systematic review herbal medicine pdf

systematic review herbal medicine pdf
systematic review herbal medicine pdf

>>alex: hey guys, i’m here, let’s get technical. recently, i participated in a rowing summercamp at my local rowing club, and, as with most new sports, i got extremly sore. so, pop quiz, if you participate in rowing,where you must row, in a boat with paddles with other people who are also rowing, youknow what part of your body gets sore? your legs! no, i’m not kidding, fun fact, the majorityof rowing is in the legs. so, after walking around like a stick fora week because my legs were so sore i couldn’t bend them to walk, i decided to ask myself,how can i never feel like this again?

and after searching around, i found a coupletricks to reduce soreness, and one magical thing you can do, to make sure soreness goaway. [music] to find out how to stop being sore, firstwe have to understand what being sore really is. the scientific term for “being sore” isdelayed onset muscle soreness or doms. >>annoying girl: dude from technicality, i’ve heard ofthis thing. doesn’t lactic acid build up in your musclesmaking them feel weird and sore and make you only want to watch difficult people all day?

>>alex: uhh, yea, i think that last one is just you. here’s a misconception: soreness, or doms,is caused by lactic acid build up. it is not. lactic acid can be cleared out of musclesas quickly as 10-15 minutes or, at the very latest, and hour or two after a workout. what actually causes doms is something thathappens in your z-disk. what are those? let me explain. and, ya know what, let’s bring back trollclone from episode 22.

we’ll see if we can break this down justlike we did in that episode. hey man! >>troll clone: hey! >>alex: so, when you’re doing some of those hardcore pullups, >>troll clone: ahhhhhh >>alex: what exactly in your body allows you to dothat? >>troll clone: my guns, of course. >>alex: yea, your muscles give you power. but, what kind of muscles give you your power?

>>troll clone: uhhhhhh... i don’t know. i think i learned in 8th grade that therewere 3 kinds of muscles or something. >>alex: yea, see there ya go! stuff you do learn in 8th grade science actuallyapplies to your life today. yes, it does, shut up. like troll clone said, there are 3 types of,troll clone, you’re getting in the shot, i don’t need you any more, sit over there. there are 3 types of muscles: smooth muscles,cardiac muscles, and skeletal muscles.

smooth muscles are the muscles found in yourveins, iris, stomach, or bladder, just to name a few, your cardiac muscles, unsurprisingly, control your heart, and your skeletal muscles are the onesresponsible for powering your workout. some examples include your biceps, hamstrings,and abs, but there are many more. ok, so what’s the point? why does the fact then “when we work out,we work out our skeletal muscles” matter? well, skeletal muscles are striated. what that means is that skeletal muscles aremade out of repeating building blocks called sarcomeres.

we’re almost there: sarcomeres are madeout of a variety of things, shown here, but what holds them together? what is the beginning and end of a sacramere? a z-disk. now that we know that, let’s go back totroll clone’s hardcore workout. >>troll clone: pullup yeaaaaaaaaaa >>alex: when we’re exercising really hard, the z-diskruptures, or breaks. this is also causes a bit nerve damage, whichsets off a sequence of events that causes inflammatory fluids to rush to the muscles.

these inflammatory fluids are chock-full ofcell and calcium and others things needed to repair the tears. a matter of fact, that’s how we build muscles. during exercise, we tear ‘em, and then they’rerebuilt, better and stronger. what doesn’t kill ya makes ya, stronger,strongerrrrrr, i’m sorry. sidenote here: this, by the way, is why soremuscles might be a bit inflamed after a workout, and why, if you say, sprain an ankle, theankle gets swollen; inflammatory fluids are rushing to it to save the day. anywho, the fluid rushes in to help heal thetorn z-disks, but, on top of healing them,

they also push on those nerves i talked aboutearlier. and, because they’re pushing and disturbingthose nerves, they fire, and you feel sore. so now that we know that, how can we preventgetting sore? >>annoying girl: can’t we just get rid of those peskyinflammatory fluids? >>alex: the logical conclusion is to get rid of theinflammatory fluids, but that’s not really a good idea. if we get rid of the fluid that repairs thetears, then those tears will never repair, and that’s not good. yes, in the short term it might feel a bitbetter, but in the long run, it’s worth

it. i guess this gives a whole new meaning to“no pain, no gain,” amirite??? ami.. >>annoying girl: ok, maybe that’s not the greatest plan,but, uh, i can just google what to do, and there are tons of quick, effective fixes. yea, a simple google search can reveal a tonof zany solutions, like (clearns throat ehem) drink 3-4 cups of coffee before a workout. use ice. and heat.

and ice. (confused)eat fish oil workout and rest. at the same time! change your diet, but still eat a lota warm bath(??) a salt bath(??????) (mysterious)subscribing to technicality. hey, that’ll work as much as any of theseother ones. take a crap load of vitamins i don’t knowhow to pronounce. ibuprofen because drugs are always the answeri’m not even kidding, cuddling.

herbal benjay (low voice)cherry juice ginger ok, i get it!! yes, some people have reported these solutionsto be helpful, but i can’t find any reliable study or source for these “cures” (airquotes). they might be worth a shot, but keep in mindthere’s a strong possibility that they won’t work. >>annoying girl: yea, yea, yea, mr. pessimistic downypants. just tell us what actually works.

i need to know; i’m just about to go fora run, i finished my stretches, and... >>alex: oh, stretching? yea, nahh, that doesn’t work. a systematic review by rob herbert and michaelgabriel found the there is no correlation to stretching and feeling less sore. >>annoying girl: woah, woah, woah, slow down there son. what’s a systematic review? >>alex: oh, oh, yea, good question, uh, (whispersto computer), uh, what’s a systematic review. >>intern: syste- systematic review?

ohh, [whispers] >>alex: ahhh, ok, a systematic review is essentiallya scientific paper that summarizes and analyzes other scientific papers. so, in this systematic review, they reviewed18 articles on how stretching affects soreness. do you want to know how much it helps? you’ll never guess (cracks up, or somethingidk). they came to the conclusion, quote “stretchingbefore or after exercising does not confer protection from muscle soreness.” end quote.

so, no, it doesn’t help. by the way, the full review is here as long as you don’t over stretch, whichcan be a problem all by itself stretching can be a greatthing. it has shown to improve flexibility and reduceinjury, but it probably won’t make you less sore. ok, now that we got all of what doesn’twork out of the way, let’s get to things that’ll work. first off, let’s talk a bit about foam rolling.

a study done by all these cool people showedthat quote “foam rolling effectively reduced doms.” what is foam rolling? uh, let me try this. [fumbles around with a thing] or something. idk. foam rolling is where you, well, roll differentmuscles on foam.

kinda like i was trying to do. here’s some people foam rolling. for examples, because examples are good. this is the foam rolling song! and, i can vouch for this, sorta? we did foam rolling every morning i went rowingusing, ahh. using something like this thing. it sure didn’t elevate all soreness, buti’d say it helped. and now, for the end all cure all solutionto soreness, the thing that will alleviate all soreness from you... time!

a little anti-climatic, but let me explain. if you just want soreness to go, you haveto be the master of time. what do i mean by that? well.... first off, don’t go crazy hardcore on yourfirst work out. instead of starting off with... you should start with... and work up to the big boys. 5 pounds is hard, guys.

the days following your workout, put asideplenty of time for sleep. that is the primarily when your body repairsitself. and finally, just know that with time, ifyou stick with it, you will get better, it will get less sore. but until then, dftba, thanks for watching. explore on. troll clone ahhhh pullup hey y’all! because of popular demand, i’m going tohave a q&a sometime soon, so if you have any

questions you so desire to ask me, let meknow down in comments. oh! also, if you don’t know, you should checkout everything else, which is a second channel that i upload to sometimes, and i just recentlydid. i uploaded a curiosity box unboxing to thechannel, and jake roper of vsauce 3 commented and approved of it, so, go ahead and checkit out. real cool! uh, what else, here’s a fan, made technicalitymy little pony, so that’s cool. check out her twitter.

ooookay sub byeeeee.

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