ppt about herbal medicine

ppt about herbal medicine
ppt about herbal medicine

the wellness industry is continuing to grow a lot of the reasons why it is is because of people we call the baby boomers those people born between 1946 in 1964 you know there's over 10,000 people a day turning 65 a lot of people are looking to you know keep their health and keep their longevity lived longer they're involved in anti-aging

stayin in shape and then we've got young people who are waking up to the the notion that they don't want to try and get well when they're 65 they wanna be at their very best become the best version of themselves at age of you know 20 and 25 and 30 can be athletes and then and those seeking peak performance and so tonight

want to share a little bit about the great shift in the wellness industry that it currently is happening we're excited to be part of it you're in the right place at the right time we know that the health industry is huge two-thirds of north americans take supplements imagine that almost two or three people you see on

the street are taking some form of supplement and the global sales of health supplements is expected to increase in a huge way here by 2020 that's just three years from now and many of you knew no one of the wealthiest men in the world alibaba's jack ma he said hey anybody was going to do better than me it would

be somebody who would be in the healthcare industry because he sees that as the next big huge boom area and it's interesting because i was reviewing a study recently done in the harvard business review and it was shocking to me they began to study what was going to happen in the next 20 years so 2015 to 2035 what's going to happen what's the

major businesses what's the major industries that are going to emerge in the next 20 years and oddly enough this popped out chinese herbal medicine traditional chinese medicine over the next 20 years is going to see a surge it's interesting because some of you have met dee she's a friend of ours and one of our business partners

and she said you know she was working for some major banks and a major company how will reveal the name of the company 2 billion dollar company that was doing research for banks and different companies that were paying millions of dollars to get inside up teacher i where the marketplace was going into the future and again traditional chinese

medicine showed out so there is no question over the next 20 years we're going to see a huge rise in traditional chinese man distant and tonight we want to introduce you to a company that is positioned in a phenomenal place in the traditional chinese medicine space it's called infinitus health it's based out of asia

this is our new head office that is currently being constructed it's magnificent building the architecture is you know just astonishing and infinitus health has been around now for about 25 years and the whole goal with infinitus health was to share the secrets of traditional chinese medicine with the world they wanted to take all the ancient formula some of them dating back

to over 2,500 years and more some router over 5,000 years old imagine that formulations that have been passed from emperor to son to to bother to down through the centuries these formulations have been passed out as as sacred texts to too many people why because these formulations work they've found ways to nature to keep the body well and so

infinitus the mission here is to bring the ancient secrets of traditional chinese medicine at pcm use these formulas and what i love about infinitus they use the sacred extraction methods that have been used for centuries as well to really excited to bring this to the world and when you see the company and what they done over the last 25

years its prettiest a amazing here 1992 infinitus was established in 1994 they launched the health tonic i'll tell you a little bit more about in a few minute and the bottle sold between 1994 and 2014 20 years if you lined up the bottles they would circle the equator four times to make the 2.5 billion bottles of the amazing 2005 they built

the new production based in ground down as completed it's about 40 soccer fields big ok cost them almost half a billion dollars to construct it and in 2014 they built their new production base this one is 70 soccer fields big that would cost them just about a quarter of a billion dollars for the initial phase they still have more work to do in 2015 they co-founded the

cambridge infinitus research center in the uk at the university of cambridge in england and then 2016 they co-founded the lee kum kee shung center for health and happiness at harvard university so they are tightened into all kinds of universities and and labs all over the world to work on these formulations and it's kind of like the

best of the east meeting the west and they have a few different offices i'm just gonna bring up two of the ones outside of china one is the global headquarters is the infinitus plaza in hong kong the other is the head office in china and guangdong that's the infinitus center and of course i have already shared with you the new

infinitus head office which is going to be in place and of course that the company is doing insentive trips over there right now many people are going to be able to see that these buildings as a completed so this is infinitus and what they're doing is they're bringing world-class technology they're bringing these ancient formulas into you know our

new world and the first question that i had when i look at infinitus was hey are these products clean it's coming out of asia, a lot of the ingredients are coming out of china is it ok and i looked at the source quality control and infinitus actually takes care of everything right from the farm to your hand the rigorous testing of iso

22000 25-28 just one of the products they produce has over 2576 test on that products before that bottle hit your hand and so what's amazing i began to look at some of their farms because they owned many of the farms and the fields and the the manufacturing facilities obviously the bottling plant but even began to understand that even

the fertilizer they use a specific fertilizer for all their products so that every result they can control the the end result they ensure the quality and the advocacy of the raw materials and so they've got the plantation basis and they keep track of all the production stages are the various products pretty amazing stop and of

course we talk about east meeting west in research and development and the infinitus r&d strengths is truly impeccable they've got a infinitus r&d center they've got a scientific advisory board we've got six technical pro platforms that got the cambridge university the chinese herbal immunity research center

hong kong traditional chinese medicine research center and it goes on of all the organizations that are tied in with and they're also all iso qualified as far as all their systems they are good manufacturing processes at gmp fapas which means it's been tested for having metals and they beat or exceed any of the canadian the us standard global

quality assurance has been passed by the swiss group sgs truly truly are cleaning products and that was my main concern is that if they're coming out to chinese or any heavy metals are their any molds, contaminants, or pesticides no is the answer these are squeaky clean now because of all the research we've been doing they've been getting some

global recognition just recently they received this is of i mean talk about a week ago two weeks ago they just received the award world number one brand in herbal products now i started when i saw that i started going through my mind i mean gosh how many herbal products you know that are in the marketplace

i know there's some organs i'm not going to name any named but i know of herbal brands that have been around for half a century and yet infinitus 25 years old is already world number one brand in herbal products they're the world's top five in direct selling and had to just getting started currently number 5 throughout the

mission right now to take these ancient formulation and share them with everybody in the world and become top direct selling company in the world part of their partnerships come with the mit the cambridge university in uk as we mentioned the cnrs university in paris diderot and the lee kum kee center for health and happiness at at the harvard

you know amazing partnerships a lot of research has gone into their products and some of the products have been recognized by some of the what we would call kind of like the oscars of the grammy awards and that is one our tea but i'll talk more about we are within a second it's called dried tangerine peel pu'er tea

received the silver award from monde selection that is like the best of the best product competing with companies all over the world and they won the award as well scientific american and science magazine have been talking about two decades ago infinitus started researching something called polysaccharides these are long chain sugars not

not the sugar like that you would put on in your coffee but polysaccharide and they found that it didn't hit they the polysaccharides enhance the immune system and they extracted with a very unique technology to form what they call compound polysaccharide which makes them more than four times more powerful and scientific american mentioned the

significance of polysaccharide to our health in the future so let's look at a couple of these products number-one talk about pu'er tea this tea is raised in very clean and controlled areas it's fermented for 10 years what did it do what is it good for well i can tell you this it's great to have

after-meal it helps to reduce the blood lipid your cholesterol or the fat in your blood it is system digestion you know especially if you had a heavy meal or after your run it's a great time to take this it functions as a very strong antioxidant that helps the balance through your

blood sugar and the blood pressure in the body helps to calm and relax when you drink it and it's best to sit quietly and just sit on this a sip on this tea and it really does do something in the system and i was funny because it was talking to some people in the vancouver they said rob we have had people and they if they're overweight a

lot of times to begin even losing weight and drinking his tea second product i want to mention to you is the one i mentioned that had 2576 tests done before this bottle hit your hand it stimulates the immune function is called premium nutrient for better help it stimulates your immune function to prevent infectious disease it supports

healthy liver function cleansing the liver helps to control blood glucose or sugar levels helps to reduce inflammation when it's doing is helping the chi moved through the body getting rid of those spots where the chi or that energy of life is blocked up its functions as a system enhancer sure for all the body's organs think

about that that's what we call zang fu it's repairing regenerating the organs of the body and third product i want to share with you is the royal lingzhi this is ganoderma lucidum at its finest it's a mushroom combination that they put together that stimulates the immune system to prevent infectious disease and to prevent tumor metastasis and helps to

reduce hypertension we call high blood pressure helps to prevent reduce atherosclerosis stimulates the function of probiotics and helps to prevent obesity and all you have to do is go on the pubmed.gov that pubmed.gov gov and you type in lingzhi or ganoderma lucidum you begin to see some of the studies i can't even speak

of them they are so profound what this product would be used for that we can't associate with those claims but you'll see them yourself and so what's happening right now 20 years over the next 20 years we're going to be going all over the world we're going to we started in asia right now the company is opening five market that

is taiwan singapore malaysia hong kong and china they've already become number one in china now they want to be number one in the world they're starting in north america and launching to the rest of the world so it's going to go from north america to the world and it's your starting as we speak now let me give you an idea of what's

happened over the last 15 years the company has grown over a hundred and forty times that's almost 10 times per year to think about if you had a thousand and it became 10,000 and then the next year 10,000 100,000 and then hundred thousand becomes a million a million becomes 10 million you know what i mean hundred and forty

times in the last 15 years and it's getting ready to break records what i love about infinitus is they want to share the global revenue day they're looking for partners we have a an affiliate reward program where we can share in the mission with them of taking the benefits the rewards the healing power of traditional chinese medicine

and bring it to the world and as we do we can make i you know put our our families in the way of affluence and abundance and they want to share those global sales with you easy to get started with infinitus what we suggest and this is the main way people get involved is to start with the three main products we have just described

the pu'er tea, the royal lingzhi plus, and the premium nutrients for better health as well as a lifetime membership to the company for a $199.00 dollars canadian that's approximately $160.00 dollars u.s. hundred $155 us and so you get the idea here you can get yourself set up with traditional chinese medicine in these formulations are great for

everyone small children adults seniors we even had people giving it to the dogs cats and horses so these formulations can be used without harm and they are great for stimulating the immune system getting rid of inflammation and really begin to transform your health now we do have other products but tonight we just wanted to give you an idea of some of

the ways that you can partner with us so tonight we want to invite you to get back to the person who put you on the call and we want to invite you to partner with us to take these ancient formulas to the world let's make an impact on the world you know it's not just about what we can get it's about what we can give and i'm

already seen this the few short months that we've been involved here just getting ready to launch infinitus people's lives are being transformed people health is changing because of these products and this is just the beginning and so i want to invite you to get back to the person who put you on the call tonight

get your questions answered and let's enjoy this exciting experiences we get ready to take infinitus across north america and then around the world this is rob wishing you much success and good fortune in the journey thank you very much for being with us tonight we look forward to being back together again real soon

until then have yourself a great day all the very best bye bye for now.

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