traditional herbal medicine research methods pdf

traditional herbal medicine research methods pdf
traditional herbal medicine research methods pdf

hi, i'm dr. rick argall, co-founder with mywife, dr. france carpentier, of phi naturals. today's topic is a hot button. we're goingto be talking about hydrolyzed collagen and wrinkles. the utilization of collagen to support thehealing and the decrease of wrinkles is very common, and it is becoming more and more popular.most of its origins occurred in asia, in places like taiwan, south korea, malaysia, japanetc. it also became popular in europe. now finally, and over the last ten years, it hasbecome quite popular in the united states. now there are tons and tons of anecdotal storiesabout successes with collagen that deal with wrinkles. that deal with more lustrous hair,increase thickness of hair, stronger nails,

thicker skin, suppleness, elasticity's nice when we have studies that actually confirm everything that women have been talkingabout online, in magazines, and on youtube, in places like amazon with companies thatsell collagen products. there are tons and tons of anecdotal stories. i'm going to be using little index cards heretoday, to make sure that the information i'm giving you is exactly per the results of agreat study that was done in 2014, which is less than a year and a half ago. actuallywith the high tech instrumentation that exists today to measure results, the support forthese anecdotal studies is actually phenomenal. there were six well-known researchers in thisfield who did a study with 114 women, aged

between 45 and 65. they divided them intotwo groups of 57. they gave the women in one group 2.5 grams of hydrolyzed collagen. inthe other group, they received 2.5 grams of a completely different substance. they didmeasurements on the women before they started the study; measurements at four weeks; andmeasurements at eight weeks. it was an eight-week study. they also did measurements four weekslater. they started the study, and before startingthey had a number of results. the skin wrinkles were actually measured beforehand. these werealso measured at four weeks and eight weeks, and four weeks after treatment. they did biopsieson the skin. in these biopsies, they measured the levels of collagen type 1. they measuredthe elastin and they measured the [fibroin]

fibers to see what types of changes occurred. the results were that a significant reductionof eye wrinkle volume was noticed for a total of 20% within eight weeks. a positive long-lastingeffect was also noticed four weeks later. additionally, after the eight weeks, theyfound that collagen type 1, known as procollagen type 1, showed a 65% statistically significantincrease in the dermal layer, the skin layer. they found an 18% increase of elastin, whichis also statistically significant. the fibroin showed a 7% increase, which is not consideredstatistically significant. basically, these collagen peptides have beenshown to promote the suppleness and elasticity of aging skin and the decrease of wrinkles.this what the authors concluded. i'm going

to read it word for word. "our findings demonstrate that the oral consumptionof specific bioactive collagen peptides reduced skin wrinkles and had positive effects ondermal matrix synthesis." dermal matrix basically means the skin matrix, what it's made up of.on a previous video, i described all the changes that occurred within that matrix. our product is called collagen complete. thisstudy was done with 2.5 grams of collagen. our daily dose is 10 grams of collagen, fourtime that amount. plus we have the clinical levels of chondroitin at 1500 milligrams,the clinical levels of glucosamine at 1200 milligrams, 25 milligrams of hyaluronic acidcompared to most products that have 4 and

5 milligrams. we have 70-plus trace mineralsin there, which helps with silica and the like. we have enzymes and vitamin c. all of these nutrients are added to help healthe body but also to support your body's ability to integrate the collagen and build new collagen. thanks for watching my video. if you'd liketo see more like this from my wife, dr. france carpentier and me, you can click on our imageto visit our blog and click the button to subscribe to the youtube channel. also, feelfree to leave a comment and check out some of our other videos on this channel. we'dlove to hear from you. thanks, again, for watching.

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