uses of herbal medicine ppt

uses of herbal medicine ppt
uses of herbal medicine ppt

everybody gets cold. treating them isn't alwaysyummy, but i can show you a way that will work really well. i'm lauren roy from sugarhollow farm in phillipston, mass. if you feel a cold coming on, that's the best time tostart taking care of it. when you get that little feeling and you think you're gettinga cold, you're getting a cold. the first thing you want to do is boost your body's immunesystem. you can do that with garlic. garlic is the strongest antibacterial, antifungalthat has ever been created. you're going to take a couple of cloves of garlic and putthem in your teacup and steep them for ten minutes. to that, you're going to add thejuice of one lemon, as well as two tablespoons of honey, which also have antibacterial andantifungal properties. it also helps mask

the taste of the garlic. but nobody said everything'sgoing to taste good. if you're getting that chill you can add some ginger to it becauseginger has natural heating abilities. put that all in your cup and let it steep fora good ten minutes and drink it down. you're going to have to repeat this a couple of timesduring the day, and you're going to have to drink the whole thing, you can add as muchhoney as you want to mask the taste of the garlic, but the garlic is very have your antibacterial properties, you have your antifungal properties, your vitaminc, you can add something like chamomile tea and catnip tea if you're having trouble do this at the very beginning of a cold and it will shorten the duration of the cold.i'm lauren roy at sugar hollow form in phillipston,


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