the classic of herbal medicine pdf

the classic of herbal medicine pdf
the classic of herbal medicine pdf

how do we the source the plant material for actual use in the nursery and thatdepends on the plant and and how it grows. so i would say sixty to seventy percent maybe even higher. it might be ashigh as 80 percent is seed grown and then reason for that.yeah, genetic diversity. we're aiming to not createclones of a lot of things necessarily.

you know unless we findsomething that's specifically super attractive or useful. we want the diversity within within theplants to come out. so you'll get color variation in theflowers. you might get color variation in the foliage or even in the bracks. not just this plant specifically. i'm just using it because it happens to be right behind me. like you see this one has a purple and this one does not. that's what happens with seed variability and sometimesyou get something really strikingly

different that way. perhaps even a better berry or ornamental or you get a plant with a bigger root. there's any kind of number things thatcould happen in which case then you might want totake cuttings or root divisions which probably accounts for another 10 - 15 percent of the nursery production. that would be clonal production but we also do clonal production whereas we take as many cuttings from asmany different plants as possible to

mimic diversity to get a diverse selection and woodland phloxwould be a classic example because it's very variable in color. you'll have white ones, blue ones, pink ones in various shades and so we takecuttings from all those different forms and we end up with something that looks like it was produced by seed and seed collection on some otherswoodland plants can be difficult. the seed production is limited. germination is

erratic and so it's actually just easierto produce them via cuttings and then there's division. yeah and division's done usually for a similar reason but this is a classic division plantbecause it tends be somewhat stoleniferous andspreading so you can use chop one of these and get like 4, 5, 6 plants out of one pot but these are seed grown. this plant was planted from seed, grown from seed and with so, within the genum orwithin the genetic

make up of this plant, there arecolor forms for it: white or pink and sometimes youcan get even really very pink ones and you also get foliagedifferences to. some of them the foliage is very blue and some of it's more of a green. so there's a lot of variation within plants and some of themare even... you know, this is usually two-tone. it's either white or pink. you can get some plants to have a muchstronger variation within the plant in terms a flower colorbut you also get

different height variations can get tolerances to drought in some cases. there's all kinds of geneticpotential locked up in all plants. and do you know what one of the main ones is? this is what i've noticed. one of the main genetic variations is flower time. within even a singlepopulation of a species, you will noticethat they bloom. there will be earlier bloomingones and later blooming ones.

that is the strategy to handle changing environmental factors thatmight prevent the earlier bloomers from setting seed or vice versa the laterbloomers from setting seed. in other words, they're covering all their bets. firepink is a good example of that actually now that i think about it because fire pink is alittle red flower the blooms in may... some populations but then there are some populations thatbloom in june and there are some populations bloom in july.

this is allegheny pachysandra and that's the native pachysandra. there is actually an american one andwhile asian pachysandras usually root, produce through root divisions because it's a fast spreader. this tends to form a clump so you can'treally do, well you can do root division on it but the results are minimal. so you can do cuttings on these and sobasically i've severed this from the parent plant. i've removed almost all the leaves. onsome plants i'll remove even more and maybe

i'm you know, basically just cutting them offand then setting them in a sterile medium of peat andperlite under mist. this will come on periodically to keep the leaves moist and in some cases i've not only removed the leaves, i've cut the remaining leaves in half and the whole idea is toreduce the evaporation or the expiration of the plant fromfrom water loss through the leaves. so

anyway we produce a number of plantsthis way.

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