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perkembangan herbal medicine di indonesia
perkembangan herbal medicine di indonesia

please present your open mindwhile watching this video. where was atlantis? if plato knows, then he will tell! after thousands of years,so many of us still search for the answer tothe mystery of atlantis. from time to time, archaeologistsand historians locate evidence. there have been many locationsproposed for the location of atlantis. ever since the first recorded history ofatlantis, written by the greek philosopher plato over 2,300 years ago, debate has raged as towhether or not atlantis ever really existed.

the existence of atlantis is supported bythe fact that it is described in great details by plato. in additions, various conditions,events and goods unknown to plato are also described indetailed and lengthy words. plato himself assertsthat it is a real story. the first suggested linkagebetween atlantis and indonesia came from theleading theosophist, cw leadbeater, and thelieutenant-governor of british java, thomas stamford raffles, in the 19th century.

one of the first researchersto atlantis there, in the mid 1990s, is the americanpolymath william lauritzen. the concept of sundaland atlantiswas given a huge boost by the publication of the late brazilianprofessor arysio nunes dos santos’ book “atlantis: the lost continent finally found”in 2005. the prehistoric flooding of thesundaland region is covered extensively by a paediatrician and geneticist,stephen oppenheimer in 1998. the atlantology of sundalandhypothesis is also flanked by the studies of thegeologist and geophysicist,

robert m schoch together withrobert aquinas mcnally in 2003. other proponents of thesundaland atlantis are zia abbas, sunil prasannan anddanny hilman natawidjaja. the recent knowledge of late glacial andpostglacial sea level rise and land subsidence that occurred almostprecisely at the time described by plato also becomes strong evidenceto the truth of the story. plato describes the atlantis frompoint of views of geography, climate, plain layout, city layout,river and channel hydraulics, produces, social structure, customs,mythology and its destruction in details

including their dimensionsand orientations. these become the subjects of dhani irwanto to hypothesize that the lost city ofatlantis is in java sea, as written in a book“atlantis: the lost city is in java sea”, published in april 2015. the works include over 5-year research andanalysis of textbooks, papers, internet sites and digital datacollected by the author as well as some site observations. the author has made a serious effortto match plato’s narrative

with his chosen location for atlantis,namely off the southern coast of the island of kalimantan in the java sea. he also uses his professional expertiseto analyse plato’s many references to the waterways of the atlantiscapital and its extensive plain. he commendably draws attentionto the remarkable water transportation and irrigationsystem in central kalimantan. he found a lot more detailedconverging evidence, summarized in a 60-bullet checklist ofagreements between plato’s atlantis and sundaland/java sea localization,as proofs that his theory

is the most complete and probableuntil today. atlantis in the java sea a scientific effort to match plato’snarrative location for atlantis the story of atlantis comes tous from the socratic dialogues, “timaeus” and “critias”, writtenby plato in about 360 bc. there are four people in a meetingwho had met the previous day in which socrates wants timaeus,hermocrates and critias to tell him stories about an ideal state. the first is critias, who talks about hisgreat grandfather’s meeting with solon,

one of the seven sages, an athenianpoet and a famous lawgiver. solon had been to egypt where prieststalked about the story of atlantis which was inscribed on a stelain their temple. solon, while wrote his poem, enquired intothe meaning and knowledge of the names which had been translated into egyptian;when copying them out again translated them into greek. thus, the names in the solon’s storywere borrowed from the greek myth for the athenian people to understand. plato describes the atlantis, toldas a “real story”, was a powerful

and advanced kingdom thatdevastated,in a night and a day, around 9,600 bc or about 11,600 years ago,then later sank into the sea. it was protected by the god poseidon,who made his son atlas greater king and namesake of the land atlantis. as the atlanteans grew powerful,their ethics declined. at the end, by way of divine punishment,its capital city and island were beset by an earthquake anda flood, and later sank into a sea. plato asserts that atlantis was located, “ata distant point in the atlantic ocean”. what we call now by the name of “atlanticocean” is not the same as that of the ancients.

herodotus, aristotle, plato, straboand several other ancient authors are very specific on the fact thatthe “atlantic ocean” was the whole of the coterminous“earth-encircling ocean”, which we now arbitrarily divide intopacific, indian and atlantic oceans. the phrase “at a distantpoint in the atlantic ocean” implies that atlantis wasfar away in the ocean in what we know today the easternindian ocean or the pacific ocean. plato is alleged to haveembodied the “athens” as part of the story of atlantis toshow their greatest and noblest action.

the story is to be an illustration ofhow the ideal state conducts itself in warfare against its neighbors,and has to be read against the background of “the republic”,another plato’s seminal work. the allegation of embodiment is supportedby the expressions as follows. the state of atlantis is located at adistant point in the atlantic ocean, by itself put the city of the athensat a distant location as well since both regions were close togetheras told in the story. the atlantis and the “athens” werebordered by the stelae of heracles which among others were placed ina strait called the strait of heracles.

the city of atlantis waswithin the strait of heracles, meaning that the city of the “athens”was outside of the strait and the sea. these geographic descriptions are notcompatible to the existence of atlantis around the mediterranean. the statements that the “athens” whichformerly had a vast and fertile land, at the time of solon had sunk all around andall that remains were small rocky parts, and only a few trees growing andconsists almost entirely of bare land so that rain water flows only juston it and then lost to the sea, do not describe the conditions ofthe city of athen at the time of solon.

the statement that the city of the“athens” had been established a thousand years before egyptis also incompatible. if plato knows the location of atlantis,which was bordering with the “athens”, he would surely mention the exactgeographical location from his knowledge. a vast southeastern part of theasian continental shelf was exposed during the last glacial period,geologically named as the sundaland. the last glacial period,or popularly known as the ice age, was the most recent glacial periodwithin the current ice age occurring during the last years ofthe pleistocene geological era,

from approximately 110,000to 12,000 years ago. the sundaland included the malay peninsulaon the asian mainland, as well as the large islands ofkalimantan, java, and sumatra and their surrounding islands. the sea level at the time of atlantis,about 11,600 years ago, was approximately 60 meters belowthe present-day sea level. the plato’s expression that“atlantis was the way to other islands, and from there might pass to the oppositecontinent which encompasses the true ocean” precisely points to sundaland.

traveling further from there, one mayreach some islands like nusatenggara, sulawesi, maluku, mindanao and luzon,and may pass the opposite continent, that was the large “sahul continent”combining australia, papua and the land connecting them. “the land of atlantis is largerthan libya and asia minor” also precisely affirms its size. the expression that “the regionon the side of the ocean was said to be very lofty and precipitous” furtherconfirms the sundaland location of atlantis. the expression “inside a strait and in asea encircled by a boundless continent”

confirms its capital location. it is said that atlantis had “sun in theabove”, “benefit of the annual rainfall”, “abundance of water”, “excellently attemperedclimate” and “summer and winter seasons”. these are strongly characterizea tropical climate. “summer” and “winter” refer tothe “dry” and “wet” seasons, which were non existencewords in the ancient greece. atlantis had “full of rich earth”, “abundanceof wood”, “cultivation by true farmers”, “noble nature”, “best soil in the world”,“abundance of animals”, “coconuts”, “spice products” and “twoharvests each year”.

these are the true natural characteristicsof the region in sundaland. the abundance of food and woodwas needed to sustain more than twenty million population, tocreate more than a million soldiers and to build more than two hundredships, which was not possible in the other parts of theworld during the era. the other significant thing, atlantis isa maritime and riverine civilization. this is also a truecharacteristic of the region. atlantis had abundance of minerals: gold,silver, copper, tin and “orichalcum”. these are also true naturalcharacteristics of the region.

what is “orichalcum”? “orichalcum” was unknown to greek,being more precious in those days than anything except gold and “flashed”with the “red light”, or “like fire”. the author identified “orichalcum”as the zircon as they have the same characteristicsas the descriptions. the zircon products are reallyvaluable second to gold; they have gemstone quality andare popular as diamond simulant. zircon can be processed tobring out different colors, the red one is known as the “hyacinth”.

when finished, its nature is sparklinglike diamond that metals do not possess, which why plato describes it with the words“flashed” and “light”, in particular. no known metal shines and flashedwith the red color, or like fire, thus “orichalcum” in not a metal. the expression that it was “dug out ofthe earth in many parts of the land” is true as it is abundant in the regionof kalimantan. plato describes that there was “a levelplain, smooth and even, descended towards the sea”, “surrounded by mountains celebratedfor their number, size and beauty”, “looked towards the south andsheltered from the north”

and “with wealthy villages of countryfolk, rivers, lakes, and meadows”. there was a plain near the capital cityof atlantis matching the characteristics of the region in southern kalimantanin which a part is now submerged under the java sea. the plain has slopes mostly less than1% declining southward to the java sea and no visible mound on the whole plain. it is open on the south and sheltered bythe muller-schwaner and meratus mountains at the north, mostly covered by primaryforest, inhabited by enormous kinds of animals and as the home oftens of native dayak tribes.

it has high rainfall and warmtemperature over the year, many large rivers and tributariesso that it is very fertile and rich of food and dailynecessity resources. plato explains that the plain was“rectangular and oblong in shape, 3,000 stadia or about 555 kilometers longand 2,000 stadia or about 370 kilometers wide”. the shape of the plain in the region ofsouthern kalimantan and the adjacent java sea is rectangular at the southand oblong at the north, almost exactly 555 kilometers longand 370 kilometers wide. concerning the waterways on theplain, plato describes that

“the perimeter canal was 100feet or about 30 meters deep, 1 stadium or about 185 meters wide, 10,000stadia or about 1,850 kilometers long, carried round the whole plain,received streams from the mountains, winding around the plain, meeting atthe city and let off into the sea.” “the inland canals were straight,100 feet or about 30 meters wide, 100 stadia or about 18.5 kilometersintervals, let off into the perimeter canal and as means for transportingwood and products in ships.” there were waterways on the plain matchingthe characteristics of the region. flooding and sedimentation ofthe rivers on a very flat plain

over the past 11,600 yearshave changed their regimes. interchanges of flows and ordersamong them might also occur. however, in general view their straightnessand elongation are preserved until today, that are parallel to each otherand in the north-south direction. the rivers of barito,kapuas-murung, kahayan and sebangau found in the region areidentified as those canals. they are originated from themuller-schwaner and meratus mountains. these rivers are about 600 to 800 meterswide and 8 meters deep in average. calculating the conveying capacity,that is the area ã— the velocity,

and assuming the same flow velocity becauseof the same gravitational energy slope, the cross section area of the flow,that is the width ã— the depth, as described by plato is about185 ã— 30 = 5,550 square meters. while the area today isamazingly almost precise, 700 in average ã— 8 = 5,600 square meters. the average distance of these riversis approximately 20 kilometers, also considered in close agreement tothe figure of 18.5 kilometers by plato. considering the windingness ofthe rivers encircling the plain, their length is almost precisely the same,that is 1,850 kilometers.

most of the rivers in southernkalimantan are navigable. these rivers and all their tributariesare a network of transportation system, become very important means for the peopleand has been the economic lifeblood because most of their economic activitiesare carried out through and in the rivers since the ancient time. various types of forest, miningand agricultural products are transported to collection pointsor ports through the river network. plato mentions that “there were transversepassages cut from one inland canal into another” and “the irrigationstreams tapping from the canals

supplied water to the landin summer (or dry season) but rainfall in the winter (or rainyseason) yielding two crops in a year”. looking at the maps we can see numerousexisting transverse passages in the region, some of them were built orrehabilitated in recent times. the passage is known locally as “anjir”,a canal linking two rivers as part of the transportation network. today’s practices of tidal swampirrigation system in southern kalimantan is traditionally known as the “anjir system”where primary canals called “anjir” or “antasan” were constructedconnecting two tidal rivers,

also used as navigation purposes. inland canals were built to irrigate anddrain the fields from and to the “anjir”: secondary canals called “handil” or “tatah”and tertiary canals called “saka”. during low tides, the canalsdrain the toxic water while during high tides fresh water entersthe canals and conveyed to the fields. the system yields two rice crops in a year. all these facts are completelyconsistent with the plato’s expressions. plato describes that “the capital islandwhere there was a city with a citadel and rings of water was in a real sea inside astrait surrounded by a boundless continent.”

the boundless continent is the sundalandattached to the asian continent, and the only sea surrounded by it inthose days was the ancient java sea, suggesting that the capital island andcity are located in the java sea. the statement that “the island was locatednear the plain and all the canals met at the city and drained into the sea”,suggesting that the island is located south of the plain,in a place now under the java sea. the phrase “for which reason the sea inthose parts is impassable and impenetrable, because there is a reef of mud, or clay,in the way” confirms the location. coral reef is scarce in the mediterraneanso that the greeks and the egyptians

did not own the term, then plato wroteit as “a reef of mud, or clay”. coral reefs grow best in warm, shallow, clear,sunny and agitated waters, and on hard, underwater surfaces, thus constitutethe ideal conditions for the java sea. it is confirmed further by the phrase“caused by the subsidence of the island”, as the growth of the coral reefwas caused by the sea level rise during the last glacial period. the site is identified by the sailorsas gosong gia or annie florence reef, a coral reef described as smallin extent and dries at low water. the city of atlantis was an islandwith a small hill at its center.

it had rings of water and a passagefrom the sea to the inner ring. they used brass, tin and “orichalcum” tocover the outer walls of their cities. poseidon’s temple at the centerhad a barbaric appearance and the roof interior was made of ivory. the later docks had triremesand many naval supplies. bawean island off in the java sea is aprototype of the island of atlantis as it has the same environment, geologicalformation and tectonic processes, as well as they are closely situated. bawean and atlantis islands areboth located on a geological arc

identified by the geologists as bawean arc. it is described that “they had springs,one of cold and another of hot water”. there are several hot and coldsprings in the bawean island resulted from the tectonicactivities in the region. the descriptions “the stones were quarriedfrom the center island and the zones, with white, black and red colors” and“they hollowed out double docks, having roofs formed out of thenative rock” are also noticeable. the stones are apparently similar to theigneous rock deposited in the bawean island having the acidic white, alkalineblack-grey and ferro-oxide red rocks.

this igneous rock is hard and stronghaving enough natural strength to stand as roofs of thehollowed out double docks. what does “the stelae ofheracles” really mean? the egyptian priest told solon about theterritorial boundary between atlantis and its opponent as “which are byyou called the syelae of heracles” to describe a state entrance or boundarymarkers which were situated in a strait. the words “by you” could mean thatthe markers were commonly known by the athenian but not necessarily whatthey referred to, or in other words “like the stelae of heracles”.

as mentioned before, the atlanteanboundary is not compatible with the mediterranean region. moreover, solon borrows greekmythological terms in the story. classical greek writersfrequently refer to the stelae without being in anyway specificregarding their location. the poet pindar wouldappear to have treated the boundary markers as ametaphor for the limit of established greek geographical knowledge,a boundary that was never static. the stelae were, in earlier times,identified with the strait of sicily,

but from the time oferastosthenes, circa 250 bc, the metaphor was moved to referto the strait of gibraltar, reflecting the expansion ofthe greek maritime knowledge. the author hypothesizes that the stelae aremonuments built at places on state entrances or boundary line and could be anywhereat certain places along the boundary. the monument is locally known as “tugu”,which has been the tradition in indonesia until now to mark the boundaryor entrances of a region. the monuments are often decorated withfaces of the god kala, which are ubiquitous in java and bali.

it will be discussed later that the godkala is analogous with the greek heracles. plato mentions that “the war was said tohave taken place between those who dwelt outside the stelae of heraclesand all who dwelt within them.” possibilities of the bordering markersresembling the stelae of heracles are as shown on this image. the kingdom of atlantis wasfounded by a god named poseidon, borrowed from the greek myth. the land was divided into tenportions given to his children. there was a holy temple dedicatedto poseidon and his wife, cleito

in the center of the citadel. poseidon is one of the twelve olympian deitiesof the pantheon in the greek mythology. his main domain is the ocean, so thathe is called the “god of the sea”, who rides on sea creaturesthat resemble horses. in the earliest works of theancient greek literature, poseidon is more widely known than zeusand was regarded as the supreme god, as mentioned in linear b tablets fromthe pre-olympians greek bronze age. homer in the “iliad” calls him as theprotector of the hellenic cities. poseidon is analogous to nethunein the etruscan civilization,

around the 1st century bc, which isalso called the “god of the sea”. in latin language, the name was transformedinto neptune in the roman mythology. neptune is depicted as a godwho drive sea creatures resembling dragon-tailed horses andarmed with a trident, like poseidon. this shows the stronginfluence of greek mythology. plato explains that the ten kings weresaid to have the absolute control of the citizens, by the enforcementof the law regulated by the commands of poseidon which had handed it down. the greek poseidon is analogous to god barunaor waruna in the nusantara archipelago

which given the title of the “water god”,the ruler of the seas and oceans. in pre-dharmic mythology, barunawas considered as the supreme god against the others and the firstlaw founder of the world. baruna is depicted as ridinga sea monster called makara, in which on the front resembling abeast, with large teeth and tusks, and on the back in the form of a giantdragon’s tail, occasionally legged. in indian mythology, the makara is describedas an inland creature in the front half, such as deer, crocodile or elephant, andan aquatic creature in the back half, such as fish or seal, or occasionallypeacock’s tail or flower.

of these things, the author concludesthat poseidon and baruna are analogous, evidenced that both of them arethe gods of the seas or oceans, became the first law founders, constitutedthe supreme gods in the early time, and drive mythological sea creatures. besides some other names, kalimantanbore the name of warunapura, means the land of the god baruna. the old javanese chronicle “nagarakretagama”mentions an ancient state that was within the majapahitspheres of influence called “barunã©â€, later identified as “barunai”,a kingdom of the modern brunei.

european sources further in the 16thcentury showed the name of the island as “burnã©â€ by antonio pigafettaor “bornei” by duarte barbosa. chinese chronicles in the song andming dynasties showed the name “boni”. the dutch and british colonialsnamed the island as “borneo”. this is another conclusionthat kalimantan, or borneo, which was once the island of the god baruna,is analogous to the island of poseidon, and related to the existenceof atlantis in the region. plato mentions that “the war wassaid to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the stelae ofheracles and all who dwelt within them.”

heracles is a name borrowedfrom the greek mythology. heracles, or romanized as hercules,is the son of the affair zeus had with the mortal woman alcmene. zeus seduced and made love to alcmeneafter disguising himself as her husband, amphitryon, the king of thebes. zeus swore that the next sonborn of the perseid house should become ruler of greece, but bya trick of zeus’s jealous wife, hera, another child, the sickly eurystheus,was born first and became king. when heracles grew up, he hadto serve him and also suffer

the vengeful persecution of hera. besides these hera induced frenzies,heracles was a very brutal character. in spite of those, heracles is adivine hero in the greek mythology. he is the greatest of the greek heroes,a paragon of strength and masculinity, the ancestor of royal clanswho claimed to be heracleidae and a champion of the olympianorder against chthonic monsters. the greek heracles is analogous to godkala in the nusantara archipelago. kala is a god of the underworld in theancient javanese and balinese mythology. kala is also named thecreator of light and earth,

as well as the god of destructionwho devours unlucky people. in the mythology, he causes eclipsesby trying to eat the sun or the moon. according to the javanese legend,kala is the son of guru. guru has a very beautiful wife named uma. one day guru, in a fit of uncontrolledlust, forced himself on uma. they had sexual intercourse ontop of his andini, a divine cow. this behavior was ashamed uma who thencursed guru but guru cursed back uma so she appeared as afearsome and ugly ogre. this fierce form of uma is also knownin javanese mythology as durgha.

from this relationship, kala wasborn with the appearance of an ogre. kala is described as having aninsatiable appetite and being very rude. he was sent by the dewa to earth topunish humans for their evil habits. however, kala was interested only indevouring humans to satisfy his appetite. alarmed, the dewa thenrecalled kala from the earth. he later became ruler of the underworld. the analogy of kala and heracles is thateach of them is the son of a supreme god, either guru or zeus. their births were outrageous; kala was bornfrom an uncontrolled lust of guru on uma

while heracles was from aseduction of zeus on alcmene. they are having insatiable appetites andbeing very rude, brutal, and violent in their whole lives. from the ancient until present day,the faces of kala are often found at temple entrances, boundary monuments,welcome monuments, gates, doorway, niches, furniture, wall hangings andtraditional musical instruments; ubiquitous in java and bali. similar figures are alsofound at the dayak houses. as previously discussed, the boundarymonuments decorated with the kala faces

are analogous to the stelae of heracles. apart from those, zeus,the father or heracles, and guru, the father of kala,are also analogous. both of them were thenappointed to the supreme gods replacing either poseidon or baruna. note also the analogy and phoneticsimilarities between the names, kala and kleos (from hera-kleos) andalkaios (the first name of heracles), guru and zeu (the nickname of zeus),uma with alkmene, and durgha with hera. as well as menhirs, stonetables, and stone statues,

austronesian megalithic culture innusantara features an earth and stone step pyramid structure, referredto as “punden berundak”. “punden berundak” is regardedas one of the characteristics of the original culture of the archipelago. these structures have been found and spreadthroughout nusantara as far as polynesia. gunung padang is the biggest and theoldest megalithic site in southeast asia dated circa 23,000 bc or older. the sukuh and cetho temples in centraljava, where the dates are still debated, show the austronesian indigenouselements of step pyramids

that somewhat resemblemesoamerican pyramids. the huge borobudur temple is thelargest buddhist temple in the world, which allegedly built onthe previous step pyramid. the construction of stone pyramidswas based on the native belief that mountains and other high places arethe abode of the spirits of the ancestors, or the most ideal pilgrimageplaces to worship them. they feel the need for pilgrimages,in addition to worship, to ask for help in solvingthe everyday life problems. in the development, they gave architecturaldecorations on the pyramids,

which varies according totheir cultures and beliefs. the shape of the structures thengradually transformed into temples. as said by plato, the temple ofposeidon was built in the center island which was a hill, encircledby rings of waters. to reach the temple from theinnermost ring of water, steps on the hill slopewere definitely required. this could mean that the temple is featuringan earth-and-stone step pyramid structure, characterizesthe original culture of nusantara that is referred to as “punden berundak”.

the temple was also the placeto worship their ancestors. plato describes that in everyfive or six years alternately, the kings of atlantis gathered todiscuss and make arrangements, topped off with plentyof “bulls” sacrifice. common people generally couldnot distinguish between “bull” and “water buffalo”. plato does not recognize “water buffalo”but beast resembling the “bull” because the animals were not found in theancient greece and its surroundings. water buffalo, also called asianbuffalo or asiatic buffalo,

is a large bovine native to southeastasia and the indian subcontinent. water buffalo is one of the animals ofgreatest economic and religious value used as a sacrificial victim insoutheast asia, indian sub-continent and southern china. in these monsoon regions of asia, buffalosare offered in sacrifice to divinities or divine spirits, as the carrierof dead souls to the world beyond or of zoomorphic symbol of the ancestors. a characteristic of southeast asianhouses is the forked horn on the roof, which is considered to bea symbol of the buffalo,

regarded throughout the region as alink between heaven and this world. plato mentions that there were“fruits having a hard rind, affording drinks, meats and ointments”in atlantis. those fruits are no other than coconuts. coconut has a long and respected historyamong cultures in the regions of southeast asia, south asia and the pacific. dna analysis reveals that coconuts werefirst cultivated in island southeast asia, meaning the philippines, malaysia andindonesia, and perhaps the continent as well. coconuts were introduced to the indianocean a couple of thousand years ago

by ancient austronesiansestablishing trade routes connecting southeast asia to madagascarand coastal east africa. coconut genetics also preserve arecord of prehistoric trade routes and of the colonization of the americas. plato mentions that there were“fruits which spoil with keeping, with which we console ourselvesafter dinner” in atlantis. this could be a traditionalfermented food eaten as a dessert, locally known as “tape” or “tapai”. “tape” or “tapai” is indigenous andpopular throughout southeast asia.

it is a sweet or sour alcoholic pasteand can be used directly as a food or in traditional recipes. “tapai” can be made from avariety of carbohydrate sources, but typically from cassava,white rice or glutinous rice. fermentation is performedby a variety of moulds by inoculating a carbohydrate sourcewith the required microorganisms in a starter culture, locallyknown as “ragi”. “tapai” is also used to make alcoholicbeverages locally known as “arak” or “brem”. plato mentions that “there wereroots, or herbage, or woods,

or essences which distilfrom fruit and flower.” this could be the herbal medicinemade from natural materials, locally known as “jamu”, or mixtures ofspices or seasoning, known as “bumbu”. “there was ‘fruit’ which admits ofcultivation, both the dry sort, which is given us for nourishmentand any other which we use for food – we call them all bythe common name ‘grain’.” this could be the paddy or rice, whichis the staple food of the region. “there were chestnuts and the like,which furnish pleasure and amusement.” this could be coffee, whichgrows well in this region.

it is described that “there were a greatnumber of elephants in atlantis.” two of the four sub species of asian elephantsare found in indonesia and malaysia. the sumatran elephant is foundon the island of sumatra, and the kalimantan elephanton the island of kalimantan. the now extinct javan elephantthose once inhabited java are identical to the kalimantan elephant. plato also mentions that “there wasprovision for all other sorts of animals, both for those which live in lakes andmarshes and rivers, and also for those which live in mountains and onplains, so there was for the animal

which is the largest andmost voracious of all.” large species such as tiger, rhinoceros,orangutan, elephant and leopard exist in the region, which are amongalmost a thousand mammal species inhabiting this region. besides those, there are almosta thousand of bird species and more than a thousand of fish species. these things strengthen thesundaland hypothesis of atlantis. plato mentioned that the island ofatlantis was beset by an earthquake and a flood, and later sank into the sea.

in some other his explanations, it is impliedthat the flood was coming from the sea, so the possibility is a tsunami. plato did not recognize “tsunami”so he equated it to “flood”. earthquakes and tsunamisare very often correlated. the banda arc, a west facing horse-shoeshaped arc in eastern indonesia situated west of papua and in theeasternmost extension of the sunda subduction zone system, definesthe locus of three converging and colliding major plates, theindo-australian, the pacific, and the eurasian plates, and reveals acharacteristic bowl-shaped geometry.

the banda sea encircled by the bandaarc occupies the main portion of the banda sea plate. frequent and significant earthquakes,tsunamis and volcano eruptions took place in one of this mostcomplex tectonic region on earth. the largest earthquakes in theworld since 1900 show that the earthquake in banda sea onfebruary 1st, 1938 is among them. another at least 10 occurrences oflarge earthquakes in this region between 17th and 20thcenturies are also known. the world’s deadliest tsunamisfrom 1650 bc to 2010 ad show that

3 occurrences of deadliest tsunamisin the region are among them: in 1674, 1899 and 1992. mount tambora eruption in 1815 was the largestvolcanic eruption in recorded history, caused global climate anomaliesthat included the phenomenon known as “volcanic winter”. tsunami are known for their dramaticrun-up heights, can also be excited or amplified in height considerablyin shallow waters and on flat plains, and can oscillate back andforth within harbors and bays. the recorded run-up of the 1674 ad bandasea tsunami was 80 to 100 meters high.

we could speculate that thedestruction of atlantis was among others caused bya tsunami in this region. due to the tsunami wavestraveling in shallow water, that was the ancient java sea, andpenetrated inland on a very flat plain. the sea water rise was probably alsocontributed the occurrence of earthquakes and tsunamis due to rapid increase ofwater burden on the banda sea plate. the ancient java seawas forming a gulf, which could cause the wave became muchhigher and prolonged, and destructive. in overall, the author hascollected 60 converging evidence

to conclude that atlantis is matchedto the characteristics of sundaland, as well as its capital city is mostlikely located in the java sea. 1. at a distant point in the “atlantic ocean”(ancient greek understanding) 2. larger than “libya” and “asia” (asia minor)combined (ancient greek understanding) 3. the way to other islands 4. might pass to oppositecontinent encompasses true ocean 5. the landscape of the whole country,at the region on the side of the ocean, was very lofty and precipitous 6. a small hill and a vast level plainnear the sea, accessible by ships,

vessels and boats from the sea; waterwayson the plain discharge to the sea 7. beyond bordering monuments, the (ancient)greek called the "stelae of “heracles” 8. in front of a strait 9. a sea surrounded by a boundlesscontinent, the other is a real ocean 10. some islands in the sea 11. two-season climate – “summer”(dry) and “winter” (wet) 12. hot and cold springs available 13. abundant of water benefitof the annual rainfall 14. excellently attempered climate

15. fertile, best soil foragriculture and farming 16. vast diversity of flora and fauna 17. elephant, horse, “bull” and dolphin 18. abundant of food to sustain acivilization and to create an army (about 20 million people) 19. advanced civilization in the era 20. earthquakes and “floods” from the sea (tsunami) 21. sunken ceaselessly (post-glacial sea level rise) 22. the sea at the atlantis capital “is now”(solon’s time) impassable and impenetrable because

of a “reef of clay” (coral reef), caused by“subsidence” of the island (sea level rise) 23. the “atlantis city”is now under the sea 24. two harvests each year, in“winter” fed by rains and in “summer” 25. roots, herbage, woods and essencesdistilled from “fruit” and flower 26. cultivated “fruit”, dried, fornourishment and any other, used for food – common name “grain” 27. “fruits” having a hard rind,affording drinks and meats and ointments 28. chestnuts and the like, whichfurnish pleasure and amusement 29. “fruits” which spoil withkeeping, consoled after dinner

30. wondrous and in infinite abundance 31. immediately about and surroundingthe city was a level plain 32. the plain: surrounded by mountainswhich descended towards the sea 33. the plain: smooth and even 34. the plain: general shapewas rectangular and oblong 35. the plain: extending in onedirection 3,000 stadia (â± 555 km), across the center inland2,000 stadia (â±370 km) 36. the plain: looked towards thesouth, sheltered from the north 37. the plain: surrounded by mountainscelebrated their number, size and beauty,

there were many wealthyvillages of country folk 38. the plain: rivers, lakes andmeadows – abundant food supply for every animal, wild or tame 39. the plain: plenty of wood ofvarious sorts – abundant for each and every kind of work 40. the perimeter ditch: incredible insize, unexpected that they were artificial 41. the perimeter ditch: 100 ft (â±30 m)deep, 1 stadium (â±185 m) wide, 10,000 stadia (â±1,850 km) long 42. the perimeter ditch: receivedstreams from the mountains

43. inland canals were straight,about 100 ft (â±30 m) wide, 100 stadia (â±18.5 km) intervals andlet off into the perimeter ditch 44. transverse passages were cutfrom one inland canal into another 45. the inland canals and transversepassages were means for transporting wood and products in ships 46. irrigation streamstapping from the canals 47. irrigation streams suppliedwater to the land in “summer” (dry) but rainfall in the “winter” (rainy)yielding two crops in a year 48. “brass”/“bronze” (copper, tin and zinc)

49. tin 50. “orichalcum”, more preciousmineral than anything except gold, flashing, red color, abundant resources 51. gold 52. silver 53. white, black and red stones 54. hollowed out rock for double docks 55. “poseidon” (sea or water god,law founder, driving sea creatures, supreme god in earlier time)

56. “heracles” (son of asupreme god, outrageous birth, has insatiable appetites and beingvery rude, brutal and violent) 57. “bull” (water buffalo) sacrifice 58. temple or pyramid 59. maritime activities 60. transportation by waterways visit our website at

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