have been very actively involved in educationand empowerment. empowerment not from an angry place, not thatthere's not anger involved, but empowering by being informed, empowerment by being inspired. because if you are not informed you cannotmake a choice, and choice is a function of heightened awareness, and that's what we need,a heightened awareness.

what can we do, where can we go, who can wetalk to, how do we talk to legislators, how do we take action. so for me it's a daily recommitment to beingof service to our children, to being of service to women and mothers and fathers who careso deeply, and to remember that people that vaccinate, they care about their childrentoo. they're just misguided. so we have to find a commonality. we have to find a way that we can meet inthe middle and we can really uplift and transform this paradigm.

not get stuck in the pointing fingers becausethe old paradigm is that if you point a finger, you've got three back at you. so we have to find a new way to reach people,and that means we have to elevate our own consciousness because this would not havehappened if there wasn't an agreement somewhere in our consciousness. i believe that this is a spiritual opportunity. it looks like it's about getting into themundane and there's an aspect of that, we don't deny that, but this is really abouta spiritual evolution. it's the evolutionary impulse for somethingnew and greater to be birthed.

and we are the midwives; we are the pioneers,so we have to be willing to do the inner work and we have to be willing to show up. so that is what i am committed to doing andthat's what i'm committed to sharing. so the million mamas movement is fully onboard and i welcome you to join me. so thank you. kelly: thank you so much, wendy. brandy. brandy: all right. hello, thank you for coming.

so basically, what i want to start off with,because most people only listen to the few first minute of what you say, vaccines domore harm than good. that's the most important thing you can takeaway from tonight and i'm going to explain to you how i came to that conclusion. stepping back, i used to work for merck. i sold the drug that some of you may remember. i sold vioxx. it was a painkiller. it was on the market for five years.

it caused anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000deaths, it's estimated, 7 billion in fines, largest drug recall in the world. if i have blood in my hands, it's that i do. in the lawsuits that came out, it showed thatmerck actually knew that the drug was killing people before it was even fda approved. so what did i learn from that? i learned that just because something is onthe market doesn't mean it's safe. the regulatory system in the us is bought. it's basically filled with people from theindustry.

and i learned not to trust pharma. i also learned how deeply entrenched theyare in our healthcare system, in the medical schools, in medical research and in the doctors'offices. parma spends more money on marketing theirproducts than they do research and development. so after that i went to europe for eight years. i learned how things were done very differentlyover there. i was living in holland and it's one of thehealthiest, tallest countries in the world. and they're very into homeopathy, very intonatural health. they didn't even know what allergies werewhen i went to the best expat doctor in amsterdam.

so i learned a lot over there. i had a natural birth, homebirth with my son,and i came back with him to the states when he was six months old, and the doctor said,"what do you mean he doesn't have vaccines?" and i said, "well, the midwife said he's healthy. why do we need to talk about vaccines?" so he was like 20 vaccines at least to catchhim up, and i said, "um, i don't think so. let's look at the inserts." he didn't like that. i walked out.

i did my research. my son is now five tomorrow and he's vaccine-freeand i have a lot to say on this issue. [0:20:13]how i got involved was with sb277. last february i heard about it and i criedfor three weeks because i knew that my life as i knew it was over. you don't work in pharma and then speak outagainst them and have an easy life. and that has come to play, unfortunately,but it's not stopping me. i think it's really, really important thatpeople need to understand that what doctors are being told, what pharma is telling us,what the media is telling us, which is 40%

of advertising dollars are linked to pharma,we're being lied to and we need to take back our health and we need to do our own research. the chemicals and additives in vaccines, thereare a lot of them that are toxic, and we're seeing this in the skyrocketing rates of childhoodillness, autoimmune illness and neurological difficulties and delays, things that in othercountries with lower schedules they're not seeing the same kind of rates. the us has the highest first date death ratefor newborns in the developed world. we're the only country that routinely giveshep b to non-risk populations. this is not a coincidence.

we have the highest schedule of vaccines inthe developed world, and we spend more on healthcare per capita, but we still have thesickest population. we have to step back and say before we startmandating things, mandating healthcare, mandating medications, mandating vaccines, we have tofigure out what's going wrong in our population. why are we so sick? because the chemicals in vaccines, the chemicalsin our food, the chemicals in our water, it's all contributing. vaccines need to be a topic of conversation. they don't need to be this four-letter wordthat everyone goes "aaaahh!" when you mention

we need to make it less controversial, weneed to get out there, and we need to talk about these things that need to be talkedabout. so one of the things that i want to mentionabout the vaccine system that i think is so important that some people might not know,vaccines are held to a lower safety testing standard than pharmaceutical drugs. when i was in pharma the gold standard testingwas double blind placebo-based long-term studies. vaccines are qualified differently, and soto get them passed through the fda, they don't need to be tested like that. they are usually tested against a non-placeboshot, which includes the toxins that are in

the vaccine. so if you actually go through the insertsyou're going to see that the safety science behind vaccines is totally shady. there's no other way to play it. and we're not being told what we need to betold. and there's a lot of independent science outthere that is showing the toxicity of the adjuvants and the additives in vaccines andthe fact that we're giving so many at one time. in the natural world we would never encounter69 vaccines intramuscularly in the natural

world and we're giving them to infants whodon't even have the blood brain barrier developed and these toxins are going right into thebody, right into vital organs. and yet, we're wondering where autism comesfrom, we're wondering where adhd, tics, speech delays, autoimmune issues, food allergies. when i was in europe they're like what? you can't bring peanuts to school? what are you talking about? this shouldn't be normal in the us and it'sbecoming normal. we're getting used to it.

it can't be because our children are sufferingand adults are suffering too. and mandated laws are already here and they'recoming down the pipeline. they're coming for adults next. it's going to start coming in through registries,though healthcare, all of these things, though employment and we need to take back our rights. we need to stand up and say no. you know what, we're not going to allow this. this is not going to happen on our watch andthis is not going to happen to our kids. so one of the things that i've done i starteda nonprofit.

we have a massive marketing campaign goingon right now, learntherisk.org. we have a booth right out there. we have lots of free materials. the way that we really need to get thingsturned around is to get this information out to the public. there are too many people that are trustingtheir doctors blindly. and i know. i used to be in their offices all the timeand i would see them say exactly what i told them to a nurse, to a patient.

they are getting their information from pharmaand we need to start taking it back and doing our own research. so we have lots of materials. we can start talking to everybody and anybody. we need to come out of the closet. we need to make this less controversial. we need to talk about it. we need to talk about it to everyone and anyone. the larger we are in our movement, the largerwe are educated population, the less they

can silence us, the less they can hold usback and the less rights they'll be able to take away. so please go visit the booth after this. please join us in this mission and this movement. it's really, really, really important. and there is a lot of research to be done. and although we're going to hear a lot ofdifferent things on the panel tonight, there's still more research to do. so please, i challenge everyone in here togo do your own research.

take back your health. don't listen to the doctors and pharma andthe media. just listen to your intuition and do yourown research. thank you very much. [0:25:20]kelly: thank you, brandy. i think you have your next campaign. toni: come out of the closet. kelly: well, vaccines do more harm than good. that's that next billboard.

dr. toni, please tell us about your story. toni: so i'm dr. toni bark. so i had a little bit of a -- it was an evolution. i've evolved into this position. i did go into medical school not wanting topractice mainstream medicine. i thought i was going to practice chinesemedicine, but i wanted to affect change so i wanted my medical degree. i did train in pediatrics and i also trainedin rehab medicine. i was offered the position as director ofpediatric emergency room out of residency

and i took it because i love adrenaline, andit suited my personality. i really liked it. but i did notice things. and at that time i vaccinated kids in thevaccine clinic as a resident. this was the '80s. by the time i was running the er it's the'90s. we didn't vaccinate as many. we didn't use as many vaccines. and we did practice safety measures, suchas if it was a premature child we waited till

the child was actually the corrected age consideringtheir prematurity. we didn't vaccinate kids with fevers. we didn't vaccinate women who were even thinkingof getting pregnant in the next six months. so we had a lot of rules around it. and i left medicine for a while. i was living in israel with the food industry. i came back with a cat, one of my animals,and had to vaccinate my cat in order to get into the country with the cat and the cathad been really healthy. and within receiving the five or six vaccinationsshe developed asthma, cardiac murmur and her

teeth rotted and fell out, and the veterinariansexplained to me that this was a vaccine reaction. and i was like what? like wow, i had no idea. so fast forward i started training also inalternative medicine. i'm a classically trained homeopath. i work in nutrition and some of my patientswere veterinarians, and one of my patients explained to me that he was shocked to hearthat thimerosal was in vaccinations. and he said in 1983 the fda removed thimerosalfrom veterinary vaccinations because the research showed that the animals behaved really oddlywhen they received thimerosal, 1983 for vets,

for the veterinary shots for animals. so i started thinking, okay, well you know-- and i knew vaccines were risky. i saw kids with several seizures and suddenheart attack or sudden infant respiratory distress and they would stop breathing andcome into the er and they had been in the vaccine clinic that day. so i knew that vaccines were problematic forsome people and they can cause reactions. that's what i knew and i understood. and so i didn't vaccinate my child becauseat that point i was like, well, i'm a homeopath. i want him to get measles, mumps, chickenpoxand pertussis, and i'll deal with it.

i'm not afraid of those things. i've treated them numerous times. but it was in 2010 when i entered a master'sprogram in disaster medical response. i've been going to haiti for the earthquakeand so i did this master's. i was offered a free ride through the statedepartment. why, they don't know what they paid for. kelly: i wonder why. toni: we started studying flu vaccine clinics,and it was flu vaccine clinics? flu vaccine doesn't really work.

so i did my research in flu vaccines, foundthe cochrane collaboration studies, called tom jefferson, called peter doshi. so these are people who've done research toshow these things are very ineffective. it's an organization that collaborates togetherand they take no industry money. so it was only in 2010 that i realized thatthe regulatory agencies were completely corrupted and that academia was being bought out andsold, that white coats were for sale. i had no idea. i truly had no idea. i just thought vaccines are dangerous forsome kids, but they do good things and that

the system wasn't corrupted. i really did not know the system was corrupteduntil 2010. and i felt i was falling down a rabbit holeand would be up late at night emailing people like mary holland and some other people whoare involved in this fight and i would say stop me. like god help me. i would wake up and say like is this for real. i wish this wasn't happening because i can'tbelieve this information. that's how disturbing it has been going onthis ride.

[0:30:12]i'm used to the dark and disturbing information now and i don't really let it affect me verymuch. but that is really how i came to this point. in fact, the head of my department made itvery clear we want you to continue exposing the corruption in policymaking, in healthpolicymaking. we want you to continue exposing the corruptionin vaccine health policymaking. we're okay with you doing that for the restof the two years. just make it appropriate for the course andthat is what i did. and bought the movie is the culmination ofmy research in my master's and all the different

people that i interviewed regarding ethicalissues, corruption issues, whistleblowing issues, scientific issues. that's really how i came to this fight andevolve to position where i was being flown out last year saying lots of crazy thingsat the rally. i mean for those of you who saw that shitstorm. i mean let's just say it. and it started with me actually being flownout a day's notice to minnesota to testify for a similar bill. not quite as draconian.

and i had 10 minutes to talk and i somehowmanaged to get a lot of information in 10 minutes. and it was so much information that the nextday my audio file went missing. it was the first time in the state capital'shistory that they lost an audio file of a hearing and they had to drop the bill. but six weeks later the audio file was foundand it went viral and the rest is history. i was flown to texas, i was flown to californiawhere i was barred from speaking and flown to vermont and i'm suspecting there's goingto be a few trips coming up for me soon. but my website is disease-reversal.com, andi'm just going to add that the corruption

that we see and the distortion of realityin vaccine is the truth in every aspect of medicine and the health sciences. we are at a place where articles are beingretracted by editors of journals who are completely in pharma's pockets like gregory poland. we are seeing articles that have been on pubmedsince 1972 disappear by the nih. this is what is happening. this is a very scary time we are living inand this up to the ante in the last few weeks. so, on that good note…. kelly: how many people know about the cdcwhistleblower cover-up?

all right, well, we'll let dr. andy wakefieldtell us his story. andy: right, i'm andy wakefield. through the '90s i ran a large research teamat the royal free hospital in london, part of the university of london. our specific interest was inflammatory boweldisease, crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. we became very interested in measles, naturalpatterns of exposure and vaccine exposure and crohn's disease risk. we published a paper in the lancet in 1995and on the back of that paper which linked the single measles vaccine to crohn's disease.

i got a series of calls from parents sayingthat my child was perfectly well, they had an mmr vaccine, they lost all their acquiredskills and they became ultimately autistic, and i said i know nothing about autism, howcan i help? and they said well my child has terrible gastrointestinalproblems, they're failing to thrive, they're in pain, i know they're in pain and theirmother, and i can tell even though they've lost the ability to speak. they have bloating, they have diarrhea 12times a day and the doctor says that's just autism, until it wasn't. the way i was trained in medicine was investedin the patient's story or the parent's story

and particularly because no one knows a childbetter than their mother, certainly much better than any public health doctor or pediatrician. so based upon that very formal classical trainingin medicine, i took their story seriously, we investigated it. we did colonoscopy, upper endoscopy on thesechildren and found the parents were absolutely right. they had an inflammatory bowel disease andthey'd been suffering for years but unable to articulate their pain except through self-injuryor aggression. so when we treated that disease, when it wastreated in the way that we would treat inflammatory

bowel disease with anti-inflammatories orspecial diets then the children improved dramatically not just from the gastrointestinal perspective,but also from the cognitive perspective. it's rather like a sort of lorenzo's oil situation. it was fascinating, and being academics, wesaid that didn't happen so we did it again and it happened again and we did it 180 times. by the time i had left the royal free andit happened on virtually every occasion. [0:35:20]and what that confirmed, what that reaffirmed to me is that the parents were right, themedical profession was almost exclusively wrong.

every prediction, every statement that itmade about autism, that it was permanent, lifelong, that it was untreatable and curable,that it was in fact the mother's fault for hating a child and wanting them dead, allof these things that medicine comes up with because it has no explanation, it cannot offeranything better, and it puts the blame on someone else and that's what meds did in thiscase. so when the parent said, "my child regressedafter a vaccine," we took that extremely seriously, we investigated. many, many years later i am completely convincedthe parents once again were right, the medical profession was wrong, remains wrong.

we were interested at the time in patent ofexposure. one of the common questions that we got iswhy do all children get mmr vaccine and why do only some develop autism? well, not all smokers develop lung cancer. it's just one of those idiosyncrasies of medicine. and then we were interested in cofactors,something about that modified the patent of exposure and one of those was age of exposure. we know that the age of exposure to an infectiondetermines the outcome from that infection. the younger you are, the greater the riskof, say, an adverse outcome for measles infection.

so we put forward the hypothesis that in autism,one of the risks was younger age of exposure to measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. not the only risk but certainly a major determinantof that risk. we shared that hypothesis with the cdc andwith the us congress back in early 2000s, and the cdc went away and tested that hypothesis. and in the interim, in really 20 years thati've involved in autism, these children -- the bowel disease, the aberrant bowel findings,bowel bacteria that had clearly altered in children with autism has become the most commonresearch finding. in other words, the science was born out exactlywhat we published in the lancet in 1998.

however, because the bowel disease was synonymousin the minds of many people with vaccine injury, it had to be crushed, it had to be suppressed,and it had to be ignored. so, pediatricians, pediatric gastroenterologistsdid not do their job. they put their own careers before their patientsbecause they said, "i know you may be right, i know your child is suffering, but this isn'tgoing to be good for me, so could you go and find another doctor?" that is what has happened. so for many, many years, these children havesuffered needlessly. they've suffered because they had to discreditthe bowel disease in order to protect the

vaccination. all of this would remain just the same. it would have got worse. now, we've had mandatory vaccination throughoutthe country and the situation would have escalated to the predicted one in two children bornin 2032 having autism. that is what we face right now based uponthe cdc's own numbers. well, not for one man. one man is dr. william thompson, senior scientistfrom the centers of disease control and prevention, who some 14 years ago was one of the groupsof doctors there who tested the hypothesis

that younger age of mmr vaccination was indeeda risk for autism and that's exactly what they found. they spent the next 14 years concealing thatrisk. he was so perplexed by that concealment thatultimately he came forward to a friend and colleague of mine, dr. brian hooker, a manwith a vaccine injured son, and confessed to him the full extent of the crime, providedto him all of the data outputs, all of the analysis plans, all of the internal emailcommunications going right up the hierarchy to the very top of the cdc, alerting themto the fact that younger age of mmr vaccination was a major risk factor for autism.

they put millions and millions of childrenin harm's way, healthy children in order to protect what? their own policy, their own credibility, andtheir partners in the industry. why? because these people were charged with caringfor this children, for their wellbeing. this is not a drug that's being used in endstage cancer where the pharmaceutical industry just fiddles some figures to give it a betterappearance. these are all healthy children in the worldwho are being mandated to be given these vaccines with over 200 new vaccines going through theprocess of approval and licensing right now,

and many of those will find their way ontothe schedule. they did this deliberately, they did it callously,they did it recklessly and countless numbers of children have paid a huge, huge price. [0:40:18]so until the day i die i will never walk away from this issue. and i realized that some years ago to beatthe media you had to become the media, and i teamed up with my friend and colleague delbigtree, the front producer on our new documentary which brings to the public to those who don'tknow or don't care or don't think this is their problem dr. william thompson's story,his confession, and the true extent and nature

of the fraud at the cdc. this is not an isolated incident, and i believethat it will open the can on many, many other such incidence that have happened at the cdc. they cannot be trusted, they are an utter,utter disgrace, and it is my job to try and expose that. karen: what an honor it is to be here todaywith everyone. and thank you, dr. wakefield. i don't even know where our parents wouldbe without you and thank you for caring about our babies because you could have walked away.

you could have walked away. i'm here today because i'm here for the children,basically. we're here for the children who have comebefore us and the children who are vaccine-injured now and the children who will be vaccine-injuredif we do nothing. my daughter received her one and only dptvaccine at six weeks of age. she would be 22 next month. she had a five-minute seizure two hours afterthe vaccine and two hours after that she had another five-minute tonic-clonic seizure,and that's a long time to watch a little baby's body shake.

by the time she was three months old she hadnine five-minute seizures in one day. of course, all i did was call the doctorsand the doctors didn't like me because my daughter kept seizing. i took her lifeless body back to the hospitaland we spent two weeks there. obviously that was the time when my life changedcompletely. it was my one and only child. i had no idea what i was doing and all i knewwas that i wanted to go to the hospital to get fixed, to fix it and stop this becausethey kept saying babies have seizures after vaccines, and so i was okay with that.

one thing led to another. my daughter wasn't one of those lucky oneswho stopped. she just kept getting worse and worse. we started her on dilantin, taking that drugin applesauce. i think she was six, seven weeks old. and we mixed that with phenobarb. and most of lorrin's life she was taking sixanti-seizure drugs a day and still having constant seizures. we've put her in a coma twice to stop theseizures when she was three.

we lived in the hospital from three to fiveand i could go on and on. she had countless procedures and surgeries. it was very, very clear that her body wasa train wreck. but i want to let you know her soul was verypowerful. my daughter was beautiful. she came here to do very important work andi will not stop talking about my story. and my story's not more important than anyoneelse's story. every story is important and we need to talkabout it and we need to share. my family was lucky.

well, when she was a year we discovered thatthere was a vaccine injury compensation program. and at that time there was only one attorneyin california that you could even go to because no attorney wants to be a vaccine injury compensationattorney. trust me, it's a terrible job and you're tornup and they wait to pay you. because we were in it, we had no choice. the government immediately replied to ourpaperwork and said that yes, your daughter is vaccine-injured. lorrin's vaccine had 30 children who had seizuresor worse with the vaccine. there were 10 surrounding deaths.

her vaccine was filled with mercury and soimmediately everybody said yes. yay! my attorney said that's good information. but i knew in my heart, i remember like itwas yesterday reading that paper that yes, we agree that your daughter is vaccine-injured,i didn't feel right about it because i saw what was happening to her. and they pushed that law suit as far as theycould. everyone fully expected lorrin to die. her pediatrician told me.

she lived till she was 15. she died in my arms at 15 years old. and the pediatrician came in and he said sheshould have died at three. so the government was fully planning on herleaving then, so they kept pushing off her settlement. [0:45:12]the first time i met the government was in icu at cedars-sinai. we were living there because lorrin was chronicallyill. i was excited because i thought this meantsomebody was coming to help my family, my

baby. and they walked over, they said hello to meand they took all lorrin's clothes off and took her diaper off and what they were doingwas they were looking for bedsores. they were there to see if they could provethat i was a bad parent. so the first attack on vaccine-injured familiesis always the attack on the parent, blame the child, and that kind of gave me insightto what was coming. another thing that's really important forpeople to understand that when you're vaccine-injured you do not get due process, which means youdo not get a judge and a jury to see what's happening to your family.

we had our court proceedings with a specialmaster. at that time there were 11 judges that dealtonly with vaccine injury. so we went into a small room and then we discussedwhat lorrin's life was worth. they told us that for pain and suffering shereceived $500,000 and of her lost wages $500,000 and then we just started arguing about everything. we had a list of 85 items that i thought mydaughter would need during her lifetime, because as the parent of a one-year old child, evenit was clear to everybody that lorrin was having uncontrolled seizures and she was prettymuch a trainwreck, but i still had hope. so we opened up the conversation and theysaid, "mrs. kain, you need to place your daughter

in a home and she can have a wheelchair. she won't even need a chair because she'llhave a wheelchair and she'll have a bed and she can live in this home." and then i said no and then we argued forthree days about what she would need and why we would need it. so even in the best circumstances of vaccineinjury, it's a really devastating experience. vaccine injury destroys families. any of you know, if you have a chronicallyill child, i think the divorce rate is 90%. that also happened to my family.

i didn't have any other children. i love lorrin. she was an amazing young lot. she was just amazing. she was beautiful, she was intuitive, shewas powerful. we met kelly. years ago i met dawna because of lorrin. she never spoke with words but she alwayswas communicating with her heart. i'm very proud to be her mother.

i just don't ever want this to happen to anotherfamily. i know the look, people, especially back in'94 and '96, whatever, before the internet. now we all know. when i speak anywhere and now i go and i talkto families, i used to talk to families that have heard of a vaccine injury. now i talk to families who have multiple childrenwho are vaccine-injured and that just rips my heart. i don't want this to happen ever again. we need to work together, we need to talkabout our experiences, we need to talk to

our congress and together we can make change. i'm on karenkain.com. i'm here and i'm just really grateful thateverybody came out today because this is so important. i live in oregon now, but my nieces are havingtheir babies in california and every baby is important. every one of us can make a difference. thank you. kelly: larry cook.

larry: thank you, karen, for sharing yourstory. so my story began probably about 10 yearsago when i was doing research for an add/adhd book that i was co-writing and i came acrossa website called generation rescue and that website has to do with autism and helpingparents who have autistic children. i read on that website that mercury in vaccinesis a causative factor of autism, and the way they explained it was very, very precise andthat caught my attention. as i continued doing my research i came acrossdr. buttar who's over on the east coast. and he was doing chelation therapy on autisticchildren. chelation therapy is where you pull heavymetals out of the body.

and he said something really interesting inhis paper to congress and he testified in congress as well. he's a toxicologist. he said that when the mercury goes into achild, it's possible that that mercury gets locked and you can't get it back out easily. and you can run a test on the child and thetest itself will be a false negative, meaning you test for mercury but no mercury comesout and you think the child has no mercury in it. but if you do chelation therapy, which isa medical treatment to pull the mercury out,

you start seeing the mercury come out andcome out and come out. and what he was explaining was that as thatmercury came out that autistic child to get better and better and better. and then at some point in time we talked abouthow many of the children, autistic children are being recovered partially, wholly, somewherein between, but definitely getting better. [0:50:24]and then i learned about biomedical treatment, which has to do with actually opening up thosedetoxification pathways in the child so that that mercury and other heavy metals can comeout. as dr. buttar has said, the mercury is thespark that creates the problems so now you

have a lot of other problems going on as well. so you go to an integrative medical doctorand they start trying to figure out what they can do to help the child, the autistic childor the vaccine-injured child heal. so all of that caught my attention. i wrote a book a little more than ten yearsago called the beginner's guide to natural living, and i have a youtube channel aboutnatural health and so i decided to do some video interviews of parents and doctors. so i did these interviews. one of them was with holly riley who had avaccine-injured child, went into autism, regressed

into autism and she was able to recover herchild through biomedical treatment. that particular video on my youtube channeli think has close to 200,000 views. i know it's helped a lot of parents. i interviewed some other parents. i also interviewed medical doctors, includingdr. kenneth stoller who's up in the bay area who uses hyperbaric treatment to help childrenwith autism and he also treats autistic children. those videos did really well as well. so now flash forward to sb277 introduced infebruary. i try to get involved in different areas.

i try to say okay, what can i do to help out? this really disturbs me, the mandatory vaccinationconcept. it wasn't really making any headway anywhere,so then i thought okay, i'm going to interview parents of vaccine-injured children and vaccine-freechildren. so i had the idea to launch a gofundme campaignand just put it out there. so i shot a video, uploaded everything withineight hours, and then within a few minutes money started coming in to create this project. we shot parent interviews on may 9 and june6 and our video editors here in the audience along with many people who participated aswell, including brandy vaughan by the way.

she came and did an interview with us. her video on facebook now has over 270,000views and i'm very proud of that video, one of my best videos ever. it continues to go viral. it gets probably ten shares a day ant it justkeeps going and going and going. she really explains what's going on. so i like to think of my skill set as givinga voice to parents, giving a voice to doctors, giving a voice so that the information canget out into the mainstream. i kept asking for more money, money came.

we were able to shoot tv commercials whenwe did the interviews. and so we put tv commercials in the la market. we probably reached, according to time warnercable, 6 million people with our tv commercials. people in the bay area raised money, so weprobably reached close to a million people in the bay area. we have a tv commercial running right now. we have another run of the tv commercial rightnow in the la metro area and that's going to reach probably about a million people. and on the commercial we have parents sayingthat their children or their child is vaccine-injured

and parents say that they have vaccine-freechildren. and then at the bottom of the commercial forall of 30 seconds it's my website stopmandatoryvaccination.com. and then during the summertime, i createda meme and if you guys have that postcard with my face on it, the meme says, "i'm educated,i'm not afraid and i decide. our children will not be force-vaccinated." that meme went really viral. and my concept is that we need to educateeveryone about the problems with vaccines and why we need to switch over to naturalimmunity. but in particular, i think that the firstcause, the first thing that we need to do

is get educated ourselves. when we're educated, when we actually knowthe risks of vaccines and vaccination, we understand that we can have a healthy immunesystem and not need to be so concerned about the diseases, the infectious diseases thatgo around. then we can be confident in saying that we'renot going to vaccinate. then we get to the next line which is i'mnot afraid. well, once you're educated now you're notafraid. you're not afraid of these diseases. you might be concerned, but you're not afraid,and you're not afraid to stand up for your

rights. you're not afraid to stand up to the governmentthat wants to mandate vaccines. so then you say and i decide. that's the medical choice, the medical rights,part of it. [0:55:02]so now we decide. we're in charge of our own bodies. we're in charge of our own health. not the government, not the doctor, we are. and then we can declare our children willnot be force-vaccinated.

so, that's the meme. i really like that a lot because i reallythink it sets the hierarchy of what we need to do as a community if we're going to stopthis. and then i also shot a lot of photos of childrenand pushed those out with little memes, little phrases. those went really well. and i continue to do videos and we're continuingto do videos. we're creating right now a compilation ofall the parents. we have music, graphics and we're expectingit to do really well in social media and on

youtube. so my whole mission and passion is to keepcreating media, getting out there, educating parents about vaccine dangers and naturalimmunity, and what we can do to ultimately shut down mandatory vaccination. i should say this. i think that the best way to shut down mandatoryvaccination is to help parents understand why not to vaccinate. if everyone stops vaccinating, we won't havemandatory vaccination. nick: i'm a father of five beautiful children,ages 7-37, four boys and a girl.

boys tend to have a much higher risk of developingon the spectrum of autism. and more than 30 years ago, i was proud tohave my son born. and as he was born, and i was present duringall my children's birth, there wasn't something he didn't respond normally. and it became very clear, 30 years ago, thathe already had serious brain damage. and i couldn't understand because my othertwo children had not been vaccinated and i was fortunate to have dr. paul fleiss as thepediatrician for my son, jason, and my daughter, cherish, and at that time there was considerablepressure to get vaccinations. my grandmother came from a school of wisdomthat believed that vaccinations, in her words

that she explained to my father, was likeinjecting monkey pus, and i thought that was strange until i actually read the literatureand found that caterpillars, monkeys, and chickens, and various animals they use tocreate and derive and make the current vaccines. so she was right in her wisdom years ago,she was kind of a health food fanatic, whole foods, brown rice, whole grain, fruits andvegetables and things. so i kept that to me close but i was perplexed. i didn't know for a better part until 2009,when the birth of my seven-year-old, and after he was born there was considerable pressureunlike i'd ever experienced with any of my kids, to vaccinate my son.

and i said no, it cost a drift amongst hismother and i, and i stood strong and i called dr. mayer eisenstein of home first, and heexplained to me that 30 years ago, although you thought your son had not been vaccinated,because you and the mother had rh positive and negative, the child was at risk, we weretold. so they gave the vaccination injection calledrhogam, which is loaded with mercury, thimerosal, directly in the womb, which dr. mayer eisensteintold me at the concentrations they had at that time was most assuredly the reason hehad brain damage. to this day, he can speak less than threewords. he'll laugh when he watches i love lucy.

he understands everything but he's lockedin his mind and he can't communicate. so i searched for answers and i created awebsite called fightvaccines.com when i saw this bill was coming about. i hope and pray that no one else would gothrough what we've gone through. [1:00:00]and when my seven-year-old, which some people have stated, "well, how could you be on thespectrum if you've never been vaccinated?" if you talked to dr. jerry kartzinel of mendingautism, he will tell you that there are susceptibilities, that some children including at least threeof my children clearly have tendencies. other children maybe have a high clearancerate with their kidneys, with their liver

and so when they're exposed to heavy metals,mercury or now the current aluminum, which by the way is not the aluminum that's in theearth that's detoxified, it's a very serious toxin, a neurotoxin. so although they've told you that you havenow mercury-free vaccinations, you're at as greater risk as ever. in fact, the one study that they pushed thataluminum through was on a man, a healthy man with a very high glomerular clearance rate. and when they gave him the injection eventhree years later, there was aluminum lingering in his body, a very high percentage of aluminum.

but they said, oh, no damage in the adult. but what if it was a child such as one ofmy children that's sensitive and they can't clear at the rate and there is a big differencein clearance rate between humans. but some just might have it inherent, andjust like some humans, all humans can't produce vitamin c, some humans can't clear these toxinsas rapidly, and if we can't, even when we eat fish and i wrote the article at worldhealth.netis fish safe? and when dr. chris shade showed that eventhe ingestion of tuna, which is a long distance fish, contains tremendous amounts of mercuryand it takes months to clear it from the system. they also showed that you have to do blood,urine and hair samples because you're going

to miss it if you only do one type of testand that mercury is there. oh, it's there. for 40 years i've been trained in microscopyand i've been looking at people's blood and then i send it off to a urine test for a heavymetal clearance and i can't tell you how many alarmingly high number of people are exposedand have high concentrations of heavy metals. and what is that? could it lead to alzheimer's? could it trigger a form of cancer? could it be depressing the immune system?

so then you say, well, if we don't vaccinatethe herd, we're all at risk. really? do you know what the incidence? i was just checking and just forgive me becausei'm one of these guys that i'm just looking up to the moment because as they mentionedpubmed has been having certain articles mysteriously disappearing. in fact, i was the director of the pritikinbetter health program. how many of you here remember nathan pritikin? 1978?

and we have journals in our files, in my medicalfiles, hard copy files that don't exist. i can't find anymore. but i'm going to tell you that in that previewof the introduction of vaccinated kids, the outbreak of measles is alarmingly high. they've even renamed it a type of measlesin these vaccinated kids. so you think they're protected with a vaccination,but why aren't they protected? what about polio? the live and the dead virus. in europe, they use the dead.

and here, we were using live virus, sabinand salk. and then what they found was because the vaccinationsthat were with the dead virus didn't exert the kind of immunity they expected, they'venow added in india schedule of adding two live virus injections into our children. in india, i say our children. we're a world very close world. and once it gets through india, it's goingto come back here. so how do you feel about live viruses beinginjected and then the incidence of that very same disease coming back?

last thing is the port of entry. all of us as humans have evolved over millionsof years and when we're introduced to a virus, it comes through the nose, through the mouth,we breathe it in. we're around other kids. sure, there's an outbreak. but our body in its infinite wisdom knowshow to build up the immune system, the killer t-cells. i know i've been looking under a microscopefor 40 years at tens of thousands people. i was tony robbins life health coach.

i've looked at literally tens of thousandsof people even here at this event. i can tell you this. your immune system is amazing when supportedproperly. however, when you inject a virus through anabnormal portal entry, not through the normal entry of nose, mouth and so forth, your bodydoesn't know how to react. there are auto immune incidences. there's a much higher of disease outbreaksand nonpermanent immunity. so you're all being misled. those vaccinations are doing our culture andpopulation no good.

[1:05:03]i encourage you to go to fightvaccines.com which i promise you i'll continue to postevery article and research journal that will help you defend your kids so that as i haveprotected my kids from their vaccinations with an iep and individualized education programbecause they're on the spectrum. if they eat dairy or gluten they fall backinto problems. but if they had been vaccinated they wouldhave had brain damage just like my son lance. kelly: allison jones. allison: hi, i'm allison jones and i havebeen warned in the '70s by mayan indians that i was living with.

american medical teams used to go into thejungle and inject them with things with very bad outcomes. so when i had my first children i didn't doit until i was pressured into it and my four-year-old became paralyzed by his dpt. now luckily, it was temporary. but for three days he had trouble swallowingthe way home. i end up holding him for three days. he was stiff as a board. he could only blink, swallow and breathe forthree days.

and finally by the fourth day he softenedup and dragged a leg around for a couple of weeks. and i went back to the clinic without himand told them what happened and they leaned in to listen for about two minutes and ran. so obviously they didn't record this. and i must say in the now, that was 1984,and i've been studying it ever since. i immediately went and begin to research themanufacturer's notes and i grew up in a medical family so i was able to translate the medicaljargon and i was horrified. so apparently, they put the minimal lethaldose.

all children's vaccines are made for zeroto six years of age. their universal doses, they're made for theage of a six-year old. now everybody knows weight per dosage andi like to bring this up first because this is the first red flag that people get. they do not consider that. and this is just so the first year they'regiving dead, other than the rotavirus they give now, but they mainly give the dead onesbecause they know the immune system can't handle the live ones. so what they do is they give the minimum lethaldosage, it's called the mld, for a 50-pound

child of tetanus and diphtheria toxins. now they get away with that by adding theantitoxin, which is merely the antibodies, but it's like a snakebite and the antidoteat the same time. now here you go, they do not measure anything. so when you have a viral growing -- they'regrowing the bacteria tetanus and diphtheria because the pertussis, the whooping cough,the whooping cough is called pertussis. that's the dpt, tdap. however you put it, it's the same recipe. and the pertussis is a dead bacteria.

it's not a threat. the immune system is going to ignore it. so they have to add the deadliest bacterialtoxins known to man. you have botulism, tetanus, diphtheria. so they're adding tetanus, which is unforgiving. that's the sids if there's not enough. if my son had weighed less than 40 poundshe would not have survived, i'm sure of that. he could barely breathe. he can swallow only his own saliva for threedays.

he was that close. i did not let go of him. i didn't take him to the clinic either becausei knew they'd take him away from me and they'd done it to begin with. i was smart enough to know to hang on to him. so this is all the same keys of diphtheria,and that's not going to kill him, but diphtheria is very necrotic. it's going to do its trip on the nervous systemtoo. so the first thing we learned was that thedpt was very dangerous.

so there's many dangers to vaccines. there's three main kinds of vaccines. you have the dead bacteria, dead virus andliving virus. what they're doing with the dead ones, thedead bacteria, the body knows it's dead. so they add the poisons in and they pile allthe -- when you go in for that two-month visit they're piling all the other ones on top ofthat poison, and it's working by the principle of allergic reaction. what's happening, the immune system is comingout to attack the tetanus and diphtheria and by default it's such a frenzy in such a hyperimmuneresponse.

because it's a life and death experience,it attacks all foreign proteins present at that time. whatever you breathe in, whatever you ate,including the target germ which is the pertussis in this case. so here we are creating -- it works by theprinciple of allergic reaction. and as he was discussing allergies, as somepeople were discussing the allergies that weren't existent in countries that didn'tvaccinate, well, hello? so that's just starting with the bacteria. now the dead viruses appear alive, so theydon't have to use poison.

but they lodge it in the body with the heavymetals, which they also do with the dead bacteria. but they used to love to use mercury as theirfavorite thing, and it's been controversial. so they're using aluminum which is just aspernicious and not necessarily much better. but then you have the problem where they'reusing aluminum hydroxide. now you have a lot of questions to ask. there's no test going out. they just find out the best way to make aluminumhydroxide to turn it into this soft powdery thing. i watched the youtube clips.

guess what? mercury, amalgam, and it turns it into aluminumhydroxide that they're putting into the vaccines. possibly. that's the best way to do it. anyways, the rabbit hole goes deeper. [1:10:20]so then you have the live viruses and the live viruses, you're either going -- they'regiving them four -- they wait a year because they say okay, the immune system can't handleit. now, when they first came out, when i wasa kid they had one or two shot, the opv, you

had the dpt. the opv was given separate. opv one at two months, two, four, three six. they didn't mix the bacteria and viruses. there are so many things they didn't do thatthey do now that they do not care about. and they're piling them all together now. they know the immune system's going to compromise. it can't fight everything. so it's a ruse.

anyway, so in a year they're giving them theselive viruses. they give them four neurotropic on top ofall the dead ones. you're giving like 15 doses of germs. i have beautiful little charts and graphs. i try to make pretty little charts and graphsso you can see the extent of how overwhelming these young, fragile, vulnerable childrenare. and either the viruses are getting into thewrong places in the body or the immune response itself is what's killing them. there are so many factors.

the host is half the thing. half the thing is what's in the vaccine. the host, which is these young children, isthe other half. so when you actually get down to the scienceand you break it apart and you tear it apart. there's no way that these can be saved allthe time as they like to profess, which they are doing to protect themselves, as we seegoing back 50 years. they like to throw out this herd immunitything, but most of these vaccines are dead and they fade after time. the body gets rid of them.

i mean the reason they give it boosters isbecause babies' livers are so pure they just excrete the stuff in a couple of weeks. so they give another one and they excretethe stuff. so they give another one. and by now there's so much aluminum in thestuff. it loves to clog, they layer up and it gumsup the works, and now the stuff is sticking. they love to put formaldehyde because formaldehydecrosslinks the proteins and releases it slowly. when you go into it, we don't want to havethem in our bodies or do we want them at the dose three times the weight of these children.

ten-pound children are getting 50-pound dosesand most parents are noticing the seizures and they are not normal. and it's hard to figure out exactly what'sgoing on with everything, but no one could say it wasn't the vaccine that damaged mychild. so i'm one of the lucky ones. my child survived, i was not devastated. i'm able to study this and what i like todo is teach people and empower them with the knowledge. so when people say oh, but you're crazy andyou don't know this and i'm an expert, they

can at least come back with some real solidfacts. but these are obviously not safe because youhave this, that and the other. and then when you give them to the adults,you can see that there's a problem, like the hpv they're giving the girls. do you know that if you look at the recipethey've got a little acronym to hide the fact there's 50 micrograms of salmonella toxinin these things. they have to put poison in these things toget the immune system to come out and freak out, and tons of aluminum. if you're smart enough parent you do as isay.

you listen to the parents. they know their kids really well. i've been listening to their stories for years. i just heard one the other day. i have to mention a woman had listened tome. i told them to wait at least two years butthey're gung-ho and i say wait. when an antelope is born, for example, itcan run because it has full insulation of its nervous system for electrical current. our babies are born gestationally prematurebecause our heads are too big.

we cannot move when we're born. and we don't move much. we're born with zero myelin insulation onour nervous systems and the neurons in our brain, our entire nervous system is exposed. we're most vulnerable then. it takes two years to get it to complete. there are walls that wrap around the neuronfibers and they wrap around a dozen times over a 24-month period. exactly two years.

the terrible twos, you can see it, they havefull insulation, full current, and they've taken off running. at that point they're safer. but this child, he was two something. he went in for the shot, they come out withfour needles, ready to give him his first shot and she's like ah, just give him one. so they picked one, supposedly the hep b.i'd like to see the schedule. they gave it to him and blood starts pouringout of his nose, he falls back into a seizure and zoned and the nurse's like oh, it's justa seizure, like no big deal.

she couldn't believe the reaction. she starts screaming call 911. there's blood all over. i mean the blood just poured out. it was all over her, the baby, the nurses. and of course the kid stopped talking. [1:15:00]kelly: okay, is everybody just infuriated about the state of vaccines? we're going to have to --

allison: okay. so, yes, i just want to mention my websiteis trackingvaccinations.com. i give free talks. i have a lot of graphs from a powerpoint ilike to give. i will give free talks to people and answerquestions and empower them to know what happened, what to watch out for. and there's three main aspects i want to mention. there's an infant physiology, the ingredientsin the vaccines, and the nature of the germs. because what they counter with -- this isdifferent with the cigarette cancer connection,

you know with the doctors recommending cigarettes,they can say the germs are so scary, but they're really not that scary. you have to really study them too. so, just so you know, that's how they arehaving power over us and so many people. kelly: okay, let's give a round of applauseto these rock stars and experts about this insidious issue. i don't know about all of you, but i'm justblown away. there are so many questions and so many -- onehour? we're going to go till 9:30 and it's 8:20-- it's 8:30 now.

so, first of all, i'd like to give the panelan opportunity, if they have any burning desires to ask anybody else on the panel anythingor say anything at this moment. and i want to open up to the audience. if you've got some questions, i want to starttaking them. yeah, certainly, please. larry: yes, i have a question. kelly: who said that? toni: larry has a question. larry: i have a question.

kelly: who? you have a question, larry. larry: i have a question for the doctors onthe panel. kelly: okay. larry: if either or both of you can talk aboutherd immunity. because mandatory vaccination really restson the concept of herd immunity. and then also route of entry for pathogens,injecting versus normal route. toni: so, route of entry is very importantand i think that yeah, dr. delgado… kelly: well then, is that sort of like ifvaccines work, why should everybody worry

about it? toni: well, that's herd immunity. larry: that's herd immunity. toni: but let me talk about route of entrybecause the immune system is very complex, it's a complex adaptive system. so it's almost as complex or maybe it's ascomplex as the neurological system, which is a very complex adaptive system. and when we are confronted with airborne viruses,it enters through our nasal passages or through our mouths or through our eyes, and all themucosal linings have an antibody production

of iga. so we have iga, that's mucosal lining. when you inject something, you bypass iga,that's one thing. but the other thing that's happening in routeof injection, route of entry of virus, so you're bypassing the normal mucosal reactionor immune response, which by the way is a huge part of our immune response. if you think about it, we're an open system,mouth to rectum is open to the environment. it's not sterile. and the oral passages, the nasal passagesare quite full of bacteria, they're dirty,

there's a lot of things that are colonizedin there. but the reason that we don't die from them,and by the way 20% of the population carries strep group b, another 20% of the populationare said to carry meningococcus in their nares. we don't die from these things because wehave normal immunity and immune response there. and part of it is our iga production and partof it is that we live symbiotically with this bacterium and viruses. and a part of it is a lot of things we don'tunderstand. and a part of it when we get an infectionto something that we're introduced to that's new, is something called innate immunity,and innate immunity is stimulated again through

certain passages, which we don't even fullyunderstand how innate immunity works, but it is a different part of the immune systemthan the antibody production which is considered acquired immunity. and as a side note, when you vaccinate, youtypically shift the energy from innate immunity to acquired immunity. and innate immunity is actually about 80%of our fighting power. so we have a route of entry that's different. when you inject, you're bypassing all theiga production. that's one thing.

and then you're shifting because the way ofvaccines are created, you're shifting from innate immunity right into the acquired immunity. so, that's a big problem. and i have to tell you that i just was lecturingto the law students of case western last week, and the reason i'm bringing this up is thatsurprise, surprise, cincinnati children sent the head of their pediatric immunology departmentthere to comment after each speaker for the law school, and his reaction to aluminum andthings being introduced in the body by injection, and this is also route of entry, so routeof entry for bacteria and environment and route of entry of materials like mercury andaluminum and other things, and his response

to those speakers before me, dr. sherri tenpenny,i'm sure many of you know her name, was, "well, aluminum, come on, there's as much aluminumin women's breast milk as there is in a vaccine. so should we tell women to stop breastfeeding?" [1:20:47]and i immediately, before i begin my speech as i just have to address with dr. frank whois a paid speaker for pfizer, i got to throw that in. that aluminum is not naturally occurring inbreast milk, it is a contaminant, and aluminum doesn't interface in any biological reaction. and the route of entry is quite importantso we are an open system.

and if you eat aluminum, you do, you can excreteit through stool to some degree as opposed to injecting it, i said. so any physician who tries to tell you thateating aluminum is the same as injecting aluminum either missed some toxicology classes andpharmacology classes or is intentionally lying to you. [applause]woo-hoo! route of entry is quite important. and then the herd immunity issue is this. it's very complex.

it's not herd immunity, the term comes fromanimal herd, it comes from people where the disease has gone through the population, thepopulation has antibodies to it. and so the herd immunity was, and i'll giveyou an example, at any one time, 10% of the population is susceptible to measles. that was always the case. it actually kind of still is now. but the immunity, the herd immunity was thatyou get measles, you're protected by your mother's breast milk and in utero placentaltransportation of those antibodies. and about one or two, whenever you're weanedand those transplacental antibodies weaned,

you are susceptible. so from a period of one or two to let's say12 or 13, you get measles. and then you have antibodies and as an adultyou've got the antibodies from measles you had at the age appropriate time you had thatdisease that we evolved over millennia with. and so the herd immunity was that, oh thevery young were immune because they got antibodies from their mother and the older populationswere immune and that was the herd immunity. so herd immunity is not that everyone getsvaccinated. we don't even check who's responding withantibodies and everyone has to be vaccinated or it doesn't work.

it's like, "okay, there's like some pieceof that i'm missing." so that's really what herd immunity is andit's not what they're telling you it is that has been "co-opted". there's been a revisionistic rewriting ofmedical history. so that's my take on it. i'm going to let andy contribute. andy: firstly, very briefly, route of exposure,and taking measles as an example, the way in which we're naturally exposed to measlescaused by the respiratory route and the virus is taken up by cells in the respiratory tractand it's processed in a way that's then presented

to the immune system. and the immune system responds appropriatelyand it responds in a way that induces an antiviral immune response. it's called a cellular immune response thatdestroys virally infected cells that produces a rash and the rash in measles is the beginningof the healing process. and that is one polarity down which the immunesystem can go. it's called the th1 or t helper cells type1 response, and i don't want to get too complicated. the other route, it can go down as a th2 typeresponse which is a pro-allergic response. and when you inject the virus into the skin,that is the preferential response you go down.

so the route of exposure determines this dichotomyof either the natural immune response that clears the virus as something entirely differentthat we don't understand. so route of exposure, just that example, isextremely important. as toni said, herd immunity has a conceptthat evolved out of natural infection and it's somewhat ironic that actually herd immunityhas been destroyed by the process effects. let me give you an example and that is chickenpox. so chickenpox would occur episodically inepidemics every two years, for example. and the consequence was two things. one is that principally children would getinfected and develop natural chickenpox, but

people who had been previously exposed wouldthen be boosted. it was called wild type boosting. so older people who had chickenpox would boosttheir immune response to chickenpox and what that did was to suppress the replication ofthe virus in their dorsal root ganglion, which is the origin, reinfection. reactivation of that virus in their nervoussystem is the origin of shingles. but because they had this wild type boostingfrom children getting epidemic chickenpox, then they suppress that viral replicationand they didn't develop shingles. shingles only occurred when people becameimmunosuppressed.

they got lymphoma or they were in chemotherapyor whatever it might be. so shingles was a disease of old and immunosuppressedindividuals. [1:25:57]however, by removing wild type boosting, by removing natural epidemics, what you saw byvaccination was that there was not this episodic boosting of immunity. and so one of the first things that have happenedin the destruction of the herd immunity was that we had an epidemic of shingles. firstly it was seen in older people and thenshingles started appearing in children, which was exquisitely unusual, exquisitely unusual.

merck's response to this was good heavens,we've created our self a new market. we've created a disease out of our shingles,our chickenpox vaccine, so let's ten times the dose and put it in and call it a shinglesvaccine, and that exactly is what they did. so it was market creation. so it has entirely corrupted the process ofherd immunity. toni: i want to add to that, because we'reon that subject, it didn't make into the film, the whole thing. but gary goldman was hired by the cdc to doa post-market surveillance of the chickenpox vaccine in the antelope valley region whichis right around here.

in his research found that yes, chickenpoxwas reduced, but shingles is increase and in younger and younger populations, and thecdc published only the first part of that paper. so gary went to publish the whole paper andwas sent a cease and desist letter, which i've seen and read, and he took them to courtand he won because it's taxpayers' money. and the journal toxicology did publish that. but there were two sets of mathematical biologistswho had predicted that we would see a reduction in chickenpox and an increase in shingles,hethcote and schuette, and i got to interview so this was predicted.

i think merck knew what they were doing. i mean you give them a little credit. i don't even give them that credit. so i think they knew very well what was goingto happen because the mathematical biologists did this on a mathematical model and predictedit because they know that you need constant re-exposure to boost your immunity and thatby taking that away we will see shingles and we will see shingles in children that nevergot to have real chickenpox but only injected antibodies because they missed major partsof their immune response. this is what we're seeing actually in alldiseases.

in many diseases you actually need to be re-exposed. i mean pertussis is like that too. you can have pertussis a few times in yourlife even if you've had it naturally. so a lot of this is that that's part of theherd immunity is that there is the disease in the younger generation that's supposedto get it. you as an adult who had it as a child getreboosted. that's part of herd immunity. so what herd immunity really is is the oppositeof what vaccination is doing, and that's the reality.

larry: i want to make one more comment aboutthat. so mandatory vaccination rests primarily onthe concept that we need to get everyone a vaccine in order to have herd immunity. it doesn't exist. only vaccines. so it's complete rubbish. kelly: we have a lot of questions. i guess we can all agree that these vaccinesare kind of scary. where do we go from here?

right now we have mandatory vaccines in thestate of california. we have a lot of questions here about whatdo we do. anyway, what should we focus on in californiato get sb277 and ab2109 repealed? otherwise, everybody is going to have to havethese vaccines with these live viruses and dead viruses and everything that we've beencommenting on and starting soon. brandy, could you give us your comments onwhat you think we need to do next? [1:30:20]brandy: one of the biggest things that we need to do is discuss risk. there are a lot of people in the movementwhich are afraid to talk about the science,

afraid to talk about the 271 vaccines in development,afraid to talk about the money that's going to be made and afraid to talk about the noliability laws for vaccine makers. there is a thing called seat belts. nobody protested it. nobody protested when there was a law forseat belts because there is no perceived risk. if we don't talk about the risk and educateeverybody on a mass basis as much as we can, then we're never going to win our rights back. we've lost them in california and there arepotential laws all around the states that are on the docket right now.

we have to get people to understand that thereare risks to vaccines. you never know who's going to react how becausewe're all genetically different. but the chemicals and vaccines are the sameas that's in the food and the water that are causing our environmentally toxic diseases,and we have to get vaccines as part of the conversation and we do have to talk aboutrisks because we will not keep our rights, we will not keep our choice unless peopleunderstand that there is a risk. so, first and foremost, we need to talk aboutthat and we need to learn whatever lights our fire. what i talk about in the trainings that itry to do for speaking about this issue because

it is quite complicated. learn three points, that's what we learnedin pharma. learn two to three points like the back ofyour hand. repeat it over and over again. tell everyone those points. tell them what you're about to tell them. tell them what you're going to tell them andthen tell them what you told them. repeat it, know two to three points. if they ask a question you don't understand,deflect and talk about what you know.

this is what we need to do to get comfortableand confident talking about this because everybody needs to understand this risk. i hate to say it but a lot of people aren'tgoing to do their own research. and it's up to us, the people that know. it's up to us to get that out there and infront of them and like what we're doing with the billboard campaign and the bus stop boardsand all of that, really getting that information out there so people can't ignore it. getting it in front of doctors so they can'tignore, so that the information that they're relying on is not just pharmaceutical based.

but getting it in front of everybody and reallyjust talking about the risk and knowing what we know. one other point that i learned in pharma whichis really, really important in this conversation, it takes eight to 10 times of someone hearingsomething before they change their mindset, before they open their mind to actually thinking"well, maybe i need to do more research. maybe i need to question what i'm being told." but on that 11th through 12th time, they'regoing to say it to someone else and they're going to say, "oh, well, i heard that vaccines,there might be some issues with that. you might want to do some research."

and that's where we are right now. sometimes, we're talking to people who'veheard it for maybe one, two, three times. every seed of information that we plant isimportant even if they fight us because on that 10th, 11th, 12th time, they're goingto be telling it to someone else. and this is where we are and we need to getmore people that information more and more and more, just talk, talk, talk. toni: but really, it's important to go toyour representatives. you have to get the politicians involved. you have to let them know you're not goingto vote them back in office if they do not

have your interest at heart. that's where we have to go with this. it's enough to talk to each other. it's not going to change anything. you literally call up. cold call your representative and say, "ineed to come in and talk to you today," or you go there and you wait. that's what it takes. that's exactly what it takes.

you have to do it. you can't just do this. this isn't going to help you guys in california. you have to get your reps involved and letthem know this is where you're at, that his constituents or her constituents are not forsb277 and what's he's going to do about it. and that's what you need to do. you've got to put pressure on your politicians,period. brandy: we need to go in repeatedly. not just once a year.

toni: repeatedly, eight times. eight times, with three points. brandy: every week. every week that they have office hours, goin there. be in there so that they know you. bring them muffins, okay? big tip. bring their staff muffins. get in front of them repeatedly.

every week, bring a new message. bring a new study. bring a new argument. that's what we do. [1:34:51]wendy: and also, get to know them on other issues. find out what they believe in. find out what they're working on. because when you can help somebody get whatthey want, they're going to listen to you.

so it's not only going in there and repeatingthe fact, they know. our local – and it is local, right? you really need to go to your local reps. find out who they are, talk with them. they know we are not for sb277. they were besieged. so with sacramento, we did a really stellarjob. so, really stellar. but you want to really find out what makesthem happy, what are they looking for, what

do they need and go in. write letters, talk to their chief of staff,find out what they want, go to town halls, educate. educate, educate, and don't make people wrong. when you are having a conversation, get curiousso that you can find a way to have a dialogue. don't go into a monologue. i was talking to somebody the other day andi just said to the -- they had a little child there and i said, "i have a question for youand it might be a little sensitive." and he was like, "okay."

and i said, "so what do you think about allthis mandated vaccine legislation?" and he was so open and he said, "i think it'sgreat." and i was like, "oh, really, that's interesting." and then we got separated. but the thing is he heard me because i wasn'tattacking him and telling him, "you're crazy. you're really bad. this is what it does to the kids. half our kids are sick. they're dying, one in ten."

because people aren't going to hear you. so you have to find a way to meet them wherethey're at to bring the information to have a dialogue. that is how we are going to move this. but we're not going to move the needle byyelling at people. it's not going to happen. we have to find a different way to do thisand really be sure it is three points, three salient points. it's about being open, being curious.

get curious. larry: i have a comment as well. so, part of the public awareness campaignthat i launched had to do with interviewing parents. and it took a long time to get it up and goingfor a lot of reasons, the building the website and everything. and i was under a lot of pressure to go outand videotape at the rallies and i just kept telling my community, "i can't do that. we need to have sit-down interviews."

so we did the sit-down interviews. it took some time but we did them. and what's interesting is that one woman whodid an interview, brittney kara, is very passionate about being anti-vaccine and she's been postingon facebook for a very long time about being anti-vaccine. she has people in her community who usuallywon't respond to anything that she says and not very happy about that. but it's the way it works. she posted her video interview that i didof her and it was a very calm, just an explanation

of her story. and her phone and her messages blew up withparents asking her questions and she started shifting consciousness immediately. so wendy is talking about we need to havethat common ground. it's really important that we have decorumin our communication with others, and we just help them understand the truth. kelly: thank you so much. andy, did you have something to say? andy: i'll just say very briefly, don't seekto have this law appealed on the basis of

personal choice. i think personal choice was the wrong argument. and that is because the politicians have alreadybeen persuaded by pharma lobbyists and public health officials that the greater truth excludesthe lesser. in other words, the rights of the herd supersedethose of the individual. so that argument has no traction. the whole argument is predicated on the basisthat these vaccines are safe and effective. that is what they believe, that's what they'vebeen told, that is the lie and that is the point in which to attack it.

we have a federal admission from dr. williamthompson of fraud in relation to the safety of mmr vaccine. we have merck in federal court being suedunder the whistleblower act by internal workers from merck because they committed fraud inrelation to the efficacy of their mumps vaccine. they have been unable to deny the fraud becausethe senior scientist in that laboratory who committed the fraud has admitted to it indeposition, i'm told. so for just one vaccine, it is neither safenor efficacious, a federal admission of fraud, a corporate admission of fraud. those are hard facts.

confront your politicians with those and intimidatethem, terrifying them into the notion that if they support this bill, they would be personallyliable for children who are damaged when they have mandated vaccines that their parentsdon't want them to have. kelly: thank you, thank you. all right, one more. [1:39:47]karen: i just want to add because texas is really doing a great job. michelle taff schneider is doing amazing. she has three young children all under 10,two are vaccine-injured.

she goes in to senate twice a week. they all know her. we had a great time. actually i went down and just met a lot ofpeople while i was sharing lorrin's story. but what she taught was that many of us don'tever know what we're going to be when we grow up. i certainly don't, i'm learning, but juststart doing what calls you. get your friend, go down and just start talkingto people. going together, it can be fun.

you go forward with love and being open aboutit. just bring pictures, bring cookies, whateverworks, but just go. they will get used to you and you might enjoyit, and it's a whole different path. but there's enough of us together with themedia, we can take turns and just unite and do this. but it's going, going again and again andjust talking to people. kelly: okay, thank you. andy: and if you don't go, don't complain,okay? if you don't take responsibility for thisissue, don't complain.

kelly: i've got another question and it'sfor andy. are minorities at greater risk? andy: yes, they are. i mean it emerges on several fronts. one is that william thompson looked specificallyat african american boys. these data were confirmed by brian hooker. so it's not the only group that was at riskbut there seem to be a particular high risk among african american boys for early mmrvaccination being a risk for autism. the biological background that may residein a genetic susceptibility, and for example,

somali children have appeared to have a veryhigh risk of autism. it was unheard of in somalia but in minnesota,the rate of autism following vaccination in somali boys in particular is very, very high. now, why might that be? well, the horn of africa, somalia is peculiarbecause there is a genetic variation there that is expressed at a very high level whichis called an ultra-rapid metabolizer of vitamin d and other things. but we require vitamin d for the normal functioningof our immune system. now, in somalia, where there's plenty of sunshine,you may be able to operate in a critical level

and not have a problem. but if you then move to minnesota, that'ssuboptimal preservation or metabolism of vitamin d where there's no sunlight then becomes critical. that's just one example. there may be many others which are sort ofencoded in the genome. but that's one example of why a particularsubpopulation, a racial subgroup may be at particular risk. kelly: thank you. another question, since children have to bevaccinated to go to school, is there a safer

schedule for vaccines? is there such a thing as a safe vaccine? toni: later is better, and i use the wordbetter, not good. later is better and spread out and less ateach time. i mean that's obviously a better way to doit. i'm not saying that it's best, that it's actuallygood but it is definitely better. we do know that earlier exposure to heavymetals, we know that the cytochrome p450 pathway in the liver is not working the first fewmonths. the older the child is, the better the immuneresponse.

but i'm working on a case on the vaccine coreright now and this child was damaged at the age of 10. now, she had had received earlier vaccinesso maybe that primed her, but her reaction, and it was a quite reaction, she went froman iq of 140 to at one testing it's 70. and it was a chickenpox vaccine at age 10and she had had a previous one. so we don't really know. some of it could be the vitamin d on boardat that time. there could be a lot of factors. i'm sure glyphosate, pesticide residue playsa big factor.

i'm sure other environmental toxins that openthe tight desmosomes of the tight junctions of the blood-brain barrier add to the problem. so there's a lot of compounding factors, soit's hard to predict. but if you are compelled to vaccinate, i thinkin japan, they wait till the kids are two. wait till the kids are at least two, threeor four and spread it out. that's a better way than starting at day one. larry: and don't give pain killers. toni: oh, yeah, no tylenol. wendy: the other thing that also i rememberhearing once is that if your child is going

into kindergarten, you can enter in conditionalentry and then really drag out the vaccines. and if you start it again, that's later. it's not good, it's just better than doingit when they're infants and toddlers. allison, did you have something? allison: she just mentioned the chickenpoxand that's a neurotropic virus. toni: yes, it showed molecular mimicry. allison: yes, it's a live virus one and you'regiving four simultaneously. [1:45:09]toni: she's got auto antibodies to her potassium channels in her brain.

allison: and i was going to say. this is a herpes virus that will get intoyour body and stay in there forever. it's niches in the middle of the spine basicallyof herpes 1 at the top, herpes 2 at the bottom and herpes 3 in the middle. so maybe when she gets the second one, shehas already got it in her body. so now she's attacking what's already insideher or something. i mean they're not considering all these different– i mean these are designed to stimulate a massive immune response for something thatcould already be inside because they've been manipulating this for a while and stickingthem in you.

all these things are not being looked at,there's no cdc to check this out. kelly: okay, so i got another one. dr. robert mendelsohn, one of my heroes, wroteabout vaccine-- this is from the audience, wrote about vaccine dangers including thetb test. recently, three friends of mine became nurseassistants and teachers and were forced to get flu shots and tb tests. is there any way around this or do vaccine-concernedpeople just need to avoid certain careers? wendy: wow, that's a good question. kelly: i mean, i was at cedars-sinai lastweek and i was asking some of the people that

work on me about what they had to go through,and i think this is one of our problems that we have all the doctors have to get vaccinated,all the nurses have to get vaccinated, because they're like, "why? i'm vaccinated. you're getting vaccinated." it's kind of an epidemic within the industry. does anybody have anything? brandy: i do want to point out that a nursewas fired from a hospital in new jersey and she sued the hospital for wrongful terminationbecause she refused the flu shot.

she won in court a large settlement from thehospital. so that sets a huge precedence. so, right now, it's not entirely mandatory. a lot of nurses and doctors can still wearmasks, the mask of shame. but i think the next step will be mandatingit and i think that we need nurse associations, unions going after the hospitals in courtand there's a precedence and this could very well win their constitutional right back. toni: it's mandated by the state. they attempted that in new york state severalyears ago to make it a state mandation for

healthcare workers, and the nurses' unionthreatened to sue. they didn't want to have the flu vaccine ontrial. so they dropped the mandate. but what they've done to go around state mandationis financial incentivization for the hospitals that play the game and there is some financialincentivization for large hospitals. there are some hospitals that don't mandateit. i'm surprised always to hear that. but there are some smaller hospitals thatactually don't mandate that for everybody that works there.

but that is where we're headed is financialincentivization, not state mandation because they know they can be challenged in courtby the national nurses union. the doctors are too stupid or complacent todo what the nurses do and join together and fight with the union, but the nurses managedto do that. and in british columbia, we had the same thinglike in new york just two years ago. it was a big war, hidden war and the nurses'union did not back down and in fact they won. so it's all being done now through side channelsthrough financial means and that's where we're headed and that stuff has to be exposed aswell. that's just a small part of these hospitalsthat are considered nonprofit, getting huge

amounts of money, taxpayers' money for doingthings that the taxpayers are paying for. i mean it's just the tip of the ice berg witha lot of the nonprofit hospitals. karen: can i just add? i know this is wrong, but anyways, i havea friend who's a nurse and he actually paid somebody to sign off that he had receivedthe shot. i'm just saying, the question was asked. audience: it's a workaround. karen: it's a workaround. anyways, so that worked.

kelly: no, no. say it again. i don't want them to make people have theirthumbprint to get their… audience: she's going to do it. she's talking about someone she doesn't evenknow did it. maybe. audience: people need to know they're doingit. kelly: since thimerosal is not found in thelive virus mmr vaccine, what ingredients in the mmr vaccine trigger autism in susceptibleindividuals?

andy: just by way of background, when i gotinvolved in this, it was really listening to the parent's story and what actually happenedto their child. and in england at that time, mmr vaccine wasgiven in isolation. so it was easy for the parent to say thisis what happened. and then, having pursued that for severalyears, i came to america and heard about thimerosal and realized that this causation was likelyto be far more complex than i previously thought, and the reason is that thimerosal not onlypoisons the brain but it poisons the immune system and it poisons it in a way that makesit less able to deal with live viruses. aluminum does exactly the same thing and thetwo potentiate each other.

[1:50:22]so, you're looking at a toxic soup, a perfect storm if you like. if you preload a child with thimerosal andpoison their immune system, then when you give them a live viral vaccine. the immune system just puts its hand up andsays, "i don't know what the hell is going on here." so the simple answer is i don't know whatit is about mmr. we didn't see autism being reported as a consequenceof the single vaccine. in all but one or two cases in my entire experience,it was the mmr.

there was something about when they combinethis vaccine into one, one and one and one didn't equal three. they equal something completely different. and when they used a particular mmr, [1:51:03][indiscernible] contained in a mump strain called the urabe am9 from japan. it produced meningitis at a very high rate. it wasn't used in this country. it was a smithkline beecham vaccine at thattime. they'd used 5 million dosage of the singleurabe am9 mumps vaccine without any prospective

reports of meningitis. it was only when they combined it into thetriple vaccine that something new and unintended occurred and that was meningitis. so, is it the combination? is it age of exposure? all of these co-factors? the answer is simply we don't know. the equation is far too complex to say it'smeasles, mumps or rubella or the combination of the three.

we don't know. kelly: okay, can you discuss the mthfr genemutation? 96% of autistic children have it? i think this is the non-methylators. audience: i got to say something. we don't know because the guy who's doingthe study of all of these had his career destroyed. the guy who was in the middle of all the testswho wanted to look into why the mmr was doing this, they stopped all these studies. i just wanted to point that out.

kelly: that's del bigtree and that's true. so i think andy, wasn't it that you suggestedthat there needed to be further studies and that's when the beginning of the end started? andy: yeah, that was the beginning of theend of my career is questioning vaccine safety and it's happened time and time again to otherresearchers. it's not a reason not to do it. it's not a reason to be frightened to thispeople. it's a reason to do it twice as hard. kelly: dr. delgado?

thank you, andy. nick: when you're working with autistic children,the reason things like vitamin b6 and 5-methyltetrafolate works so well is because those people whodo have the genetic effect and they can't absorb normal folic acid from the multivitaminand mineral, they respond superbly because their body is finally getting something theycan absorb. again, just like some and most humans, obviouslywe can't absorb vitamin c directly, we can't make it ourselves, we have to get it fromour foods, 5-methyltetrafolate is rather expensive b vitamin but available, and i give my childreneveryday chewable tablets of it. i make sure they get a full spectrum of wholefood nutrients.

i make sure they get a lot of greens and beetsbecause that improves our nitric oxide level, which fills up in the white blood cells tofight viruses and bacteria. i make sure that they get certain herbs thattarget rna and dna viruses. you see, the front isn't just what we don'tgive our children in regards to vaccinations. it's how we raise our children on a healthywhole foods diet, exercise, sun and love and getting them quality sleep and nurturing ourchildren so that we don't have to have a culture that's so sick and diseased, as doctors havewritten a recent book how not to die by michael greger. i've interviewed literally in the last threeyears about 500 segments of the top doctors

around the world. and behind closed doors, i ask them, "willyou talk about vaccinations?" and they say, "no, i can't talk about it." and i say, "why?" and they say, "because my license is at risk,and if i do talk about it i can't defend my colleagues if they're in court." so this i have in many private conversationsrecorded in my own personal files and it would just horrify you to know the level of expertisein doctors who understand the power of immune system and god-given ability to sustain ourfight against disease instead of using these

artificial drug-induced pharmaceutical, profit-motivatedpeople. so just fight vaccines. just fight them. this is the wrong thing. build the body by building the body properlya health immune system, please. [1:55:03]kelly: thank you. wendy: something that i want to add is thatfor parents that have boys and girls that are nine years old and up, they've changedthe age for the hpv vaccine. and so your kids that are in schools wherethere are school nurses, i think you all know

that in… kelly: this is gardasil, right? wendy: is this okay? toni: yes. wendy: that in 2012 there was a law passedthat gave permission to school administrators and nurses to administer this hpv vaccinewithout a parent's permission. i mean, that's… audience: in california. wendy: pardon?

toni: statewide in california. wendy: yes, california. audience: and texas. wendy: and texas. so what i would invite you all to do is havea conversation with your children who are nine and above that if and when they go tothe school nurse, that they do not receive a vaccine. and also if your kids go to -- my husbandand i took our daughter to a doctor, and while she was being examined -- it was two doctorsthat we're seeing.

this one doctor said to my daughter, "cani talk to you?" and because i've been involved in this movementand i know about what happens when the parent goes out of the room, he said, "would yoube comfortable with that?" and i said, "actually, i'm not comfortablewith that. what is it that you want to speak with mydaughter about?" "well, i just want to ask her about her health,about drug use." and i'm like, "yes, you know, i'm really notcomfortable." and then she walked out and i said to my husbandand my daughter, "i just want to let you know the method behind my madness," because theythink i'm sort of crazy.

and i said, "this is why," and i explainedwhy and so they were totally okay with it. and then, my daughter went back with my husbandlater to see the other doctor. and this doctor came in and said, "can i speakwith you alone?" and my daughter looked at this doctor andshe said, "are you going to try and talk to me into having a vaccine, because it's notgoing to happen." and so i was really happy that i had sharedthat and that my daughter was able to stand for it. but i would just invite you to talk with yourkids about that so they can feel empowered as well.

kelly: i think that would make a great commercialright there, right? "it's not going to happen." that's what i'm telling the doctor. karen: okay. and i want to add because this really infuriatesme, this vaccine. because i just wanted to take it a littlebit further. your kids will be bullied and what's beenhappening is the school nurse will say, "if you have sex, you will die and you will getcancer. you don't want to get cancer and die, so youneed to have this vaccine."

so it's really, really important to have theseconversations. i have a woman who worked for me. she was a firefighter. a young girl, she's got two kids and she leavesthe doctor's offices crying. i mean, this is one tough girl, but they don'twant her to breastfeed, they want her to vaccinate. she's tough and she knows and she took careof my daughter. it's really hard. so we have to prepare our children. if you have to even go to the doctors withsomeone, do so.

i've had police officers say that the nursestried to just give vaccines without his permission. a male police officer, a woman was in theretrying to give a vaccine. people are brainwashed that are working inthe medical community. so, really, this is such a huge topic. kelly: can you speak to the effects of thegardasil vaccine? brandy: yeah, please. toni: yeah, i can. gardasil is a very interesting vaccine becausei took a very close look at merck's own data and i analyzed it with stephanie seneff ofmit and eva vanamee at mount sinai and with

the help of [1:58:54] [indiscernible] up atubc. we actually looked at merck's own data. and what's interesting is that the death ratewas very high in the placebo as well as the test group. it was higher than normal. they said this was normal, that two out ofa thousand girls die every year. well, that's not true. i know that's not true. we looked at the deaths specifically.

they amortize them over a two-year period. but what was very interesting was that inthe group that actually got the full vaccine, 75% of the deaths were in the first 25 days. they were not amortized over two years. so, statistically, that's problematic. and i'm talking about the suicides were inthe first three to four days. so there were some suicides. they were all on the first three to four daysof the vaccine. the deaths that were car accidents, fallingout of trees, drownings, these all also happened

in the first, 75% of them in the first 25days. and the mechanism of death is sudden heartstoppage, fainting. so if you're swimming or driving and in atree and your heart stops or you faint, you have a syncopal episode, it's very likelyyou could die. you could fall to your death or drown. so that is what we believed happen. [2:00:13]the placebo group, which as you know, in this placebo of thousands of girls, 300 of thethousands got an actual placebo, saline. but if you read the study, it doesn't evenmake sense.

so, some of the placebo got actual placebo,they got saline. the rest got the aluminum, the aso4, aso3aluminum adjuvant. and those deaths started at about 151 daysin, so they were different mechanisms. cerebral vascular events, so totally differentmechanism. more neurological vascular as opposed to acardiac arrest and syncopal episodes, fainting. and i have interviewed diane harper who wasa lead, a consultant for that vaccine. she's a world expert on cervical cancer. the right hand doesn't know what the lefthand is doing. so she is working with merck telling themwhat they need to do in order to prevent the

third level or some dysplasia, third levelof dysplasia. because that's really where they were going. they never had a disproved cancer with thevaccine. they didn't have to show that it preventedcancer. the fda allowed them show that it preventedthe third level of dysplasia and they were allowed to extrapolate that. it was a surrogate end point for then thatthey were allowed to say, "okay, we can make a claim that it prevents cancer." and i've interviewed diane on many occasions,we've talked at length about what's going

on and she was very unaware of what the placebowas. so that was one thing. she had no idea the placebo was going to bethe aluminum adjuvant. she didn't even know what the adjuvant was. she was really more on the other side. so what we have going on -- because peoplewill ask me, "how can so many people be doing all these horrible things?" and i really think that if you intentionallydon't let the left hand know what the right hand is doing in these large organizations,so somebody is working on a small part of

the vaccine and they are good-intentionedperhaps. but it's the people at the top that designit in a way that the consultants don't really understand what's going on. i mean, some of them do, of course. people like paul offit and people who have-- and gregory poland, i mean they know what's going on. we know that. but i think people like diane harper, shetruly was completely well-intentioned and she became incredibly appalled when she discoveredthe reality.

not even the injury so much as the marketingto young girls because that was not the intention. it was to like third world countries thatdon't have pap smears, that was the intention of that vaccine. because she has said that – they like tosay that cervical cancer is a high death risk for cancer rates in women, but in the us… kelly: so, it's okay for them to fall outof trees in third world countries and drown? toni: right. oh, yeah. remember, she had no idea at the beginningwhat was going on.

i mean, she did not know what the right handwas doing. kelly: while you're talking about this, howabout the xmrv virus that's been known to cause – reported to have cause millionsof cases of chronic fatigue, epstein-barr and other. can somebody speak to xmrv? toni: that's another researcher who had asimilar, although different experience to andy. and she's not here today. kelly: is this dr. judy mikovits?

toni: it is and i know judy. and for those of you who don't know, thisis a woman, a researcher who discovered a mouth virus that was contaminating all kindsof things actually, it wasn't just vaccines. but she had found associations between thatand many diagnoses including prostate cancer and chronic fatigue and immune suppressionand a whole host of things, and even maybe autism i believe. i don't know all of the research. but the interesting thing that happened toher is that one morning, after presenting to a room of 35 scientists, she found herhome surrounded by about 30 federal agents,

and all the computers and phones of her andher family members were confiscated, but she was smart and she had saved copies of herresearch and it was locked away somewhere. so it has gotten out, but she was taken tojail without bail. audience: on what grounds? andy: they just made stuff up. toni: yeah, i don't know. andy: who needs grounds? this is america. you don't need grounds.

toni: you don't need grounds. brandy: the company said that they stole theirresearch and… [2:05:02]toni: yes, the company blamed her, but so why that would be a criminal offense withoutbail? i mean it makes no sense. so actually, that alerted the -- what's itcalled the guy who bonds, the bondsmen. it actually alerted the bondsmen and he'sinterviewed in the book. there's a book called plague, thank you. so it's a very involved story and she hada gag order on her and only recently has been

allowed to talk about her story directly. so the book is called plague and if you wantmore information because i don't know all the details about her research, but i do knowthat this happened to her and it really was traumatizing for her as you can imagine. and this is kind of what we see. i don't know if you know. i'm sure he knows, instead of saying [2:05:51][indiscernible], we say they've been wakefielded. that's the term. kelly: wakefielded.

kelly: andy took one for the team and nowit's a brand name. brandy: i would love to just talk a minuteon gardasil because i think that this is a really important issue that we need to address,and there are a lot of things that i just really quickly want to say about that. it's the hpv vaccine. in the industry we call it the have to payfor vioxx vaccine, and it's made by merck. i've done the numbers, with 76 million childrenbetween the ages of 9 and 26, it's a $32 billion with a recurring annual revenue stream of3 billion. to give you a small proportion, one of thebiggest blockbuster drugs in the us was lipitor

for pfizer, a cholesterol drug. it was pulling in 5 billion a year. so this is a huge untapped market and merckand other vaccine companies are looking towards vaccines to make this profit. that's driving the mandated vaccine billsthat we're seeing. this is a huge market because the pharmaceuticaldrug market is saturated. it's very competitive. there's probably already two, three, four,five drugs in a diseased state and there's liability.

merck paid out 7 billion for vioxx. in vaccines, there's no liability. there's lower safety testing. again, no real placebo. no long-term safety testing so things canget fast tracked on the market quickly. and the profit margin is much higher thanpharmaceutical drugs because they don't have to market it. they spend billions a year marketing theirdrugs. but with vaccines, we've all been taught they'resafe and effective, we don't question the

doctors. so, they don't have marketing. they don't liability. huge, untapped market, 85% of adults accordingto the cdc are not up to date on their boosters. do you know how much money there is to bemade in the vaccine market? so this whole myth that vaccines aren't profitable,total myth. on gardasil, the world health organizationsays that there is a risk of one in 40,000 of contracting cervical cancer. in denmark, one of the lead researchers forthe merck trials in denmark has come out and

said that serious injury, they estimate therate to be one in 500 girls, serious, life-altering injuries. there's a great documentary out of denmarkon the gardasil vaccine. in fact, it spurred the eu to start investigatingit, so now it's under investigation in the eu and there are a lot of lawmakers in theeu coming out against it being on the schedule in ireland, in denmark, in the nordic countries. actually, they launched within the last coupleof weeks – the denmark researchers just launched a study to assess all of the seriousinjuries from the vaccine. so while they're mandating it here in theus, it's being investigated and pulled from

the market, and merck is being sued in multiplecountries for gardasil injuries. japan has pulled it off the schedule. so this is a very serious vaccine that causesserious injury and sudden death. it's one of the worst. toni: and the push to make it mandatory isvery strong right now. i was in rhode island because the health departmentthere has -- they don't need legislators to mandate vaccines, the health department cando it. and they singlehandedly mandated it for allgirls and boys to go to junior high. so i was flown out there to speak, and what'sgoing on there is that while it didn't get

taken off the books, it's not being enforced. but the interesting thing, the good news isthat doctors showed up, doctors who never questioned vaccination but because suddenly,a vaccine for boys and girls in order to go to junior high was being mandated and it'sfor a sexually transmitted virus that 95% of the time clears on its own got the attentionof doctors that are not too unconscious, which is a small percentage of them. [2:09:55]so those few conscious doctors started to look into it, and it's really great to seea new convert because they're usually really zealous.

so we have like a few new converts standingup after we presented who weren't on the schedule who just got up and we're like, "wow, theyhad done their research." doctors who, like an anesthesiologist, a painspecialist, an ophthalmologist and they said, "if this was never mandated, i never wouldhave looked into the gardasil vaccine. i never would have looked into vaccines ingeneral." so in a way, it is a blessing in disguisethat their greed is getting the best of them. kelly: well, japan, it was brought to my attentionthat japan stopped advocating gardasil because too many girls stopped menstruating and theybecame sterile. so you got kids.

brandy: ovarian failure is a side effect. it's even listed on the insert. the american academy of pediatricians hasnow issued a warning about ovarian failure in girls. it's one of many serious side effects of thatvaccine. and it has huge aluminum content, by the way. so, if you wonder what it's linked to, it'sa toxic soup, as andy says. you never know exactly what it is, but thereis really good case for it being the aluminum, high doses of aluminum in it.

toni: well, and the virus itself, too. because if you get the vaccine and you'vebeen exposed to the virus, you don't have to have intercourse to be exposed to hpv. it can live on fingernails. but if you've been exposed and you get thevaccine, you have twice as likelihood chance of getting cervical cancer. and in fact, prior to that vaccine, we neverhad cervical cancer in the pediatric medical literature we do now and they were all recipientsof the vaccine. and merck admits that that's the mechanism,that it's prior exposure.

and the antibodies are short-lived so there'sboosters and there's going to be – and now, if you had the initial one, you now need thenew one. because now, you're more likely to be colonizedwith other strains that can cause cancer, so what's the answer? another vaccine. brandy: and one thing you said that the immunity,the antibodies for the gardasil in hpv vaccine are very short-lived, we're giving them toteenagers. the median age for a cervical cancer to acquireit is 50. so it's not even going to last them untilthat time.

and we're giving three doses to teenagers. $405 per child between the ages of 9 and 26in this country, that is… toni: and the antibody level after the firstdose is the same as the antibody level as the third dose, which is why they're pushingfor this. kelly: come on. we're running out of time, everybody. i got a lot of questions still packed up here. so, karen, can you give me? i just want to talk briefly about money becauseit always comes back to money.

children that are injured and die before yousettle in court, the child gets $250,000 if they die before you could settle with court. and also, families, i have a family, theirdaughter just passed away. but when they settled with the vaccine injurycompensation program, they were offered a million dollars if they sign the gag order,and they refused. but when the child dies, the money goes backto the government. and also, when you purchase a vaccine forevery antigen, there is 75 cents that goes into the fund that my daughter, sue to get. so, for the mmr, they put 2.25 aside, $2.25.

so, all of that money that's set aside, thegovernment takes 25% of that to do what they will. they can go to war, build roads. so we just have to keep remembering that thisalways comes back to money. so, the government is telling us to vaccinateand then they're getting all this money from kelly: all right, we have some more from theaudience. we have a 12-year-old son who will be goinginto the seventh grade. he has never been vaccinated. what do we do?

who can we go to for a medical waiver? or do i need a lawyer or can we move out ofstate because we live in california? brandy: don't vaccinate. move. wendy: talk to us when we're not on the mikeabout who you can go to see. larry: yes, dr. kenneth stoller. i don't have his website in front of me butif you google dr. ken stoller, he has a new website up and he'll do medical evaluationsfor medical exemption. i highly recommend google-ing him, findinghis website.

it's jabs for something rather… audience: ken stoller? larry: ken stoller, s-t-o-l-l-e-r. ken – he's up in the bay area. [2:14:43]brandy: he's in san francisco. can i just mention that medical exemption,there was just a law introduced in virginia. it was shut down for now but it was to restrictmedical exemptions to pink book on the cdc and this is what we're looking at. so, while medical exemptions will placatesome people for now to try and get us to stop

fighting mandatory vaccines, they're not goingto last forever. they are only a band-aid. they are only a cushion. within two to three, four years, they won'tbe available for anyone who doesn't have hiv or are currently on chemotherapy. so while we can look towards that now, pleasedon't think that that's the fix-all and it's going to save us. we need to start really doing public education,talking to the law makers. all of these types of things, because themedical exemptions won't last for long, neither

will grandfathering. larry: it's a partial stopgap. what we really need to do is bond togetherand work on educating the populace so that we can shut down mandatory vaccination. kelly: are there question from the audience,staff? audience: my son is do, dr. rachel west herein west los angeles, will do an evaluation for medical exemptions as well. dr. rachel west, w-e-s-t. brandy: maybe we could give names after, noton the live stream.

audience: we never finished the mthfr genequestion and i was reminded of that. toni: i'm just going to say something in generalabout it. it's a snp. it's considered a snp, meaning we're lookingat genetic snps. think of it as this little snippet of yourgene that dictate enzymes and dictate proteins and dictate detoxification and things calledmethylation which is what the mthfr gene is associated with. and prior to having a toxic environment, thesethings were not so important. i mean, i'm sure they evolved over millenniafor things in our environment, just like sickle

cell with malaria. so there is variances in our genes how wemethylate or how our cytochrome p450 works and there's other enzymes, your high acetylatoror low acetylator. and again, without a toxic environment, thesethings don't play out negatively. but when we add in to the situation, becausesuddenly, everything is mthfr suddenly, right? twenty years ago, did anyone talk about it? no. so maybe it has always been important sincewe've had mercury and lead in the environment because we now see that certain mental illnessescan really be helped tremendously with methylated

folate methyl b12 and some other things. so i think that it's a genetic variance that'salways been in the population. it is more important and genes are being suppressedand activated by let's say, bt toxins or gmos. so, there's other things adding to this tomaking them more or less important. but it is now, there's a toxic burden on ourpopulous and the methylation pathways are all the more important because of the toxicburden. so you're not defective if you're lackingsome enzymatic action from methylation, but it is more difficult for you if you live ina toxic soup. so that is kind of in a nutshell my take onwhat's going on with suddenly all these snps

being important and all these issues. kelly: right, but what about is there a wayto help the non-methylated. toni: so, the cheapest testing -- becausei was testing with the labs that i use, way too expensive. i now tell my patients either go to ancestryfor $99. it's not the full complement but it has alot of them, or 23andme for $199 and that's the full complement and they are very goodaccording to sterling [2:18:42] [indiscernible] who i trust. she said she's looked at them.

so those are much less expensive than havingyour doctor do you the cheek swabs and test for them through the other fancy labs thatwe use because they run more like six to 800 for the full batter. so, i would do 23andme, then you can go online,there are apps that you can use. you can pay to have a consultation. kelly: what do you take to fix it? toni: you take methylated b vitamins for themost part. you're taking a methyl folate and trimethylglycine. some people need to take glutathione.

some people need sam-e. it will depend on really what's going on withthat pathway. but methyl, you're always safe with methylfolate and methyl b12. kelly: allison, you have something to say? allison: no. kelly: okay, all right, how about any sidscase in unvaccinated kids? any way to get autopsy reports data and proveit was a vaccine injury. [2:19:43]toni: i haven't heard of sids in unvaccinated. i'm sure it's going to happen.

i mean, other things can cause -- just likerhogam. maybe the child got rhogam and got mercury. but sids typically was associated with thedpt. there was a huge case in the late '70s whichreally was the impetus for the vaccine court. no, it is very hard to get an autopsy reportthat says the vaccine caused the sids. i don't know that you're going to see that. one, there is a lot of pressure on the pathologist,one, to not say that. two, they'd have to be able to prove thatthat's what it was and i don't know how you can prove that.

kelly: does dr. delgado, you have a way? nick: i did an extensive review of a deathof a child from sids and it opened up a whole area when i reviewed the medical journal lancetand several others. what you have to do is take a look at -- theytook animals and they took regurgitated milk that was from formulas and it ended up intheir lung tissue and it caused death, and they found the babies that had died from sidsand in high incidence – this is something that we all have to start paying attentionto is the issue that dairy product itself or the formulas, instead of breast milk. but these formulas regurgitate and then thebaby dies in the middle of the sleep, their

sleep cycle because this harmful reactionto the body of regurgitation of a harmful form protein that causes the death. now, people didn't realize that formulas couldcause sids or sudden death syndrome. so you really have to understand the immunesystem and realize that foreign proteins whether they come from meat, dairy products, fromvaccines, we're taking in tremendous amounts of these foreign proteins and food compatibilityand allergies. this is a science that's pretty well-developedbut pretty much ignored in most cases. yet, it's the core of many disease problemsand you can see the introduction of microbes from whether it be meat or chicken and evencutting boards and vegetarians where they're

eating vegetarian food but the cutting board,meat was used, they're going to have contaminants and they're going to develop salmonella outbreaksand all kinds of harmful disease outbreaks and in some cases, death. so you really have to clean your environmentup of these byproducts and recognize that we're really talking of more global pictureof how does immune system work at its best. and once you understand that, you're goingto be much more protected overall from disease and pathogens. we have more bacteria in the human body thanwe have human cells. but it's the harmful microbes that are introducedthrough foreign proteins and animal byproducts

that makes it even worse. and that's what a lot of these vaccines have. they have foreign proteins that makes it veryharmful. kelly: what about when you combine that withmold exposure? nick: i've been looking under a microscopefor 40 years of people's blood and you see things, microbes, i can see spirochetes inlyme patients. you can see fungal forms. you can see exposures mold. you can test for it in igg and various formsof testing.

so you can really form a full spectrum ofwhat's safest for you and your environment and what's unsafe. and really, this is the beginning of -- healthstarts personally with each individual and learn how to build up your health and identifythese neurotoxins and chemicals and molds and so forth. and the body will protect itself in a muchbetter fashion. but if you have leaky gut syndrome and childrenwith autism are given gluten or dairy or wheat and that little thin cell lining that protectsthe gut from the microbes, it just flushes in and then these children have very, veryproblematic problems.

mental illness and disease, you go back asfar as the work by dr. carl pfeiffer. this is very clear if you read mental illnessand nutrition. this textbook stuff is well-found. yes, i was informed that the hpv vaccine injuriesalmost always occur in kids with molds susceptible genotypes per dr. ritchie shoemaker in hisbook surviving molds, for anybody that's dealing with mold. are there statistics about percentages ofautism in vaccinated versus non-vaccinated populations? wouldn't we love that?

is there non-vaccinated populations? larry: i have something to say about thatand then you guys may have something, too. so, in my facebook community which has – ihave 5,000 friends and then a couple of thousand more followers. and then i have a facebook group and a facebookpage. so, i bring that to your attention becausei've read a lot of commentary, a whole lot. like hundreds of parents have said, many hundredsof parents have said that they have an unvaccinated child and a vaccinated child. and across the board, the vaccinated childhas a lot of health issues.

maybe a little bit slower, has processingdisorder, might be autistic, might be on the spectrum, different kinds of problems. and the unvaccinated child, especially forthose parents who are following an organic diet, really whole foods and everything, thatchild is exceling. never gets sick, never has any issues particularlyand is thriving. [2:25:17]although there's no study, what i want to do at some point in time is going to interviewthese particular parents and have a whole set of videos with these parents explainingthe differences and even showing these children so that people can get an understanding.

so, it's unofficial. it's not an official study, but it says alot when parents are telling us this information. kelly: allison? allison: yes, really quick. when they had to fight the cancer-cigaretteconnection, it was by proving that people who didn't smoke cigarettes were not dyingfrom so much cancer. that's true. now, same thing with the vaccines. my favorite line is to say unvaccinated populationshistorically and globally do not have autism.

and one of the few, few -- there's more orless of these unvaccinated populations to look at, but not only -- i grew up in an areawhich it virtually didn't exist, now it's chronic. if you look at this, there was a mormon groupof kids in texas, i believe it's in 2008 in which -- it has something to do with underagegirls then they took, they went and invaded this isolated community of mormon religiouspeople and none of the children had ever gone to doctors. they've never been vaccinated, all completelyhealthy. they took 500 children under the age of 16,got them all checked out by doctors and not

one was on the spectrum, not one. so there you have it. i mean we know it historically because itdid not exist x amount years ago. and it started with the dpt during the 1940swhich i know i don't have much time to talk but it's [2:26:53] [indiscernible]. kelly: no, we got to move on. wendy, what do you want to say? wendy: just very quickly. one of the things to also keep in mind whenyou're talking to people is that sometimes

some people hear the a word, the autism word,they shut down. but there's things that you can talk aboutlike tics, eczema, asthma, gastrointestinal issues, behavioral problems, the increaseof add, adhd. i would love to see the statistics of thatfrom the time the vaccine schedule changed. kelly: i'd like to see them all get a mercurytest. wendy: yes, and the iep. so there are things to look at that lead upto autism and being on the spectrum. so when we're talking about it, it's greatto remember that because that impact of vaccines and the almost tripling of the vaccine schedulehas resulted in a large amount of kids with

add, adhd behavioral issues. so, that is a really important thing to lookat. larry: i have a question for the doctors. vaccinating a child and what it actually doesto the immune system. my understanding, and help me if i'm misunderstandingit, is that the immune system is kind of like at this increased level that it never calmsdown. whereas you naturally did an infection, itwill rise up and then calm back down and it's done. toni: they're antagonistic.

that's the word you're looking for. i think andy said it very well when i kindof was alluding to the switch from innate immunity to acquired immunity. and just so you understand, presence of antibodiesdoes not mean you're immune. it means you've been exposed. there is something called agammaglobulinemiawhich is people born without the ability to produce antibodies. and historically, these children got childhooddiseases and then were immune to them even without the presence of antibodies.

we also know their studies where we induceantibodies between vaccination and they still get diseases in animal models and actuallyin real life. so antibodies are just really mean exposure,but i think dr. wakefield explained it eloquently which is we're shifting a lot of the energyfrom this innate immunity which is really the first momentum we have. i mean that's really the most important immunityand we're shifting the energy to go right into acquired immunity. for a period of time after each vaccination,your innate immunity is not working very well. and so, we're inducing allergies, really.

so, we're inducing allergies, the adjuvantsare – they are put there intentionally to boost the immune response. and everything you see around the time theoreticallyof that vaccine, you might develop antibodies, too. andy, did you want to add anything? [2:29:39]andy: no, except to say that so little is really known. it's just a lot of guesswork and i'll giveyou one example. there are various in which you can measureantibody immunity which as toni says, it's

not a measure of whether you are protectedfrom the disease. there's a gold standard which is called plaquereduction neutralization assay which looks at antibodies that actually neutralize thevirus. that's the only way that you could assessthe efficacy of a vaccine. but that's not the way they do it. in practice, they use a test called elisasand ria which measure the total antibody generated against the virus. so, only a proportion of that is actuallyuseful antibody. the rest may actually be harmful.

but the data represented on these other testwhich give an artifactual elevation of the efficacy of the vaccine which is utterly meaningless. brandy: i'd like to just comment on that. in a natural situation, infants and peopleas well would never encounter six to nine, four, five viruses at one time. naturally, we acquire one virus at a time. our immune system works against it. we build antibodies, potentially immunityin a natural environment. so when you're injecting the immune systemwith six to nine viruses intramuscularly,

which again bypasses the natural detox andthe natural filters of the body, i mean your body goes into overdrive and it starts fightingeverything because it doesn't know what it's doing anymore. that's where we're seeing a lot of the autoimmunedisease and all of that. now, one in 12 women now have an autoimmunedisease, and one of the things that i mentioned when i was talking was the peanut oil. peanut oil is generally regarded as safe soit's not on vaccine inserts, but it's used as a stabilizer. well, we are one of the only countries withpeanut anaphylaxis and allergies.

because the body, when you put that many viruseswith the adjuvants and the chemicals, the body's immune system goes into overdrive andit fights everything. it doesn't know peanuts from aluminum, fromthe measles virus. so it goes on overdrive and this is wherewe're getting the food allergies. and then anything introduced when the systemis in overdrive, like i have a friend with a son who's allergic to bananas, she probablyfed him bananas right after he got a round of vaccines. so this is where we're seeing these odd foodallergies that other countries that don't have the schedule we have are laughing like,"what?

allergic to bananas? what are you talking about?" this is where we're getting that. so we're overstimulating the immune in a waythat we would never encounter in a natural environment. kelly: homeopathic vaccines, do they work? can we get them? toni: there is some research to show someefficacy. the research has not been done in this country.

it's been done in india for the most part. people call me all the time, "can you signmy waiver and say you vaccinated me because you gave me a homeopathic prophylaxis?" and the answer is no. i wish i could but one reason that i couldn'tdo that is that merck knows that i don't buy their vaccines and i'm on their radar. so, no, i can't do that. but there are some studies to support thatyou have a greatly reduced reaction to a specific illness when given a homeopathic prophylaxis.

as a classically trained homeopath, i don'ttreat that way. i treat what's in front of me so i treat reactions. but there are people who do it and i've workedon some legal cases in australia. in australia, they have philosophical exemptionand many people do actually use homeopathic prophylaxis as their vaccination and theywrite that down and that's on their documentation. so different parts of the world work differentlyand a lot has to do with the political climates. kelly: where do we need to move to be safe? brandy: france. france accepts homeopathic prophylaxis forvaccines.

andy: not australia. toni: not australia. australia is changing quickly. ecuador, i think. kelly: all right, so we're getting ready towrap up. i know everybody is getting itchy but i wantto get all these questions in. it's important. i know this was mentioned earlier but i'mgoing to repeat it. a woman wants you to comment on the rogainegiven to pregnant women who have rh-negative

and rh-positive conflict with the father. she was forced to have it and was told thatthey would put me in the hospital to have a blood transfusion in utero if i didn't getthe vaccine. he couldn't tell me what was in it. also, she didn't know that they gave her onea hepatitis b vaccine on day one. she said he got the vaccine and he screamedall night long. being a single mother, i always told it wasme, i was always blamed that i was an aggressive parent. my son had hallucinations.

it's been hard. what do you say to this, dr. delgado, aboutthis? i know you've mentioned it before but maybewe could quickly just… [2:34:34]nick: mayer eisenstein who passed on just last year was personally mentored by robertmendelsohn. and robert mendelsohn, i spoke to in 1987at a pasadena conference. you really need to read the book how to raisea healthy child. it's still the definitive book by robert mendelsohn. you need to read dissent in medicine: ninedoctors speak out and you'll learn about some

of the truths about homeopathic, about otherapproaches, the dangers of vaccinations. we've known about this for a long time. but as the big pharma picks up steam, they'regoing to push real hard. i mean, like i told you, 37 years ago whenmy son was born, there was a little bit of pressure but fortunately i found a pediatricianthat supported breastfeeding and non-vaccination. i took all my children to him until he passedabout five or so years ago. and then i found another great doctor, jerrykartzinel. his clients are ridiculed about their positionsthey take. you are right, this panel is amazing peopleand i hope everyone gives them a hand for

their courage. when you're going up against a community thatpurports to give you science, when i hear the obscene comments by penn & teller comicstelling you that that's how you should handle this situation and just ignore these doctorsthat are talking against vaccinations and not giving you one shred of scientific evidence,that's like nazism. that's like talking out of craziness. so, if it was me and 30 years ago, i was facedwith this, i didn't know. i read the textbooks and i thought, oh, whatdoesn't seem to be a vaccine and it has something to do with rh and positive, and i read extensivelyat that moment and i made a quick decision.

i said, okay, we're being pressured to dothis. there's a risk, and if the baby is born, theremight be some problems. but as it was, the risk turned into disasterwith my son who, as i said, has been institutionalized now and literally has lived a life of notwhat i would call a quality life in any way, shape or form. so you really have to be careful with anythinginjected in your body. you have to understand what are the ingredients. and when they withhold the actual ingredientsof something. things like the flu virus, they've reintroducedthe mercury, slipped it back in and yet they

tell you that it's not there, i can't believethat we as adults in this society that i was believed is the country of free speech thatwe're all at risk. i've had three of my doctor friends pass recently. i knew them very well. two of which were very, very healthy people. so i'm very concerned for this society, butit's really up to you and all of us to spread the word and share this media output and helpthese people because we're up against potentially a losing battle. but you know, sometimes it's that one voice,that gandhi voice that just steps up goes,

"hey, i've had enough of this." kelly: i was told that eli lilly continueswith thimerosal and the vaccines after 22 people died and so many dangers were documentedand they wanted to know how they continue to be able to do that. but i think we all know. toni: okay, so one thing i want to tell youand give you like a weapon. just like that doctor who said, "oh, aluminum,it's in breast milk, it can't be a problem." so what they like to say about the mercuryin vaccines that it's ethyl mercury, it's methyl, and ethyl is safe and methyl is not.

well, they can turn into each other. inorganic forms of mercury can go into organicforms. ethyl can go into methyl depending on thebacterial environment. and there is numerous researches showing thatethyl in the presence of methyl is toxic. so, that is a bunch of bs and so you needto know that. don't let them make you think like you didn'tknow what you were talking about. because that's one of the things they talkabout. the other thing is aluminum being in breastmilk and that it's safe because there is more in breast milk than in vaccine and that youeat aluminum in aluminum foil foods and things

like that. but don't let them make you think that youknow the difference from injection to ingesting. and the other one is the formaldehyde. our bodies produce formaldehyde, yes, it'strue. there's naturally occurring formaldehyde inwood, in our bodies and all kinds of things but the amounts injected, it is considereda carcinogen and it is a volatile organic compound that is carcinogenic. the amounts we produce are very small. when it's injected into a closed system isa very different story.

so don't let anybody give you the run-aroundbecause those are their talking points. [2:39:52]kelly: we want to talk about zika. what about the zika virus? toni: oh, zika virus. okay, i've been on this because i tweet andi'm on twitter with lots of different around the country and doing medical management. the white paper written by the brazilian physiciansassociation says that -- at the time they wrote it three weeks ago, four out of the4200 cases of microcephaly were positive for zika.

a week ago, 17 out of 4200 or 5000 cases werepositive for zika. and what they're saying is that it is thelarvicide that was introduced into their drinking ironically enough to reduce mosquito population. kelly: i just want to say thank you to allof our panelists. they are rock stars of what they do. i think they've all been using media and managementand getting the word out through all of their websites.

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