traditional herbal medicine journal

traditional herbal medicine journal
traditional herbal medicine journal

you may have heard suggestions likeusing meditation deep breathing brainwave entrainmentvisualization and several other exercises to harness your brainspotential and promote mental clarity but did you know that diet plays animportant role in how well your brain works what you eat influences your cognitivefunctioning in fact the herbs and spices in your kitchen spice rack can be veryhelpful in enhancing your memory and brain power oh

one turmeric adding turmeric to your food can helpkeep your brain sharp turmeric contains a chemical called curcumin that reducesplaques in the brain that are linked to alzheimer's disease it also slows the progression ofalzheimer's disease due to its potent antioxidant properties curcumin also improves memory and has anantidepressant effect moreover a recent study in indiaindicates that this active ingredient also protects against alcohol inducedbrain damage

- time time is great for supporting brainhealth studies have revealed that the volatile oils in this serve increase thelevels of omega-3 fatty acids particularly dokis az noak acid dha inthe brain omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial forthe brain because they protect against age-related cognitive decline ordementia they also improve learning and memory plus dha ensures proper functioning anddevelopment of the brain cells time also contains flavonoids that increase itsantioxidant capacity

three oregano oregano is highly effective andneutralizing free radicals due to its high concentration of antioxidants a study published in the british journalof nutrition found that taking an extract from oregano leaves can helpenhance mental well-being and regulate mood the study demonstrated that thecompounds in the serb inhibit the reuptake and degradation of monoamineneurotransmitters which are involved in modulating your mood anxiety cognitionsleep and appetite us already

oregano can help greece anxiety and improve learningunder concentration apart from including this spice andcooking you can use oregano essential oil as aromatherapy to relieve stressand calm your nerves for rosemary due to its antioxidant andanti-inflammatory properties rosemary helps fight off free radicaldamage in the brain carn asik acid a phytochemical present in this herb isparticularly good for protecting the brain from a stroke andneurodegenerative conditions like

alzheimer's disease it also stimulates nerve growth factorsynthesis thereby reversing nerve cell damage in addition it improves brainfunctioning by increasing circulation in the brain five sage sage is excellent for better brainfunctioning and boosting memory recall it also contains car nasik acid thatstops stops free radical

edge in the brain plus it increases the production of theanti-aging antioxidant glutathione which is used to treat a number ofneurological disorders including alzheimer's autism and others furthermore the compounds present inthis herb prevent the breakdown of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholinethat is involved in memory and learning extracts of stage with terpenoidconstituents have been shown to improve cognitive function so to boost yourbrain power add more sage to your soups stews andsalad dressings or simply drinks ht

six black pepper black pepper and other plants in thepiper ac family contain a pungent compound called the rain that increasesdata and orphans in the brain and boosts cognitive function data and orphans haveneurotransmitter qualities that improve your mood and promote feelings ofrelaxation this active compound also inhibits anenzyme that breaks down serotonin and thus it is believed to be helpful in thetreatment of mood disorders plus researchers believe that black peppercan help prevent and treat parkinson's disease as well because picarenainhibits an enzyme that the grade stop

mine seven cinnamon cinnamon a study published in olive alzheimer's disease has shown thatcinnamon contains compounds that can help ward off alzheimer's disease these compounds cinnamaldehyde anddefecate a kind inhibit the aggregation of tell proteins tau proteins play animportant role in stabilizing micro tubules when they become defective anddo not perform this function properly

it leads to dementia such as alzheimer'sdisease according to a study by the usdepartment of agriculture the compounds in cinnamon extract can help preventbrain cells from swelling thereby reducing complications related totraumatic brain injury and stroke the swelling off and contributes to furtherneuronal injury furthermore furthermore cinema eliza's into sodium benzoate thataccording to researchers at the rush university medical school in chicago haspositive effects on brain function .

thus taking cinnamon can protect againsta number of age-related neurological disorders simply smelling this wonderfulspice also improves cognitive function aight nutmeg nutmeg nutmeg can help keep your brain sharpand boost brain activity due to its compound called marissen it improvesmemory and also inhibits an enzyme that contributes to alzheimer's disease nutmeg reduces stress and fatigue tonutmeg oil also will promote mental clarity and relieve stress

this spice however should be used inmoderation that is about a pinch or two of freshlyground nutmeg in a day or it may lead to nausea vomiting strong euphoriapalpitation and hallucinations not nine close of cloves this air this works as a mental stimulant anddecreases oxidative stress because of its antioxidant properties

plus it contains female compounds thathelp remove toxins and support cellular health also clove oil can be used asaromatherapy to stimulate the brain and make you more attentive and energeticthe oil blends well with other oils like peppermint rosemary basil lavender andorange oil it has been found that clove oil canalso reverse learning on memory deficits another added benefit is that 10 10 holy bay salt

holy basil holy basil is considered a powerful ofdue to its numerous medicinal properties the essential oil derived from the serbcontains canfor you jenelle they're all and a number of terpenes andflavonoids animal studies indicate that themethanol extracts from holy basil can be useful in reducing brain damage due todecreased cerebral circulation moreover being an adaptogen that helpsthe body respond better to stress it aids in stress relief by reducing theproduction of stress hormones you can also use basil oil asaromatherapy to enhance memory and


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