youtube herbal medicine

youtube herbal medicine
youtube herbal medicine

what is your name? my name is ashish malik and i have come from delhi to take the medicine of my grandfather. he was hospitalized in batra hospital for three months. dr sareen told us that he is suffering from hepatitis b, chronic liver cirrhosis and it can’t be cured. we can only overcome complication in 6 months to 2 years. one of our relative named lalit informed me that he took medication of same disease from vaidya madan gulati of planet ayurveda . i approached him with a hope so that my grandfather can survive. my grandfather has undergone medical test from dr lal path lab, in which his viral load was 83 lakhs iu/ml. then we started treatment from here. as the treatment advances he started taking food.

his diet intake increases from 1 chapatti to 6 chapattis. even he stops us accompanying him to toilet and started going to park. lft started functioning properly. sgot and sgpt also reduced to the normal. it was hard to believe that viral load was lowered to just 86 iu/ml. we are thankful to vaidya madan gulati. this treatment has built our trust on ayurveda medication. can you name some medicine prescribed by dr madan gulati? phyllanthus niruri capsules, yakrit plihantak churna, echinacea capsules and punarnava mandoor i love my grandfather and vaidya madan gulati is a “god” for us.

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